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Weekly News from Around the World - 24-Jul-2020
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Особенности Highlights

Интервью: Президент CIA Мирко Патарини о Coupe Mondiale 2020 - Португалия
Система входа 2020 Mondiale Coupe Online - Португалия
6-ой Международный Аккордеонный фестиваль Дни в Праге 2020 - Чешская Республика
Tag Der Harmonika 2021 в Перге - Австрия
Ежегодный мастер-класс 2020 года и серия концертов Уильяма Шиммеля - Онлайн-презентация - США

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Heinrich Band: Namesake, but Not Inventor of the Bandoneon - Germany
Renzo Ruggieri Releases New Sound Track for Accordion Kids - Italy
"Let There Be Peace on Earth" World Accordion Orchesta VIII 2014 - Austria
CNIMA Training of Young Accordionists - France

Будущие события

Online 2020 Australian International Championships and Festival - Australia
Stowe Tango Music Festival Bandoneon Variation Club - USA
Alex Meixner Performs at Virtual Musikfest 2020 – USA
24th Revival Fisarmoniche – Italy
Milwaukee Irish Fest Online - USA
Marie-Andrée Joerger Duo Concerts in August – France
Advanced Accordion Weekend to be held Online, Scotland – UK

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Особенности Highlights

Интервью: Президент CIA Мирко Патарини о Coupe Mondiale 2020 - Португалия

2020 Coupe Mondiale header
2020 Coupe Mondiale posterПлакат Coupe Mondiale 2020 года. Интервью президента Международной конфедерации (CIA ) Мирко Патарини о Coupe Mondiale 2020 года.

Мероприятие будет организовано членом CIA Мито Алгарвио - Ассоциация Аккордеонистов Альгаве и пройдет с 6 по 10 октября 2020 года в Кастро Марим, Португалия, где будет предложен Приз - 20 000 евро.

Ведущие интервью - посол CIA Кевин Фридрих и вице-председатель Музыкального комитета CIA Грейсон Мэйсфилд. Посмотрите интервью об этом захватывающем предстоящем крупном событии.

Полный текст интервью будет доступен онлайн в ближайшее время.


Система входа 2020 Mondiale Coupe Online - Португалия

Header 2020 Coupe Mondiale
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo MattilaMirco Patarini, Kimmo MattilaГенеральный секретарь CIA Киммо Маттила объявляет, что теперь онлайн-система доступа Coupe Mondiale 2020 года и уже открыта для участия в 73-м Coupe Mondiale со страницами Общих правил конкурса 2020 года: 2020CM-Rules

Генеральный секретарь Киммо Маттила приглашает всех (44) членов CIA зарегистрировать делегатов на 144-м Международном конгрессе делегатов, который дважды встречаются в Кастро-Мариме.

73-й Coupe Mondiale будет принимать член CIA Мито Алгарвио – Ассоциации Аккордеонистов Алгарве во главе с президентом Жоау Перейра 6-10 октября 2020 года.

Президент CIA Мирко Патарини приглашает участников из всех стран, подать свои заявки и оценить по достоинству должностных лиц Кастро Марим и президента Жоау Перейру из Мито Алгарвио за их огромную помощь.

Фестиваль будет включать следующие категории:

• 73-й Coupe Mondiale

• Masters Coupe Mondiale

• Junior Coupe Mondiale

• Международный конкурс эстрадной музыки

• Юношеский международный конкурс эстрадной музыки

Из-за правил безопасности Covid-19, ансамблевые категории и Мировой Аккордеонный Оркестр не будут проводиться. Ниже изображена небольшая площадка с великолепной акустикой Biblioteca Castro Marim, где будут проводиться конкурсные прослушивания.

Заявки принимаются до 5 сентября 2020 года. Вся информация о приезде и размещении находится онлайн по адресу: Coupe Mondiale.
Biblioteca Castro Marim


6-ой Международный Аккордеонный фестиваль Дни в Праге 2020 - Чешская Республика

Prague banner
6-й Международный Аккордеонный фестиваль Дни в Праге 2020 пройдет с 29 октября по 1 ноября 2020 года в Пражской консерватории в Праге, Чешская Республика. Конкурс организован «Club Tours Agentur Praha» (CTA Прага) в партнерстве с Чешской Аккордеонной Ассоциацией и отделением аккордеона Пражской Консерватории.

Основная цель мероприятия - сохранить и развить традицию игры на аккордеоне в Чешской Республике, опираясь на Европейский фестиваль аккордеонных оркестров в Праге.

Концерт открытия с международным участием состоится 29 октября с 20.00 в зале Музея прикладного искусства.

Соревнования юниоров начнутся на следующий день (30 октября), после чего состоится вечерний гала-концерт с выступлениями трио Vibrafonissimo (в состав которого входит аккордеонист Ладислав Горак) и финский оркестр Сибелиуса.

В субботу, 31 октября, состоятся конкурсные прослушивания для старших и оркестров, которые завершатся концертом лауреатов в 20:30.

Ожидается, что более 250 аккордеонистов примут участие в этом мероприятии, с бесплатным посещением выступлений для слушателей

Дата окончания регистрации: 23 сентября 2020 г.

Скачать правила конкурса: 2020Prague.pdf

Для дальнейших деталей - электронная почта: cta@iol.cz


Tag Der Harmonika 2021 в Перге - Австрия

Tag der Harmonika poster
Конкурс Tag Der Harmonika 2021 будет проходить в Перге, Австрия, с 3 по 6 июня 2021 года, и будет организован HVO - Harmonica Verband Osterreichs (Ассоциация гармонистов Австрии).

Конкурс будет включать в себя категории для солистов, дуэтов, ансамблей и оркестров, а также категории эстрадной музыки, камерной музыки и народной музыки. Возрастные категории от 6 лет до 32 лет.

В этом году будет добавлена новая категория: Приз Кирилл Демиан для иностранных конкурсантов!

Правила конкурса будут доступны онлайн в начале октября 2020 года, регистрация планируется открыться в январе 2021 года.

Для деталей - электронная почта: w.weibert@kabsi.at


Ежегодный мастер-класс 2020 года и серия концертов Уильяма Шиммеля - Онлайн-презентация - США

Time Travel
William SchimmelАмериканская ассоциация аккордеонистов (AAA) представит мастер-класс 2020 года

Концертная серия с доктором William Schimmel, модератором и куратором с 31 июля по 2 августа 2020 года.

Впервые это событие будет представлено онлайн и будет состоять из 2 часовых сегментов каждый день:

1-й раздел (3 часа дня): мастер-класс - беседы / семинары

2-й раздел (16:00): концерт / спектакли.

Есть еще несколько мест, доступных для этой презентации.

Скачать листовку: 2020AAAMasterClass.pdf

Купите билеты онлайн по адресу: AAA Shopping Cart


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Heinrich Band: Namesake, but Not Inventor of the Bandoneon - Germany

Bandoneon book cover
Ulrich SchmüllingWilloughby Ann WalsheThe cradle (beginnings) of the bandoneon or those German Concertinas that were later called bandonions is situated in the town of Carlsfeld (Saxony) in the Ore Mountains (Erzgebirge).

After Carl Friedrich Uhlig (1790–1874) developed the first German Concertina in Chemnitz in 1834, it was Carl Friedrich Zimmermann (1817–1898) who started producing German Concertinas in the attic of his parents’ house in Carlsfeld around 1840, further developed them and some few years later invented an instrument that later became known and sold worldwide under the name “Bandonion.”

This is a fact about which there is no doubt in the general public as well as among experts and which has been historically proven. Until recently!

A specialist book, which has been available on the German market since May 15, 2020, states with remarkable explicitness that Krefeld merchant Heinrich Band (1821–1860) invented the bandonion and subsequently makes the city of Krefeld the instrument’s birthplace.

Under the title “Heinrich Band. Bandoneon” (subtitle: “Die Reise eines Instruments aus dem niederrheinischen Krefeld in die Welt” [The journey of an instrument from Krefeld, Lower Rhine, into the world]), it is both the “Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.” [Sponsoring Society for the Cultural Office of the Krefeld] as editor and Janine Krüger as author who propagate this in a colorful and lavishly produced book.

The book was published by Klartext Verlag, Essen, and financially opulently supported by “Sparkassen Kulturstiftung Krefeld,” [the savings bank cultural foundation] “Stadt Krefeld,” [City of Krefeld] the “Kunst Stiftung NRW” [Art Foundation North Rhine-Westphalia] and the “Kulturbüro Krefeld” [Cultural Office of Krefeld] as well as the “Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.” (the association is at the same time the editor and financial supporter itself); further backed by Klaus Kokol (Krefeld city council member, deputy Social Democratic Party of Germany parliamentary group leader, director of the legal department) and Jürgen Sauerland-Freer (former head of Krefeld’s culture department and predecessor of Dr. Gabriele König).

According to the masthead (title information), besides the editor and author is an editorial staff, which includes Prof. Gerhard Hahn (an engineer, sculptor and designer based in Krefeld), Dr. Gabriele König (head of Krefeld’s Culture Department as well as head of the city’s Culture Office) and Burkhard Ostrowski (Krefeld culture office employee).

Thus, there is a concentrated municipal energy in the background.

The fact that local patriotism and cultural enthusiasm for the city go so far that music history is “bent” in order to attract even more public attention and publicity, is not only outlandish but also reprehensible. But above all, it is completely unnecessary.

To be sure, the name “bandonion” actually derives from the Krefeld family name of Heinrich Band. But apart from the fact that this instrument name did not originate from Band himself, but from a third party, Band has demonstrably never been an instrument manufacturer, but no more and no less was one of several music dealers who bought various instruments from different manufacturers and sold them to their customers.

The relevant professional music circles stood on their heads by this snubbing presumption, especially inasmuch as the editors and local politicians not only leave it misrepresented in their book, but use all available types of media exploitation (advertising videos, launched newspaper releases, internet articles, radio reports, etc.) to pursue their historical fact suppression bluntly and widely.

It is to be hoped that this does not result in what is widespread in today’s society, namely that untruth becomes truth if it is repeated only loudly and often enough.

Heinrich Band. Bandoneon (“Förderverein für das Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld e.V.” as editor and Janine Krüger as author), in German language only. ISBN 978-3-8375-1970-9 - format 23 x 23 cm - 368 pages - four-color throughout with numerous photos and illustrations - hardcover, thread stitching - price 29.95 euros - circulation: 700 copies.

Ulrich Schmülling, July 15th 2020 (picture above)
Translation: Willoughby Ann Walshe (picture above)

Excerpt from Research by Norbert Seidel about Invention of Bandoneon in German

Article about: Willoughby Ann Walshe 80th Birthday, Kamen - Germany


Renzo Ruggieri Releases New Sound Track for Accordion Kids - Italy

Renzo RuggieriAlbum coverRenzo Ruggieri has released a sound track from Accordion Kids Catalog: rrenzo512 music (10 pieces) simple and modern compositions for standard accordion. The album includes progressive melodies that touch a variety of different musical genres from traditional waltzes, marches and tango to more modern disco, blues and swing.

The album begins with very easy melodies, offering easy and original accompaniments for the left hand.

This is an eBook, sent to you by email with no postal costs, arriving in your inbox within 24 hours. Catalog: rrenzo512
Accordion Kids


"Let There Be Peace on Earth" World Accordion Orchesta VIII 2014 - Austria

Notes by Joan C. Sommers (July 23, 2020)

Some remarks regarding the performance of the World Accordion Orchestra VIII and the performance of “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” It is bound to give all of us, throughout the world, something to cheer about after suffering the effects of the Covid-19 virus and to give us hope that before too long we will once again be back to a more normal routine in our lives.

The Coupe Mondiale of October 24th to November 3rd, 2014, sponsored by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes, was held in the beautiful Salzburg, Austria Congress Center.

The World Accordion Orchestra VIII performed as part of the final closing concert held on the large stage of the magnificent Europa Hall in the Congress Center. Werner Weibert conducted his arrangement of A Tribute to Leonard Bernstein and Jacob Noordzij conducted A Medley from The Sound of Music. A large mixed chorus then joined the orchestra of 130 members from many different countries to perform “Let There Be Peace on Earth” arranged and conducted by Joan Cochran Sommers to close the concert.

Video: Thanks to Dan Grauman for providing the video


CNIMA Training of Young Accordionists - France

CNIMA header
Directors CNIMAVideo: Futa, 10 year old student from Japan studies with Jacques Mornet, picture right with CNIMA Director Nathalie Boucheix.

The short video above gives an insight on Mr Mornet's teaching to 10 year old Futa (from Japan), who came to the CNIMA for a custom made 2 month training program to prepare for the Klingenthal accordion championships.

In addition to the training of tomorrow's great accordionists, the CNIMA welcomes accordionists of all levels and all ages.

Several training formats are available:
- Full time training (with the passing of conservatory diplomas in accelerating mode if required)
- Custom length training from a few weeks to a few months (on location or via skype)
- Workshops (on location or via skype)

The warm family like spirit and the beautiful surroundings of Auvergne, are favourable for intense studies.

Upcoming classes include Accordion technique with Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix
July 27th - August 1st 2020
August 3rd – 8th 2020

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


Будущие события

Online 2020 Australian International Championships and Festival - Australia

AATA logoTania LukicDespite Covid-19 the music continues! Because of the continued impact of Covid-19 around the world, the Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) will be running this year’s competition categories online by video submission. The competition organiser is AATA President, Tatjana Marx pictured above right.

The competitions will be adjudicated by an international jury and the rules and categories are on the AATA website.

Entry closing date is Friday 13th August 2020.


Stowe Tango Music Festival Bandoneon Variation Club - USA

Hector del CurtobandoneonA Bandoneon Variation Club with Hector Del Curto (picture left) will be held twice weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays in conjunction with the Stowe Tango Music Festival held in Vermont, USA.

The classes will begin on July 27th at 9pm (ET) and will include a 20 minute session on the variation of the standard repertoire for intermediate to advanced bandoneon players.

Videos of the class will be available along with questions and answers with Hector.

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com


Alex Meixner Performs at Virtual Musikfest 2020 – USA

Musikfest posterVideo: Alex Meixner playing Foghorn Polka in duo with Joshua Kay

The 2020 Virtual Musikfest will be held online from July 31st to August 9th, 2020 and will include 40 all new, exclusive concerts.

Alex Meixner will participate in both the recorded video portion of the 2020 virtual Musikfest and also a full band performance that will be broadcast live on August 8th on Service Electric TV from 2.30pm to 4pm.

Alex will also give a solo video performance which will be shown during the fest at a date still to be announced.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


24th Revival Fisarmoniche – Italy

24th revival poster
The 24th Revival Fisarmoniche (accordion) festival will be held in Monghidoro, Bologna, Italy on August 6th at 8.30pm.

Social distancing will be in place. See poster for details


Milwaukee Irish Fest Online - USA

Irish fest header
Caitlin Nic GabhannJohn WhelanThe Milwaukee Irish Fest, a celebration of all things Irish and Celtic will be online from August 13th to 16th with a free, four-day, live-stream program!

The festival will include a variety of performances, workshops, cooking shows, cultural shows and some special surprises! “Screaming Orphans” (Ireland – picture below) a band of 4 sisters including accordionist Marie Thérèse Diver will entertain at the event.

The festival will also include a series of online workshops from August 8th to 11th, 2020.

August 9th at 11.30am – Concertina masterclass with Caitlin Nic Gabhann (picture above left)
August 9th at 2.30pm – Accordion Masterclass with John Whelan (picture above right)
Screaming Orphans


Marie-Andrée Joerger Duo Concerts in August – France

Accordionist Marie-Andrée Joerger will perform two duo concerts in August with Vincent Dubois (organ) who is the official organist of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

The first will be held on August 16th in Vaison-la-Romaine and the 2nd will be held on August 27th as part of the Stras'orgues Festival in Strasbourg.

Their program will include works by Bach, Fauré and Galliano.

For details email: marieandree84@live.fr

Photo below: Marie-Andrée Joerger (left) & Vincent Dubois (right).
Marie-Andrée Joerger & Vincent Dubois


Advanced Accordion Weekend to be held Online, Scotland – UK

Ian LowthianDue to Covid-19 restrictions, Ian Lowthian’s Advanced Accordion Weekend will now be held online on September 19th and 20th due to the success of his recent online Gypsy Jazz and Blues weekend.

This weekend gives advanced participants the opportunity to play a bit faster, perhaps look at some advanced left hand patterns, discuss bellows techniques, the use of chords to enhance tunes etc.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


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