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‘14 Years Ago’: Bastille Day in St. Petersburg, Russia, July 14th 2001

St. Petersburg Musette EnsembleThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending July 20th 2001 included an article about a Bastille Day concert held in Russia featuring the St. Petersburg Musette Ensemble, who are renowned musicians. Bastille Day is a great excuse for accordionists to play musette music, and not just in France!

Bastille Day Celebrations, St. Petersburg – Russia

On July 14th over 500 people gathered in the Roses Pavilion of Pavlovsk Palace Park to participate in Bastille Day celebrations.

Invited guests of the General Consul of France in St. Petersburg, Aleksander Kilchevsky, included chapters of General Consulates of overseas countries in St. Petersburg, cultural figures of St. Petersburg and administrative representatives of city and public organizations.

Three hours of entertainment was provided by the St. Petersburg Musette Ensemble (Vladimir Ushakov on accordion and piano, Sergei Likhachev and Svetlana Stavitskaya on accordion, Boris Nikolaev playing bass and Victor Shafranov on drums). Their program included popular French and dance music.

They also played a composition by Michael Likhachev entitled ‘Evening in Pavlovsk’, which is so popular that it is recognized as the official melody of the ensemble.

Vladimir Ushakov has formed an agreement with the General Consul of France to implement various cultural projects by the ensemble, to increase the popularity of the accordion.
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