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Accordion Tribe Preparing for European Tour

Guy KlucevsekThe international accordion ensemble Accordion Tribe will make another tour of Europe early in 2010, and their first two dates have been confirmed, with many more to be announced. The line up is likely to be Guy Klucevsek (picture right - USA), Maria Kalaniemi (Finland), Bratko Bibic (Slovenia), and Otto Lechner (Austria). They will be without Lars Hollmer (Sweden), who died earlier this year.

February 19th - Kampnagel , Hamburg, Germany
20th - Trafo Saal, Baden, Switzerland

Formed in 1996, Accordion Tribe is an ensemble that seeks to explore the use of the accordion in different cultures and musical contexts. In addition to concert tours and recordings, the ensemble released ‘Accordion Tribe - Music Travels’, a German-language documentary film about the band. It premiered in January 2004, and in 2005 won the Swiss Film Prize for the Best Documentary, as well as the documentary film prize at the Würzburg International Filmweekend. The film features the life of the band on the road and in concert, as well as exploring each individual member in their homelands.

For further information email: pap@hoedoen.com
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