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Great Success of the 2010 ‘Accordion Art Festival’, Pineto – Italy

CMA Trophee Mondial
Vitaly DmitrievThe 4th ‘Accordion Art Festival, held in the splendid town of Pineto on June 12th and 13th, attracted a record number of competitors and visitors, and has been deemed a great success. Competitors came from China, Poland, Scotland, Lithuania, Russia, Macedonia and, of course, Italy. The festival’s concert highlight was a magnificent performance by Russia’s Vitali Dmitriev on the evening of June 12th.

In addition to accordion, there were other sections such as diatonic accordion, keyboard, piano, harmonica, guitar, vocal groups, jazz, etc. The accordion jury included Raymond Bodell, Zorika Karakutovska, Graham Laurie, Vitali Dmitriev, Claudio Azzaro, Danilo Di Paolonicola, Salvatore Cauteruccio, Antonio Spaccarotella, and Gianluca Pica. The results include:

Italia Award: Giorgio Albanese (modern accordion), Boyan Volcevski (classical accordion), Marco Pomanti (diatonic accordion), Fabio Di Cesare (classical pianoforte), Christian Corsi (electronic keyboard), Luca Tramontano (modern guitar), Alessio Torrieri (classical guitar), Valeria Villani (modern singing), Alessio Di Sante (electronic accordion), Mario D'Amario (modern composition), Alessandro Di Rocco ( jazz music), Kaunas Ensemble (group)

Results of the Italian selection for the CMA Trophée Mondial, held on June 13th, are:

Classic Senior - Luca Colantonio, Angelo Miele
Variety Junior - Pietro Roffi
Variety Senior - Giorgio Albanese, Ferdinando Ciarelli, Simone Mannarino

On June 13th the following awards were made:

Orpheus Award 2010 – dedicated to the memory of Gorni Kramer (1913-95)
Classical music
- Cesare Chiacciaretta, G.Bandini, ‘Luminosa Buenos Aires’, Concerto
- Claudio Jacomucci, Johann Sebastian Bach, Blowout Records
- Quintetto Veneto Di Fisarmoniche, ‘Estro Armonico’, Autoprodotto
Jazz Music
- Max De Aloe, ‘Aloe’, Abeat
- Germano Mazzocchetti Enemble, ‘Testasghemba’, EGEA
- Giacomo Rotatori, ‘Amisha’, Autoprodotto
- Renzo Ruggieri, ‘Collection’, APA
- Paolo Russo (Band Au Neon), ‘Il segreto’, Bro Recording
World Music
- Pasquale Coviello, ‘Ethnic jazz’, Autoprodotto
- Mario D'Amario, ‘Carnevale’, APA
- Marco Lo Russo, ‘World Music’, RAI Trade
- Cristiano Lui, ‘Buenos Aires Café’, Autoprodotto
- Denis Novato, ‘Neskoncnost’, Sazas

The Festival President Claudio Azzaro and Artistic Director Renzo Ruggieri announce that the edition of this festival will take place in Pineto during June 2011.
Accordion Art Festival
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