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Natasha Enquist Concerts, Berlin – Germany

Natasha EnquistNatasha Enquist, electro-accordionist and vocals entertainer, performs this week, as follows:
January 25th, 12 until 4pm - Hendrick's Gin Sunday Club at Stagger Lee's Cocktail Bar, Berlin
January 29th, 11pm - Chantal's House of Shame at Bassy Club, Berlin

Berlin-based Natasha Enquist, originally from Victoria, British Colombia, Canada, is an accordionist, singer, actress and model.

She is best known for her cabaret act featuring new and old love songs, but lately has focused on the style she calls "electro-accordion". Mixing electronic music with the accordion and her voice, she draws from her influences within electronic music, and other amazing artists that have inspired her and her love affair with the accordion.

Using the accordion in both traditional and non-traditional ways, Natasha implements the accordions bellows, using the sensitivity of the internal pick-ups (microphones) by capturing the sound of the air release, distorting and filtering melody and bass lines to sound like everything from a synthesizer to an electric guitar. This may not be your typical 'accordion' album, but it is using the instrument in many different ways.

Her versatile career has included performance contracts with Walt Disney World, Heineken, numerous Canadian theatre companies and music festivals.
Now residing in Berlin, Germany, she has recently completed her debut album titled “MNE”, which features 9 original tracks, 8 of which are of the ‘electro-accordion’ compositions.

For further information email: info@natashaenquist.com
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