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Volunteers Needed to Play World's Largest Accordion - UK

Giancarlo Francenella and the worlds  largest working  accordionWe are looking for accordion players or anyone who can read music and perhaps play the piano, to assist with a project by artist Ruth Ewan, who is taking part in the Triennial exhibition at Tate Britain, a gallery situated at Millbank in London. Ewan takes as her focus the history of protest and activism.

As part of 'Squeezebox Jukebox', the world's largest accordion will be shipped over from Italy and installed in the galleries at Tate Britain. The largest playable accordion in the world is 253-cm (99.6-in) tall, 190-cm (74.8-in) wide, and 85-cm (33.4-in) deep, and weighs approximately 200 kg (440 lb). The instrument, built by Giancarlo Francenella (Italy), bears the name "Castelfidardo" after the city in Italy, where it was constructed.

A selection of protest and political songs are currently being transcribed for playing on the giant accordion throughout the exhibition. This is where we need help. The accordion is to be played daily and requires two people to play it; a rota is currently being drawn up to schedule in players and we need volunteers to fill it.

A 'shift' on the rota would typically mean playing one or two songs (at a set time - tbc) and would take a commitment of around 10-15 minutes. The exhibition runs from February 2nd to April 26th 2009.

For accordion players and able music lovers alike this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience playing an unusual instrument on a gargantuan scale! Volunteers travel expenses will be covered.

For further information email: abi.spinks@tate.org.uk
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