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Weekly News from Around the World - 23-Aug-2013
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Особенности Highlights

66 международный конкурс и фестиваль «Кубок мира», Виктория – Канада
Ежедневные отчеты – вторник и среда, «Кубок мира» – Канада
Ежедневные отчеты – четверг, пятница и суббота, «Кубок мира» – Канада
Клаус Пайер (Klaus Paier): ‘Das Akkordeon Buch’ / ‘The Accordion Book’ («Аккордеонная книга»), Мюнхен – Германия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Videos On the Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports - Canada
Sir Jimmy Shand’s Music Books will reside in Dundee, Scotland – UK
‘The Best of Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham, Volume 2’ CD, Scotland – UK
‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordionists Impress in Panama in 1999
Aydr Gaynullin and Brislav Strulev, Polka Fantasty - Berlin Philharmonic
AAA 75th Anniversary Festival Report Coming Next Week - USA
Maximum Andreotti and Paul Bagnasco Perform El Toco - Italy

Будущие события

Klaus Paier Workshops
Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordeon, Quebec – Canada
Marco Lo Russo News, Latina – Italy
Joâo Gentil Concert, Figuera Da Foz - Portugal
Gillou Francony plays for dancing, Chambéry - France
Masterclass with Emanuele Rastelli/Pisogne (BR) - Italia
Mirjana Petercol News, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden - Germany
Chester AC ‘Grand Day Out’, Cheshire - UK
Accordeon Melancolique Concerts, Lautawei – Netherlands
Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra Concert, Surrey - UK
Festival de l’Accordeon Beaufortain, Beaufort - France
Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Dražan Kosoric Releases Two New Compositions
Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions

CD Отзывы

Martynas CD by Martynas Levickis

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Особенности Highlights

66 международный конкурс и фестиваль «Кубок мира», Виктория – Канада

Coupe Mondiale header

Ежедневные отчеты о конкурсе доступны на: 2013Coupe

66 международный конкурс «Кубок мира» прошел в канадском городе Виктория с понедельника 19 августа по субботу 24 августа. Ежедневные отчеты, фотографии, прямые трансляции и результаты можно посмотреть на официальном сайте конкурса www.coupemondiale.org.

66 «Кубок мира» в 2013 году принимает Аккордеонное Сообщество Британской Колумбии (BCAS) во главе с президентом Александаром Милоевичем (Aleksandar Milojevic) совместно с членом IMC-UNESCO Международной конфедерацией аккордеонистов (CIA).

В течение трех дней до начала «Кубка мира» состоялось несколько приветственных конкурсов, предваряющих начало основных состязаний. В пятницу 16 августа прошли местные конкурсы солистов, а в субботу и воскресенье состоялся международный конкурс оркестров, финал которого прошел в воскресенье вечером. В воскресенье утром в центре города Виктория состоялся аккордеонный парад. Фото, видео и репортаж об этих мероприятиях смотрите на:

Понедельник 19 августа. В понедельник утром конкурс «Кубок мира» стартовал с прослушиваний 1 тура в категории юниоров (‘Junior Coupe Mondiale’) и в ансамблевой категории. В понедельник вечером состоялось торжественное открытие конкурса с участием канадских артистов, ансамблей, хора и балета. Фото, видео и репортаж смотрите на: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2013/ca_report_19.html


Ежедневные отчеты – вторник и среда, «Кубок мира» – Канада

Coupe Mondiale header

Coupe Mondiale postersВо вторник 20 августа начались прослушивания основной категории конкурса ‘Coupe Mondiale’. Вечером состоялся концерт под названием "World Is Here" («Мир здесь») с участием Мирового Аккордеонного Оркестра (World Accordion Orchestra VII) и местных артистов. Репортаж на: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2013/ca_report_20.html

Репортаж, фото и видео выступления Мирового Аккордеонного Оркестра, с записью продолжительных оваций смотрите на:

Среда 21 августа. Прослушивания 2 тура юниоров (‘Junior Coupe Mondiale’), 2 тура основной категории (Senior Coupe Mondiale), 1 тура категории исполнителей эстрадной музыки (Senior Virtuoso Entertainment). Вечером состоялся гала-концерт мастеров джаза. Репортаж смотрите на: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2013/ca_report_21.html

Фото внизу: Мировой Аккордеонный Оркестр, дирижеры Джоан К. Соммерс (Joan C. Sommers) и Морин Ярош (Maureen Jarosh) и певец Лионель Рики (Lionel Reekie).
World Accordion Orchestra VII


Ежедневные отчеты – четверг, пятница и суббота, «Кубок мира» – Канада


Четверг 22 августа был заполнен конкурсными прослушиваниями и презентациями: юниорская категория исполнителей эстрадной музыки (‘Junior Virtuoso Entertainment’), взрослая категория исполнителей эстрадной музыки (‘Senior Entertainment’), национальный финал конкурса исполнителей на цифровых инструментах ‘Canada Roland V-Accordion Festival’ с участием победителей прошлых лет. Фото, видео, репортаж смотрите на: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2013/ca_report_22.html

Пятница 23 августа. Категория исполнителей на цифровых инструментах (‘International Digital Competition’), 2 тур юниорская категория исполнителей эстрадной музыки, а также категория солистов (‘Masters Coupe Mondiale’), 3 тур основной категории концертных исполнителей.
Фото, видео, репортаж смотрите на: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2013/ca_report_23.html

Суббота 24 августа. Генеральная Ассамблея CIA, конкурс оригинальных композиций, объявление результатов, церемония награждения и концерт победителей конкурса. Репортаж на: http://www.coupemondiale.org/2013/ca_report_24.html


Клаус Пайер (Klaus Paier): ‘Das Akkordeon Buch’ / ‘The Accordion Book’ («Аккордеонная книга»), Мюнхен – Германия

Klaus Paier books
Австрийский аккордеонист и композитор Клаус Пайер только что выпустил книгу под названием ‘Das Akkordeon Buch’ / ‘The Accordion Book’ – трехтомник об аккордеонной технике с приложением CD дисков. Издание предназначено для продвинутых исполнителей и включает в себя широкий спектр джазовых композиций и импровизаций. Книга на немецком и английском языках опубликована издательством ‘Jova-music’, Мюнхен, Германия.

Клаус Пайер изучал исполнительство на аккордеоне, джаз и композицию в консерватории г. Клагенфурт, Австрия. Его программы, композиции и записи представляют собой индивидуальный сплав многих жанров, от танго до джаза. Клаус Пайер выступал в Австрии, Германии, Швейцарии, Франции, Испании, Португалии, Италии, Нидерландах, Бельгии, Польше, Словакии, Литве, Словении, Хорватии, Венгрии, Румынии, Дании, Швеции, России, Египте, США, Канаде, Алжире, Вьетнаме, Израиле и других странах. В 2011 году он стал первым австрийским аккордеонистом, удостоившимся награды «Серебряный диск» в Москве.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: klaus.paier@aon.at


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Videos On the Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports - Canada

Coupe Mondiale posterThis week we have a lot less videos in the news this week because we have a lot of videos in the Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports. These are videos of fine young players in serious concert, entertainment and ensemble modes.

Also, the Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports have videos of many artists performing different types of music, solo and with others instruments at the 66th Coupe Mondiale. ENJOY - Daily Reports link: 2013Coupe


Sir Jimmy Shand’s Music Books will reside in Dundee, Scotland – UK

Sir Jimmy ShandSir Jimmy Shand’s private music book collection, comprising some 23 books and manuscripts, was auctioned in Edinburgh on August 21st, and were bought by the Friends of Wighton to bring them to the purpose built Wighton Heritage Centre in Dundee’s Central Library.

Sir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000), the first accordionist to be knighted, became a legend in his lifetime through his countless recordings, performances, broadcasts and many compositions.

Niall Robertson, Vice-chairman of Friends of Wighton, said “It is great news that the Jimmy Shand collection is coming to Dundee where Sir Jimmy lived and worked for so long (and isn’t so far from Auchtermuchty) and we hope to make it available to anyone who wants to study his life’s work”.

The Wighton Collection’s Honorary Librarian, Sheena Wellington, was thrilled. “I had the honour of meeting Sir Jimmy on several occasions and I am so pleased that we were able to keep his books in Scotland and in a place where they will cherished but where people can admire and consult them. Mind you, the telephone bidding was tense and at one point I tried to bid against myself!”

It is hoped that the Shand Collection will play a special part in a City of Culture project. The Friends have already received donations towards the cost of buying the Collection and have plans for fundraising events for the balance.

The Wighton Centre, in Dundee central library, is home to an internationally important collection of old Scottish music books, mostly dating from the 18th and early 19th centuries.
The collection was donated by the Dundee merchant and music collector, Andrew Wighton and has since been augmented by donations including the collected music books of Edinburgh lawyer Archie Scott, the books and manuscripts of Perthshire musician Sandy Tulloch and, recently, a gift of rare song books from Alice Palmer of Cumbria.

The Friends of Wighton organises concerts and classes in the Wighton Centre, Dundee, to help raise awareness of this wonderful resource.


‘The Best of Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham, Volume 2’ CD, Scotland – UK

‘The Best of Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham, Volume 2’ CD‘The Best of Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham, Volume 2’ is a digitally remastered compilation of tracks from this ever popular fiddle/accordion duo. Guest musicians include Jenn Butterworth (guitar), Euan Burton (bass), Ian Hardie (bass), Colin MacFarlane (dobro), Anna Massie (acoustic guitar), Stuart Nisbet (dobro), Martin O'Neil (bodhran), and Gordon Smith (drums).

Two of the most celebrated musicians on the present day Scottish traditional folk scene, Aly and Phil have worked together since 1988, and have a large and loyal following. Previously, Aly Bain was a founding member of the Boys of the Lough, and Phil was the accordionist with the band Silly Wizard.

Tracks: 18 tracks: The Music of Spey; Sunset Over Foula/Isles of Gletness/Starry Night in Shetland; La Ronfleuse Gobel/La Grande Chaine/Gallop De Malbaie; Bonnie Nancy; Major Manson's Farewell to Clachantrushal/The Shinty Referee; Cliff and Viv's Homecoming Waltz/A Waltz for Aly; A Bright Star in Cepheus; The Shores of Loch Bee/The Headlands/The Floggin' Reel; The Lake Charles Waltz; Cathkin Braes/The Feis Rois Reel/Bob McQuillen's Reel/Sophie's Dancing Feet; The Gentle Light That Wakes Me; Captain Carswell/Mrs Macdonald of Dunach; Estonian Waltz/La Vie Est Pas Donné/La Bastringue; Annalese Bain/Phil Cunningham's Reel/Andy Brown's Reel; By Dundas Loch; Seud Nan Ceud Bliadhna/Memories of Father Angus MacDonell/The Braes of Dunvegan March; Flat Water Fran; St Ninian's Isle/Da Wattle O't/John Spence of Uyeasound

For further information email: info@musicscotland.com


‘14 Years Ago’ – Accordionists Impress in Panama in 1999

Carlos BuracThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending August 20th 1999 included a report from Panama about a concert in which accordionists performed to a large crowd at a public concert to celebrate the opening of the country’s New National Stadium. It must have been quite an experience for all involved.

25,000 Attend Stadium Concert – Panama
Contributed by Carlos Burac

A concert to celebrate the opening of the New National Stadium was held recently to 25,000 people in Panama. Artists from Panama, Puerto Rico and Mexico (including Panameñian groups ‘Conjunto Plumas Negras’ and ‘Samy and Sandra Sandoval’) performed to the very excited crowd.

Conjunto Plumas Negras played their latest hit ‘Carta a un amigo’, which was dedicated to the late Victorio Vergara, founder of the group and considered the most famous accordionist in Panama. Their performance was broadcast on television to Latin America through the SUR Network (Latin America satellite group).

Samy and Sandra (accordion and vocals) played songs from their new album "Tan Panameño como el Canal" including the No1 hit ‘Amiga Prohibida’.


Aydr Gaynullin and Brislav Strulev, Polka Fantasty - Berlin Philharmonic

Published on Jul 22, 2013, titled "Bayan-Cello Revolution" Polka Fantasy with the Berlin Philharmonic


AAA 75th Anniversary Festival Report Coming Next Week - USA

Dan Grauman has provided us with a video of the AAA event in the Park for massed band. A full report is coming next week.


Maximum Andreotti and Paul Bagnasco Perform El Toco - Italy

Released 1st August 2013, Maximum Andreotti and Paul Bagnasco Perform El Toco.


Будущие события

Klaus Paier Workshops

Klaus PaierKlaus Paier Workshops
03/09/13 A Bruck an der Mur Musikschule 09.00 - 17.00
Workshop Didactic, Jazz & more

21/09/13 D Elmshorn Festival akkordiade 14.00 - 17.00
Workshop Jazz & more

18/10/13 A Klagenfurt Musikschule 9.30
Workshop Didactic, Jazz & more

26/10/13 CH Geneve 13.00 - 16.00
Workshop Jazz & more


Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordeon, Quebec – Canada

Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordeon poster
Duo Paris-Moscou (France/Russia)Gary Blair (Scotland)The annual Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordeon takes place from August 29th to September 2nd in Montmagny, Quebec. The festival involves accordionists from many countries and features concerts, dances, trade show, and outdoor entertainment. There’s also the Accordion Mueum. A celebration for the whole family!

This year’s guests include Accordeons (Diane Jean, Robert Viens, Marie-Pier Cartier), Aczent, Adage, Pietro Adragna (Italy), Alistair Anderson (England), Gary Blair (Scotland) (pictured right), Michèle Boudet and Diego Serrano (France), Alain Chatry, Anita and Bob, André Bouchard and Kattialine Painchaud, Brabec et Rumpel, Marie-Jeanne Brousseau and Jérémie Roy, Clément Bérubé, Alexandre B. Caron, Club Carrefour, Vladimir Dennissenkov (Russia), Keven Desrosiers, Jensen, Bugge and Høirup (Denmark), Joaquin Diaz, Gwen K Syndicat Duo, Hector Del Curto Trio (Argentina), Marie-Desneiges Hamel and Simon-Charles Cyr, François Heim and Bruno Le Tron, Bernard Lafargue, Stéphane Landry and Manon Turcotte, Susie Lemay and Denis Pépin, John Lettieri, Roberto Lucanero (italy), Sabin Jacques and Rachel Aucoin, Alan Madec and Yvan Knorst, Mam, Matuto, Gaston Nolet, Paname Swing, Duo Paris-Moscou (France/Russia) (pictured left), Denis Pépin and Steve Normandin, Antoine Piegeon Bourque, Cati Plana and Liv Hallum, Valérie Plante, Trio Sylvie Pullès (France), Art Richard, Jérôme Richard and Dany Dayn (France), Timi Turmel, Paolo Vani, Gerry Virone, and the trio John Whelan, Haley Richardson and Paddy Keenan (Ireland/USA).

Founded in 1989, the Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordeon a non-profit organization whose mission it is to showcase the accordion in its many forms and musical styles.

For further information email: accordeon@montmagny.com


Marco Lo Russo News, Latina – Italy

Marco Lo RussoOn Saturday August 24th, 10pm, accordionist and composer Marco Lo Russo performs in the Piazza del Municipio, Acquafondata, Frosinone, Lazio, at the 42nd Festival della Zampogna. He will perform with the singer Alessia Campoli and pianist Francesco Lucci.

Marco Lo Russo also performs on August 29th, 10pm, at a summer festival on the Italian island of Ponza, in the province of Latina.

Marco Lo Russo has recently been busy, having performed in Mexico and Canada, then on July 29th taking part in a televised show by TV2000 for World Youth Day, and on August 21st being the guest of honour and Jury President at Talent Live Expo for Radio Lazio.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Joâo Gentil Concert, Figuera Da Foz - Portugal

Joâo GentilAccordionist Joâo Gentil performs in concert at the Centro Artes e Espectaculos, Figuera Da Foz, Portugal, on Saturday August 24th, 11pm. Entrance is free.

For further information email: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Gillou Francony plays for dancing, Chambéry - France

Gillou FranconyAccordionist Gillou Francony plays for dancing on Sunday August 25th, 3pm, at la salle des fêtes, Mérande, Chambéry. Chambéry is a city in the department of Savoie, located in the Rhône-Alpes region in southeastern France.


Masterclass with Emanuele Rastelli/Pisogne (BR) - Italia

on the 7/8th 2013 September an Accordion Masterlcasss will be held by Eamuele Rastelle in PISOGNE ( Brescia ). for informaiton please contact Maestro Graziano Picinelli al numero 3801936127


Mirjana Petercol News, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden - Germany

Mirjana Petercol and Professor Rolf SudmannThe popular production of the play ‘Carnival of the Animals’, based on the score by Saint-Saen, with Michael Quast & Baroque on the Rhine is performed again, under the artistic direction of Rodhy Britton, at the Boulongaro Palace, Höchst, Frankfurt, on August 25th, 11am, August 29th, 10am, and on September 1st, 11am. On the  accordion is  Mirjana Petercol.

On September 5th, 7pm, Mirjana Petercol and Professor Rolf Sudmann (theremin) are in concert at the Protestant Reconciliation Community, Wiesbaden. Their programme includes works by Schillinger, Piazzolla, Rachmaninoff, Dallapiccola, etc.  

Theremin, an electronic musical instrument invented in 1919, is played without contact, and is used in many different situations.  It is used for classical compositions, and  is often found in film music (for its very specific sound in science fiction music), and in popular music. Professor Rolf Sudmann, a theremin virtuoso, in addition to his concert activities, teaches at the University of Bielefeld.

For further information email: miripetercol@gmx.de


Chester AC ‘Grand Day Out’, Cheshire - UK

Chester Accordion Club’s annual ‘Grand Day Out’ takes place on Saturday August 31st, 1pm, at the Dunham Arms, Dunham-on-the-Hill, near Chester, Cheshire WA6 0LN – on the A56. Bar snacks or full menu available.

There’s no pre-booking or fee – just turn up with your accordion. If fine; on the terrace; if wet: indoors. All are welcome.

For further information email: limcc@dusque.plus.com


Accordeon Melancolique Concerts, Lautawei – Netherlands

Accordeon MelancoliqueThe duo Accordéon Mélancolique, Cherie de Boer and Jean-Pierre Guiran, perform in concert on Sunday September 1st, 3pm, at the Ioannis Theater Tsjerke, Lautawei 5, a church that holds cultural events, . There will also be an exhibition of oil paintings by Cherie de Boer in the church, August 10th until September 29th, on Saturdays between 1pm and 5pm.

For further information email: info@acmel.nl


Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra Concert, Surrey - UK

Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra
On Sunday September 1st the Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra will be playing at the RSPCA Millbrook  Animal Centre Gala Day, Guildford Road, Cobham, Surrey GU24 8EH. Lots of other things to see, stalls, etc, - a good day out.

The Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra, founded in 1988, meets for rehearsals on Tuesdays at 8pm in the annex to Ripley Village Hall, and new members are always welcome. In April 1990 the Orchestra founded Guildford Accordion Club, which meets on the third Friday of every month in Ripley Village Hall.

For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com


Festival de l’Accordeon Beaufortain, Beaufort - France

Jacques PellarinsThe Festival de l’Accordeon Beaufortain takes place from September 5th to 8th. Beaufortain is a valley in the Savoie department, in the Rhône-Alpes region in southeastern France. The evening events include:

September 5th, 8.30pm - accordionist and composer Jacques Pellarin (pictured right) and his vocalist wife Corinne, as Jac & Co, perform the songs of Juliette Greco, Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour, Dalida, etc, tango pieces, plus some of Jacques Pellarins compositions, la salle des fêtes, Queige.
September 6th, 8.30pm - Alain Musichini Jazz Quartet concert, l’église St Maxime de Beaufort
September 7th, 11am until 6pm – free entertainment: the Halle Frison Roche de Beaufort, involving dance animation with accordionists Raphaël Gachet-Mauroz, Lucien Chambet, Jean-Louis Teppaz, Joël Girard Bon, Patrick Deglise, a diatonic accordion orchestra, and traditional music, and varied street entertainers.
September 7th, 7pm – dancing to the musette orchestra of Stéphanie Rodriguez plus the special appearance of Sébastien Farge, winner of the 1993 Trophée Mondiale, and Raphaël Gachet-Mauroz.
September 8th, 2pm – dancing to the orchestra of Virginie et Cyril Danrey (pictured left).


Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

Victor PrietoNew York-based Spanish jazz accordionist Victor Prieto performs gigs with bandleaders Cristina Pato and Christian Howes in five US states during September.

With Christian Howes and Southern Exposure
September 9th - Austin, Texas
September 14th – Madison, Connecticut
September 15th – Lake George, New York
With Cristina Pato and Migrations Band
September 21st – Madison, Wisconsin
September 22nd – Dakota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Dražan Kosoric Releases Two New Compositions

Dražan Kosoric - accordionist, composer, professor, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Ballad for accordion solo', catalog: dkosoric106,
'Concert Piece for accordion and piano', catalog: dkosoric107

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Parisian Sunset', catalog: cfranco183,
'Parisian Sunset', catalog: cfranco184

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

Martynas CD by Martynas Levickis

Martynas CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Martynas CD by Martynas Levickis, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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