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Sir Jimmy Shand’s Music Books will reside in Dundee, Scotland – UK

Sir Jimmy ShandSir Jimmy Shand’s private music book collection, comprising some 23 books and manuscripts, was auctioned in Edinburgh on August 21st, and were bought by the Friends of Wighton to bring them to the purpose built Wighton Heritage Centre in Dundee’s Central Library.

Sir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000), the first accordionist to be knighted, became a legend in his lifetime through his countless recordings, performances, broadcasts and many compositions.

Niall Robertson, Vice-chairman of Friends of Wighton, said “It is great news that the Jimmy Shand collection is coming to Dundee where Sir Jimmy lived and worked for so long (and isn’t so far from Auchtermuchty) and we hope to make it available to anyone who wants to study his life’s work”.

The Wighton Collection’s Honorary Librarian, Sheena Wellington, was thrilled. “I had the honour of meeting Sir Jimmy on several occasions and I am so pleased that we were able to keep his books in Scotland and in a place where they will cherished but where people can admire and consult them. Mind you, the telephone bidding was tense and at one point I tried to bid against myself!”

It is hoped that the Shand Collection will play a special part in a City of Culture project. The Friends have already received donations towards the cost of buying the Collection and have plans for fundraising events for the balance.

The Wighton Centre, in Dundee central library, is home to an internationally important collection of old Scottish music books, mostly dating from the 18th and early 19th centuries.
The collection was donated by the Dundee merchant and music collector, Andrew Wighton and has since been augmented by donations including the collected music books of Edinburgh lawyer Archie Scott, the books and manuscripts of Perthshire musician Sandy Tulloch and, recently, a gift of rare song books from Alice Palmer of Cumbria.

The Friends of Wighton organises concerts and classes in the Wighton Centre, Dundee, to help raise awareness of this wonderful resource.
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