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‘Toralf Tollefsen: A 78s Compilation’ CDs, Manchester – UK

Toralf Tollefsen‘Toralf Tollefsen: A 78s Compilation’ is the title of two modestly priced new CDs presenting recordings made in the 1930s to 50s by the popular Norwegian accordionist Toralf Tollefsen. Enthusiast Tommy Scruton has digitally re-mastered a selection of old 78rpm records, restoring them to their original sound quality. A third CD will soon be available.

Toralf Tollefsen (1914-94) was one of the most revered accordionists of his era, especially in the UK, where he lived for many years. Tollefsen performed in British variety theatres and on BBC radio in the 1930s, and in the late 1940s also performed as a classical soloist. He was a prolific recording artiste, and his records and arrangements were regarded as the benchmark of progress for a generation of aspiring accordionists

In the 1950s Tollefsen pioneered the use of the free bass accordion, and with Swedish accordionist Nils Nielsen, ran ‘Accordion Central’, an accordion retail and repairs business in London. In 1961 Tollefsen returned to Norway, scaled down his concert appearances, and concentrated on teaching, arranging and composing. He returned to England in 1986 as a guest artiste at the first Caister Autumn Accordion Festival, organised by Malcolm Gee. His final UK appearance was in 1988, headlining a concert in Huddersfield.

The tracks on the two CDs are:

Volume One: ‘Concert Waltz’, ‘Dizzy Accordion’, ‘Elvira’, ‘The Moose March’, ‘Hot Fingers’, ‘Playful Polka’, ‘Cuckoo Waltz’, ‘Black Mask Waltz’, ‘El Relicario’, ‘Invitation to the Waltz’, and ‘Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2’

Volume Two: ‘Jealousy’, ‘Accordion Impromptu’, ‘Fiddle Faddle’, ‘Shooting Star’, ‘Dance of the Comedians’, ‘Dance of the Hours’, ‘Hejra Kati’, ‘Promenade Rhythm’, ‘Carnival of Venice’, ‘Poet & Peasant Overture’, ‘Pizzicato Waltz’, and ‘Tommerhugger Dance’

For further information email: tom_scruton@yahoo.co.uk
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