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Las Vegas International Accordion Convention Classes, Seminars, Workshops - USA

16th Annual Las Vegas International Accordion Convention Poster
Joey Miskulin, Mary TokarskiJoan C Sommers, Stas VenglevskiClasses have been posted for the Las Vegas International Accordion Convention. Listed below is the amazing array of classes for those attending this Convention.

Look over the excitement, view the article and videos about all the great performers published last week - there is still time to register and join the FUN!

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention Classes

Accordion Effects | Grayson Masefield, Exploring glissandos, tremolo, bellow shakes are some effects to be presented.

Accordions Roll Part 1 | Riders in the Sky, Performing and recording with a traveling band.

Accordions Roll Part 2 | Riders in the Sky, Performing and recording with a traveling band.

Acoustic Duets | Gordon Kohl

Appearing in Public | Gina Brannelli, Taking the Stage, dress, presentation and music

Controlling your Bellows | Stas Venglevski, The heart of the accordion - it's all about control!

Duet & Group Master class | Joan Sommers

Ear Training | Joey Miskulin, Often wonder how musicians do what they do - learn to listen with Joey!

Electronic Accordion Duets | Gordon Kohl

History of Music Notation | Liz Finch, A discussion of how throughout the ages sound has been captured and put on paper.

Interpreting music notation | Liz Finch, How to interpret as a performer traditional and non-traditional elements of notation.

Jazz Accordion Tips | Paul Betkin/Jerry Cigler A sampling and potpourri of simple performance tips based on the craft of the legendary Leon Sash. This will be a practical and performance presentation of basic techniques and advice geared toward the casual accordionist for the performance of simple lead sheet music. The presentation will be performance oriented, down-to earth, informative and fun. Questions and comments through audience participation is highly encouraged. The information to be presented is a stand-alone art and craft for the accordion not taught anywhere today in the USA.

Jazz Accordion Tips 2 | Paul Betkin/Jerry Cigler, More examples of using and interpreting lead sheets

Longevity in the Accordion Business | Gordon Kohl, Marketing the accordion - performing, teaching

Master class | Joey Miskulin

Master class | Mary Tokarski

Master class | Stas Venglevski

Orchestra Rehearsal | Joan Sommers

Perfecting Your Technique | Grayson Masefield, Perfecting passages and various styles - Grayson will demonstrate and answer your questions.

Playing in a Band vs. Solo | John Kolbrich, John will discuss his approach of being a musician first, and accordionist/keyboardist/bassist/vocalist second. Being less busy and more musical is my approach to making the band sound better, leaving space for everything and everyone to come together. John's approach to playing the Concerto blending midi Bass, Keyboards, and Accordion into a very powerful package of sound, the cornerstone to the band.

Playing Simple Music | Stas Venglevski, The art of making great music from even the simplest of music.

Playing with a digital orchestra | Chuck Henry, Auto accompaniment tools are not for everyone but Chuck will show how to effectively use a backing module with the Concerto.

Playing with digital samples | Chuck Henry, Using the Concerto Chuck will show how to make sounds come alive such as making a trumpet really sound like a trumpet.

Preparing for A Rehearsal | Joan Sommers, Preparing and making valuable rehearsal time meaningful.

Selecting the right accordion (Concerto) for you! | John Kolbrich, John's is playing his second generation Concerto accordion and will review what he has learned about selecting the right model for you, He will review key "go to" sounds, that work well in most commercial sound settings. John will review his settings with examples, how he uses of a "Leslie" Pedal for producing natural rotary speaker Hammond sounds, and his approach for getting the best Bass sound.

Styles & Dynamics | Joey Miskulin, A look at various musical styles and the importance of dynamics in music especially with the accordion!

Tango Music | Grayson Masefield, The art and style of playing Tango Music

Teaching the Accordion I | Gina Brannelli, Starting off correctly and dealing with the basics

Teaching the Accordion II | Gina Brannelli, Moving forward after the basics.

The Total Package | Mary Tokarski, Everything counts – a look at some of the most misunderstood parts of a performance – and WHY they are important!

Traveling with Mantovani AND the accordion | Mary Tokarski, The joys of performing with the “World’s Most Elegant Orchestra”, and traveling with an accordion . . . the great stuff . . . AND . . . some of the horror stories. Learn what works (and what doesn’t) when traveling with your accordion.

Youth Master class | Joan Sommers
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