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Emmanuel Gasser Wins AAA Elsie Bennett Composition Competition - USA

Emmanuel GasserVideo: "Spring Blizzard" by Emmanuel Gasser

Emmanuel Gasser from Ontario, Canada won 1st Prize in the Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition sponsored by the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) held at the 2016 AAA Festival in Buffalo, New York, July 6-10, 2016. The general purpose of the composition competition is to add to the solo concert repertoire of the acoustic accordion.

Emmanuel wrote: "Winning 1st prize with my first free bass composition "Spring Blizzard" means A LOT to me. It is very encouraging that I, as a young composer, can write a piece that gets appreciated by the judges of the competition and the audience."

Emmanuel's description of his composition:
“Spring Blizzard” is in Scherzo form with a fast first part in F minor written for free bass that invokes the feel of a snowstorm with glowing technical passages. The second part is introduced with a cadenza that serves both as divider and connector that resolves to a more hopeful and positive waltz theme written for stradella representing Spring. 

An embellished version of the "Spring" theme follows. The first half of this variation although being in 3/4 has a march-like feel, that is metaphorical for the strength of life that overpowers the dead of Winter. The second half of the "Spring" variation, written for free bass, is dreamy and "twitter-pated". The listener is ready for a happy-ending but Old Man Winter wishes to show himself one more time and sneaks into the scene with another modulating cadenza followed by the animated, blizzardy first theme and concluded with a virtuosic Coda."

Emmanuel Gasser, nineteen years old, lives on a beautiful dairy farm in St. Charles, Ontario, Canada. He has won numerous trophies and awards in North American as well as representing Canada at the Coupe Mondiale, Klingenthal Germany, IAC Reinach Switzerland and PIF Castelfidardo.

He is currently studying with accordion virtuoso Alexander Sevastian in Toronto, Canada. Emmanuel has also completed various internet and survey courses on Classical Music and Music History with Prof. Robert Greenberg (San Francisco Conservatory of Music) and on Classical Composition with Prof. Peter Edwards (University of Singapore).

For further information: emmanuel_gasser@yahoo.com
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