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French National Qualifications for the CMA & CIA Competitions - France

Some French Qualifications and Concerts participants
The team of Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen, Germany, and the team of Frédéric Deschamps are preparing for the 2011 CIA Coupe Mondiale, which this year will be held in Shanghai, China.

Photo above of the masterclass in Trossingen. Rear row, left to right: Frédéric Deschamps, Eric Dann (Germany), Daniel Franz (Germany), Grayson Masefield (New Zealand), Radu Laxgang (Moldavia), Dorin Grama (Moldavia), Aleksandar Kolovski (Macedonia), Philipp Haag (Germany).
Front row, left to right: Lina Zeiss (Germany), Christel Sautaux (Switzerland), Guillaume Fric (France), Alexander Cargenelli (Italy).

The French qualifying stages for both the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Coupe Mondiale and the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) Trophée Mondial takes place, July 24th, in La Selle-sur-le-Bied, Loiret near Paris.

During the day, the public can also attend two major international concerts, one being a classical concert in the local church and the other, a variety concert in the local hall. There will be players from 10 countries performing!

The Jury members include: Jacques Mornet and Frédéric Deschamps (France), Crystal Wang (China), Loui Herinx (Austria), Raymond Bodell (UK), and Antonio Spaccarotella (Italy).

The concert in the church at la Selle sur le Bied takes place from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm, and includes students of Frédéric Deschamps: Vincent Gailly (Belgium), Christel Sautaux (Switzerland), Natanael Teixeira (Portugal), Evin Keli (Ireland), Augustinas Rakauskas (Lithuania), and Grayson Masefield (New Zealand). Also performing will be the Hohner International Quintet of Grayson Masefield, Christel Sautaux, Natanael Teixeira, Evin Keli, and Augustinas Rakauskas.

From 3pm to 6pm, the qualifying stage for the French Variété competitors takes place in the local hall plus a Variété concert involving the following international students of Frédéric Deschamps: Jose Dias (Portugal), Yizhong Wan (China), Shengji Zhuo (China), Xuan Shi (China), Zhiyuan Zhang (China), Simone Sciamarella (Italy), Simone Mannarino (Italy), Ernesto Calderon (Chile), Loui Herinx (Austria), Natanael Teixeira (Portugal), and Grayson Masefield (New Zealand).

For further information email: ratinachampeix@gmail.com
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