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WellMed Network Dr. David Champion and Flaco Jimenez - USA

Flaco Jimenez and Dr. Champion
Conjunto legend Flaco Jimenez is nearing his 77th birthday. While his calendar is still full — packed with fan appearances, award shows, charity benefits, music festivals and interviews — his accordion doesn’t get played as much these days.

After back surgery, a fall that resulted in a broken hip, and a subsequent fall that broke multiple ribs, Flaco is under doctor’s orders to “take it easy” and “slow down.” That means slowing down on performing and touring, and focusing on recovery.

Flaco Jiminez career with the renowned groups the Texas Tornados and Los Super Seven includes five Grammy Awards, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Grammys, a National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, multiple Tejano Music Awards, 13 albums and thousands of sold-out shows.

His latest non-musical endeavor is sharing his healthcare journey as a paid spokesman for WellMed. Flaco is a patient in the WellMed Network with Dr. David Champion as his primary care provider. WellMed is a 25-year-old healthcare company, best known for its WellMed primary care clinics in Texas and Florida.

Flaco signed a waiver regarding patient confidentiality in agreeing to have Dr. Champion share his healthcare story and together they are working to promote WellMed.
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