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Festival Het Accordeon 2010, Deventer – Netherlands

Frank MaroccoThe Festival Het Accordeon 2010 takes place in Deventer, Netherlands, from February 11th to 14th. This festival includes concerts, workshops, trade show and other activities, including some world premieres. Festival highlights include:

February 11th, 8pm – Concert at the Bergkerk: ‘Dutch talent, studying abroad’, including Erica Roozendaal, Emina Niksic, Pieternel Berkers and Renée Bekkers - performances of original pieces for accordion, including some special Dutch premieres.

February 12th, 12.15pm - Deventer Schouwburg: Lunchtime concert by accordion students of the Artez Conservatory of Enschede.

February 12th, 8pm - Deventer schouwburg: Jazz concert by The Millennium Jazz Orchestra (MD Joan Reinders), featuring US accordion legend Frank Marocco (picture right).

February 13th, 10am until 5pm - Deventer Schouwburg, Leeuwenkuil: ‘Sparkling Deventer’ - Music Market, a trade show with CDs, instruments, etc; workshops for accordion, bluesharp, harmonica, Steierische Harmonika and bandoneon in different styles; a reading from Wu Wei about the sheng, from China; master classes by Pascal Contet, classical accordionist from France, and The Motion Trio, three accordionists from Poland.

There will be a concert at 4pm featuring the NJAO (Dutch Youth Accordion Orchestra, MD Marc Belder), performing a world premiere of ‘Captain Gumbo’, music in the Cajun/Zydeco tradition.

February 13th, 7.30pm - Deventer Schouwburg, Leeuwenkuil, Gala Evening conert, featuring The Motion Trio, Petra Berger and Tango Dorado, Wu Wei and Pascal Contet, The Groove Club, Riccardo Tesi & Banditalia (Italy), Fata Morgana, Captain Gumbo, Irena Filippova (Russia), and brother/sister from Amsterdam, Vincent (accordion) and Jeanine (violin).

February 14th, 11.30am - Deventer Schouwburg, Family concert by Rood Verlangen: BontePels, featuring music by Astor Piazzolla.

February 14th, 11.30am - Etty Hillesum Centrum: Riccardo Tesi and Maurizio Geri sing/play Italian traditional music from Toscane.

February 14th, 11.30am - Filmhuis De Keizer: Cineconcert: ‘Sunrise’ - Pascal Contet will improvise on his accordion during this soundless movie about a classical love-drama.

February 14th, 12.25pm – Bergkerk, ‘Worlds are melting together’: Wu Wei, sheng, and Ton Zwartkruis, organ, play classical music while two artists (Constance Visser and Henk van der Ven) paint a grand picture in a very special environment.

February 14th, 2.30pm – Carel Kraayenhof, bandoneon and the symphony orchestra ‘Orkest van het Oosten’ perform music by Astor Piazzolla and other great composers from Argentina, ‘Temperamentvolle Piazzolla’ at Deventer Schouwburg.

February 14th, 4pm – Deventer Schouwburg: ‘Bal Folk’, with Cecilia, a folk dance trio from Belgium. Welcome to the last party of this festival!

For further information email: info@hetaccordeon.nl
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