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‘Mie Miki Accordion Works 2008’ - Japan

mie_mikiMie Miki, born in Tokyo in 1956, studied accordion in Germany at the Trossingen Academy of Music. She won the first prizes at the International Accordion Competition, Klingenthal, and since 2000 she has been a Professor at the Detmold College of Music, Dortmund. Mainly setting her activities in Germany, Miki is invited often to many significant international music festivals.

2008 marks number 20 in the ‘Mie Miki Accordion Works’ recitals that Mie Miki began performing in the 1980s. The sole standard for the repertoire of these special annual concerts is the music Ms. Miki happens to be most attracted to at the time.

The theme of this year’s program is “Dreams, thoughts and horizons,” with works by Mozart, Astor Piazzolla, John Cage, music from the film ‘The Umbrellas of Cherbourg’, and the world premiere of a piece commissioned to world-renowned composer Takashi Yoshimatsu.

Mie Miki’s performance schedule is:
13th, 4.30pm - Hall Egg Farm, Space Who (Fukaya, Saitama); performing with Georg Friedrich Schenck – piano
20th, 6.30pm - Kosugi Hoan Museum of Art, Nikko
24th, 7pm - Okurayama Memorial Hall, with G. F. Schenck - piano
27th, 2pm - Hyogo Performing Arts Center, with G. F. Schenck - piano
28th, 2pm - Hamarikyu Asahi Hall; ’Mie Miki Accordion Works 2008’ - performing with G. F. Schenck - piano and Hideki Ikegami - marimba and percussion
7th, 3pm and 7.30pm - Hakuju Hall
11th to 13th - Sendai Classical Music Festival 2008
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