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Weekly News from Around the World - 22-Apr-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора – Всемирный День Аккордеона, Антология аккордеона
Грандиозное открытие: «Исследовательский центр китайского аккордеонного искусства и экспертная студия Ли Цуна» в Шанхайском Педагогическом Университете – Китай
53-1 международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов в Клингентале 2016 – Германия
Концерт студентов класса Вячеслава Семенова в честь его 70-летия, Москва – Россия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Stolen Accordions!, Karlssons Musik AB – Sweden
Video: VII International Festival "Accordion Plus", Rostov-on-Don - Russia
‘Striking Up the Band For Merv Conn Way’, Washington DC – USA
Video: El Terrible Tarantismo Street Concert, Bogotá - Colombia
14 Years Ago: 2002 - Concerto for Accordion and String Quartet – Poland

Будущие события

Ferran Martinez Duo Concert, Madrid – Spain
Karen Tweed Gigs, Shrewsbury, Somerset, York, Croydon – UK, Sweden
Erika’s Dancing Afternoon, Sault-les-Rethel – Belgium
Victor Aryutkin World Accordion Day Concert, Beersheba – Israel
World Accordion Day Events, Sakarya, Istanbul – Turkey
World Accordion Day Gala Concert, Sarajevo - Bosnia & Herzegovina
"Accordion - the Soulmate", Shanghai Spring International Music Festival - China
Martin Lubenov’s Jazzta Prasta Trio Concerts – Germany, Romania
‘Accordions at the Castle’ Festival, Blackpool – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Arrangement: La Vie En Rose Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA
Updated Site, New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) - New Zealand
Updated Site, Milwaukee Accordion Club, Copper Box Featured - USA

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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора – Всемирный День Аккордеона, Антология аккордеона

Accordion Anthology book coverWorld Accordion Day logo6 мая в очередной раз состоятся празднования в честь Всемирного Дня Аккордеона, и наш ресурс ‘Accordions Worldwide’ стремится содействовать проведению мероприятий, связанных с годовщиной официального появления нашего любимого инструмента.

6 мая 1829 года Кирил Дэмиан (Cyrillius Demien, или Cyril Damian) запатентовал в Вене свой первый аккордеон, став родоначальником глобального повального увлечения этим инструментом.

Если вы организуете аккордеонное событие, большое или не очень, 6-ого мая или в ближайшие к нему даты, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом по адресу robaccord5@hotmail.com.

Моим личным вкладом в этом году станет публикация 6 мая книги «Антология аккордеона», праздник аккордеона в Великобритании. Подробнее об этом вы сможете прочитать в новостном выпуске от 6 мая.

Удивительно наблюдать, как с самого начала и в течение многих лет аккордеон развивался внешне и конструктивно, прекрасно адаптируясь ко многим музыкальным жанрам и поджанрам по всему миру.

На нем играют старики и молодежь во всем мире, а его репертуар и использование продолжают развиваться и радовать зрителей во всем мире. И это может продолжаться еще долго.

Роб Ховард


Грандиозное открытие: «Исследовательский центр китайского аккордеонного искусства и экспертная студия Ли Цуна» в Шанхайском Педагогическом Университете – Китай

Unveiling Ceremony
Li Cong, Yang GuoliФото аккордеонистов-экспертов, члева направо: Ли Янлин (Li Jianlin), Шен Яньи (Chen Jianyi), Ван Чаожан (Wang Chaogang), Гуо Кианги (Guo Qianghui), Ли Цун (Li Cong), Ян Гуоли (Yang Guoli), Жан Синьхуа (Zhang Xinhua), Жан Гуоин (Zhang Guoping), Дин Пен (Ding Peng). Больше фотографий здесь: 2016ArtsResearch

11 апреля в Концертном зале Музыкального колледжа Шанхайского Педагогического Университета (SHNU) состоялась грандиозная церемония открытия «Исследовательского центра китайского аккордеонного искусства и экспертной студии Ли Цуна» ("China Accordion Arts Research Center & Li Cong Expert Studio").

На церемонию съехались эксперты в области аккордеона из разных регионов Китая. Среди них президент Университета Жу Зикан (Zhu Ziqiang), вице-президент и генеральный секретарь Ассоциации шанхайских музыкантов Гуо Кианги (Guo Qianghui) и замдиректора Аккорденного подразделения Ассоциации шанхайских музыкантов Ян Гуоли (Yang Guoli).

Инициатор проекта «Многостороннего развития аккордеонного искусства» профессор Ли Цун, открыв новую главу в аккордеонном искусстве Шанхая, постепенно становится лидером нового этапа реформ и развития аккордеонного направления в национальном масштабе.

В то же время Ли Цун активно содействует международному сотрудничеству и обмену в области аккордеона, регулярно приглашая международных мастеров аккордеона в Китай для проведения мастер-классов и посылая лучших студентов на крупнейшие международные соревнования. Многие из них возвращаются с престижными наградами.

Ли Цун является одним из основателей поп-ансамбля аккордеонистов Шанхайского Педагогического Университета, участники которого стали пионерами в области популярного исполнительства на аккордеоне в Китае. Фото внизу.

Его руководство стало залогом большого успеха многих крупных профессиональных мероприятий, организованных Шанхайским Педагогическим Университетом совместно с Ассоциацией шанхайских музыкантов.
Среди них:
- Международный фестиваль аккордеонистов «Шанхайская весна2006»;
- Национальный фестиваль аккордеонистов «Шанхайская весна 2009»;
- Международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов «Кубок Мира 2011» в Шанхае;
- «Национальный симпозиум 2014» по вопросам высшего образования в области аккордеона.

В результате аккордеонная программа Шанхайского Педагогического Университета прочно укрепилась в национальных высших учебных заведениях музыкального образования.

Основание «Исследовательского центра китайского аккордеонного искусства и экспертной студии Ли Цуна» на базе Университета будет способствовать дальнейшему инновационному развитию аккордеонного исполнительства в Китае, поможет создать лучшую платформу для академических обменов и увеличить влияние китайского аккордеонного искусства во всем мире.

Больше фотографий можно посмотреть здесь: 2016ArtsResearch


53-1 международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов в Клингентале 2016 – Германия

International Accordion Competition Klingenthal
53rd International Accordion Competition Klingenthal 201653-й международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов в Клингентале состоится с 3 по 8 мая 2016 года.

Полные правила конкурса и информацию по категориям смотрите на сайте: 2016 Kling.pdf
Опубликовано расписание конкурса. Конкурсные соревнования будут проходить каждый день.

Вторник, 3 мая в 20:00 – концерт-открытие с участием студентов школы 'Gliersaal Vocational School’ и дуэта «Кнопки и мех» ("Buttons & Bellows") в составе Александара Николича (Aleksandar Nikolic, бандонеон) и Петара Марича (Petar Maric, баян). CD доступны онлайн на сайте beltango5.

Среда, 4 мая в 19:30 – концерт победителя 2009 года Клемена Лебена (Klemen Leben, Словения).

Четверг, 5 мая в 19.00 – конкурсные прослушивания в формате концерта, категория VI «Эстрадные исполнители» (Entertainment).

Пятница, 6 мая в 20:00 – концерт ирландского фолк ансамбля "Irish Bastards".

Суббота, 7 мая в 19:30 – концерт в Aula am Amtsberg.

Воскресенье, 8 мая в 13:30 – Aula am Amtsberg, Фогтландский филармонический оркестр Грайса/Рейхенбаха под управлением Дэвида Марлоу (David Marlow) и финалисты категории IV.

Дополнительная информация по адресу: Klingenthal


Концерт студентов класса Вячеслава Семенова в честь его 70-летия, Москва – Россия

Semionov and students
8 апреля 2016 года в Москве в малом зале РАМ имени Гнесиных состоялся концерт, на котором выступили некоторые из нынешних студентов профессора Вячеслава Семёнова. Концерт прошел под названием «Музыкальное приношение Учителю» и был приурочен к 70-й годовщине выдающегося музыканта.

В концерте приняли участие:
Лев Лавров, соло и в трио;
Алексей Мыкитенко;
Кирилл Русинов;
Ростислав Мудрицкий;
Ансамбль ‘Lion trio’ в составе – Лев Лавров, Алексей Мыкитенко и Семен Голышев.

Выше – участники концерта вместе с Вячеславом Семеновым.

Видео выше: ученик Семенова в Гнесинской школе Ростислав Мудрицкий, 11 лет. В предыдущих новостях было выложено видео исполнения Ростиславом «Маленькой увертюры» П.И. Чайковского из балета «Щелкунчик». Выше – «Полет шмеля» Н.А. Римского-Корсакова в аранжировке Вячеслава Семенова. Приносим извинения за неполное видео.

Студенты также преподнесли Вячеславу Семенову специальный праздничный торт в виде баяна и с надписью «Семенов 70», который вы можете увидеть на обеих фотографиях.
Semionov 70th birthday celebration cake


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Stolen Accordions!, Karlssons Musik AB – Sweden

Karlssons Musik AB logoOn Monday April 18th, during the night, there was a break-in at Karlssons Musik AB, Äskebacka, SE-430 33 Fjärås, Sweden. The thieves entered the shop by making a hole in one of the walls, and stole 10 high quality and valuable button accordions. The total value is around 75,000 Euro.

Karlssons would be grateful for any kind of information concerning the whereabouts of these instruments.

For further information email: info@karlssonsmusik.se
Stolen accordion pictures


Video: VII International Festival "Accordion Plus", Rostov-on-Don - Russia

Video 1: "Beyond the Edge of Accordion" concert of 78 mins.

Video 2 excerpt: Libertango by Astor Piazzolla.

Video 3 excerpt: Al Bano "Felicita"
Poster 27 March 2016The 2016 International Competition and Festival "Accordion Plus" took place from 26th to 30th March 2016 in Rostov-on-Don, organised by the International Music Centre "Harmony".

"Harmony" wrote:
27th March - "Beyond the Edge of Accordion" is "one of the most unique and biggest concerts we have ever organized." IMC "Harmony" has for 10 years presented "the bright, non-standard and memorable" of concerts and this time, the organizers of the festival "Accordion Plus" have gone even further!

Video 1: "Beyond the Edge of Accordion" concert of 78 mins. Alexander Poeluev (accordion), the Jazz-quartet "New Centropezn" and the the circus performance group "Rian" plus all the other performers as listed on the poster left.

Video 2 and 3 are short excerpts from the concert.

Video 2: Libertango by Astor Piazzolla. Performers are: Alexander Poeluev (accordion) , M. Poluektova and I. Logachev (dancing), D. Rybkin (bike).

Video 3: Al Bano "Felicita" performed by Alexander Poeluev (accordion) and Anna Kryshtalyova (accordion).

Concert artist Alexander Poeluev lives in Rostov-on-Don and is a former Coupe Mondiale winner, who has performed extensively in many different countries of Asia, South Pacific, North America and Europe. CD at: apoeluev01

Anna Kryshtalyova also lives in Rostov-on-Don and has won several international competitions including the 2015 Castelfidardo Category D Open Classical age group.

The International Music Centre "Harmony" are hosting the 2016 Coupe Mondiale in Rostov-on-Don from 11th to 17th September 2016.

Thank you to "Harmony" and Vladimir Bershov for providing the videos.


‘Striking Up the Band For Merv Conn Way’, Washington DC – USA

Merv Conn Way
Merv Conn Way celebration cakePicture above: Members of the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society, on Merv Conn Way, a pedestrian path in Silver Spring honoring famed D.C. accordionist Merv Conn, who died in 2011.

‘Washington Post’ columnist John Kelly wrote the following article: Merv Conn died in 2011, but he’s unlikely to be forgotten anytime soon. On April 10th a pedestrian path in Silver Spring was dedicated in honor of Merv, probably the most famous accordionist our town has ever seen.

I went to the little ceremony, held on a crisp Sunday afternoon. The path was originally going to be dedicated in October, but the threat of bad weather canceled the event. It was hoped that the delay might give the local squeezebox community time to organize to beat the Guinness World Record for the largest accordion ensemble ever assembled: 1,361, held by the China Accordion Association.

Ten members of the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society performed, leaving things 1,352 accordions short. But a little accordion goes a long way. They played a couple of Merv’s favorite tunes - ‘You Made Me Love You’ and ‘Take Me Out to the Ball Game’ - as his daughter, Maria Cohen, led the crowd in song. His son, Robert, was there, too.

Picture right: A cake topped by an accordion is part of the celebration April 10, 2016.

Merv was the undisputed accordion king of Washington, toting his instrument all over town and operating a busy accordion school on 14th Street NW. Rock-and-roll - the electric guitar, especially - nearly killed the accordion, but Merv soldiered on. It was my honor to meet him and to hire him to play ‘The Washington Post’ march in the newsroom.

Merv Conn Way links Cameron Street with South Noyes Drive in the Woodside Park neighborhood where Merv used to live. The existing pathway, a 225-foot shortcut used by residents, was crumbling. United Therapeutics, the biotechnology company, owns the office building next door. Avi Halpert, United Therapeutics’ head of real estate, worked to get the path rebuilt, trading some land to the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission to release an easement the water company had under the strip of pavement.

Avi, it turned out, remembered Merv from the countless bar mitzvahs he attended in the late 1970s. Merv, of course, had played there.

Picture below: Maria Cohen, daughter of Merv Conn, raises the ceremonial scissors after cutting the ribbon on Merv Conn Way. On the left is Avi Halpert of United Therapeutics, which owns the land and funded the work.


Video: El Terrible Tarantismo Street Concert, Bogotá - Colombia

The group El Terrible Tarantismo performing "Música Callejera" made a promotional street concert for Bogotá Social TV that was published on Sep 1, 2015.


14 Years Ago: 2002 - Concerto for Accordion and String Quartet – Poland

Olexiy SuslowThe Accordions Worldwide News for April 19th 2002 included an item about the performance in Poland of an accordion concerto, by its composer Olexiy Suslow. Concertos written involving the accordion as a solo instrument are still relatively uncommon, so this performance in 2002 was quite newsworthy.

Concerto for Accordion and String Quartet – Poland

Accordionist and composer Olexiy Suslow performed his own composition ‘Concerto Dieptych No 2’ and Haydn's ‘Concerto in D Major’ (arranged for accordion and string quartet) in the Pope's Theological Study Hall in Wroclaw recently. In addition the children's orchestra ‘Harmonica’, conducted by Galina Suslow, performed works by Tchaikovsky, Strauss and Bizet. This concert was held in conjunction with the opening of the Music School S-Art in Wroclaw.


Будущие события

Ferran Martinez Duo Concert, Madrid – Spain

Ferran Martinez Duo Kavanna
On Saturday April 23rd, 7pm, Spanish accordionist Ferran Martinez and clarinet player Nigel Haywood perform together in concert as the Duo Kavanna at the Plaza de los irlandeses, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. They will perform a Jewish music repertoire commemorating the 4th centenary of Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), widely regarded as the greatest writer and novelist in the Spanish language.

Ferran Martinez, born in 1971, is a graduate of the Barcelona Conservatory. He plays solo classical concerts on the Bayan button accordion and is a member of the Cavall Bernat group, performing Catalan popular music. He is also both an accordion and computer teacher.

For further information email: ferranbayan@gmail.com


Karen Tweed Gigs, Shrewsbury, Somerset, York, Croydon – UK, Sweden

Karen TweedAccordionist Karen Tweed performs during April and May, as follows:

Saturday April 23rd, 10am - 4.30pm – music from Scotland and Ireland, Glebe Hall, The Trinity Centre, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury SY3 9HF
Friday April 29th - Roxy Cinema, 36 High Street, Axbridge, Somerset BS26 2AF
Sunday May 1st, 10am - 4.30pm - music from Scotland, Ireland and France, Priddy Village Hall, Somerset BA5 3BE
Saturday May 7th – private solo concert, Karlstad, Sweden
Tuesday May 17th and Thursday May 19th - Karen Street teaching at Worcester
Saturday May 21st – solo concert, The Wolfe Room, The Black Swan Inn, 23 Peasholme Green, York YO1 7PR
Sunday May 22nd, 10am - 5pm – mixed ensemble day, The Wolfe Room, The Black Swan Inn, 23 Peasholme Green, York YO1 7PR
Monday May 23rd - Croydon Folk Club, Ruskin House, 23 Coombe Road, Croydon CR0 1BD

Friday May 27th - Karen Tweed & Friends Birthday - Concert-Party, free event; To commemorate my 27th year as a professional musician, I’m having a bit of a do. Guests include Roger Wilson, Karen Street, Richard Hughes, Kirsten Hellier, Ivan Miletitch, Johnny Coppin, and Andy Tweed. The venue is The Hen & Chicken, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 1JF. Donations on the night welcomed towards Alzheimers UK and The Samaritans.

Monday May 30th, 12 noon – 4pm - Karen Tweed: Solo (& with Karen Street) The New Horrington Fair, Wells Cricket Club, New Horrington, Wells, Someset BS26 2AF. Free event.
Residents of South Horrington are resurrecting the Family Fun Day that took place every summer on the old Mendip Hospital site. Throughout the 1960s to 80s the Mendip Hospital Summer Fete, run by the League of Friends, evolved to become one of the biggest events of the summer, opened by a local celebrity and with attractions such as The Red Devils, police display teams, the Somerset Light Infantry, maypole dancing, an antiques market, a donkey derby, skittles, children's fancy dress and a pig roast. The new Horrington Fair will take place at South Horrington at Wells Cricket Club on Mayday Bank Holiday Monday, May 30, from noon to 4pm.
There is music all day with L’esprit du jazz and Karen Tweed and others tbc.
There will also be a dog training demonstration and games for children, and various stalls including a plant sale. Refreshments will include BBQ, a licensed bar, tea and cakes and Mendip Moments ice cream.

Karen Tweed, born in England but now living in Ireland, is steeped in Irish traditional music and has recorded and performed in this genre for many years. She also performs in other genres, and has featured on over 30 CDs. She won 5 All Ireland titles on piano accordion and melodica in the late 1970s/early 80s, performed with the Poozies, and is the main piano accordion tutor at the World Music Centre, University of Limerick, and a regular tutor for the Bmus Degree in folk and traditional music at Newcastle University and at The Sage, Gateshead.

For further information email: info@karentweed.com


Erika’s Dancing Afternoon, Sault-les-Rethel – Belgium

Erika’s Dancing posterErika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’, plays for a tea dance on Sunday April 24th, 3pm, at Le Club ‘Les Galopins’, La Salle Des Fetes, Sault-les-Rethel, Belgium.


Victor Aryutkin World Accordion Day Concert, Beersheba – Israel

Victor AryutkinAccordionist Victor Aryutkin and featured guests perform in a morning concert on Friday May 6th, 10am until 11.30am, at the School of Arts, Be'er Sheva, Beersheba, Israel. This is a World Accordion Day event. A live webcast and video link will be available.

The concert will take feature the winner of International competitions Dr. Victor Aryutkin - teacher at the Afik School, accordionist Ilya Zhornitskii, the duo ‘Sababa’, and student ensembles from the Afik School of the Arts.

For further information email: victor.aryutkin@gmail.com


World Accordion Day Events, Sakarya, Istanbul – Turkey

The Turkish Accordion Association celebrates World Accordion Day with meetings involving leading accordionists on May 6th:

1. Meeting at 1pm – Sakarya, Sakarya University State Conservatory
Organization: Aziz Ali Elyagutu
2. Meeting in Istanbul at 7pm - Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.
Organization:  Aziz Ali Elyagutu, Iberya Özkan

For further information email: alielya@gmail.com


World Accordion Day Gala Concert, Sarajevo - Bosnia & Herzegovina

Drazan KosoricOn Friday May 6th, 8pm, accordion students from the Sarajevo Music Academy will perform solo and chamber pieces in the Concert Hall of the Bosniak Institute, Sarajevo.

The repertoire will include pieces from Baroque through to contemporary music (from Bach to Kusjakov, Aho and Tiensuu). In addition, the concert will include two world premieres for accordion quintet and percussion: ‘Rhyme’ by Bosnian composer Drazan Kosoric (picture right), and ‘Elpis’ by Marios Joannou Elia.

For further information email: belmasarancicnahodovic@gmail.com


"Accordion - the Soulmate", Shanghai Spring International Music Festival - China

For World Accordion Day


Martin Lubenov’s Jazzta Prasta Trio Concerts – Germany, Romania

Martin Lubenov’s Jazzta Prasta Trio
Martin Lubenov’s Jazzta Prasta Trio performs concerts in May and June, as follows:

May 7th – Fabrikle im Donautal, Beuron-Hausen, Germany
May 8th – Schloss Mochental, Eheningen, Germany
May 9th – Stadthaus, Elm, Germany
June 25th – Dobro Jazz Festival, Tulcea, Romania

The current repertoire of ‘Jazzta Prasta’ is entirely made up of Bulgarian accordionist Martin Lubenov’s compositions, creating a sparkling kaleidoscope of styles: Bulgarian, Turkish, Serbian and Roma traditions, innovative harmonies and scales of jazz, musette and Manouche (Gypsy Swing).


‘Accordions at the Castle’ Festival, Blackpool – UK

‘Accordions at the Castle’ Festival posterThe festival ‘Accordions at the Castle’, organised by Heather Smith, is set for May 8th to 13th, at the Norbreck Castle, Blackpool. Included are concerts, ‘meet the guest’ sessions, workshops, Scottish dancing, a trade show, and the book launch of Rob Howard’s ‘Accordion Anthology’. The guest artists include virtuoso Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, David Vernon (Scotland), Denise Leigh (operatic soprano) & Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion), Harry Hussey, Rosemary Wright, and Alan Young. There is a trade show plus Caroline Hunt’s large and fascinating antique accordions and memorabilia display, which is always well worth seeing.

There is also an organ/keyboard festival taking place in the hotel, which has its own trade show is and is open to all.

For booking, telephone Sceptre Productions on 01780 782 093 between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Arrangement: La Vie En Rose Arranged by Gary Dahl - USA

La Vie En RoseUpdated Arrangement: La Vie En Rose arranged by well known teacher, performer and arranger Gary Dahl. Catalog: DH0181

Any clients who have already purchased this music may email for the updated arrangement which will be provided by email to you without charge.


Updated Site, New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) - New Zealand

NZAA header
Accordion GemsUpdated Site. The New Zealand Accordion Association site has added a page
about the Accordion Gems 'Master Collection of Accordions through Time' display at the Dargaville Museum.

The Accordion Gems display is strongly recommended as a "must see" attraction for all accordion interested visitors to New Zealand and Northland.

At the instigation of NZAA Life Member Kevin Friedrich, The Dargaville Museum agreed to host a major collection of accordions and memorbilia that he had collected over many years for the purpose of starting an accordion museum.

The new page has information about the display and how to get there.


Updated Site, Milwaukee Accordion Club, Copper Box Featured - USA

Milwaukee Accordion Club
Updated Site: Milwaukee Accordion Club is featuring Copper Box, a 'New Age Polka Group' with a very lively Party Band style. They last played for the MAC in November 2009, and the club looks forward to their return on April 25th.


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