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Joan Cochran Sommers CIA Honorary Member Award - Austria

Joan Cochran Sommers
Joan Sommers 1955 and in 2010At the 2014 Coupe Mondiale in Salzburg, the 132nd CIA International General Assembly of Delegates Congress unanimously voted that Joan Cochran Sommers (USA) be a CIA Honorary Member.

Joan Sommers spoke:
"Thank you very much for this great honor, which I accept with sincere pride and great humility. One of the greatest gifts my mother and father gave me was to purchase an accordion and enroll me in lessons to learn how to play it. I loved the instrument and eventually earned the right to compete in the Coupe Mondiale competitions held in Brighton, England (1955) and again in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland (1956).

It was there that I began making friends from all over the world. I learned that I really wanted to be a teacher. Luckily, I had many very outstanding students who also eventually earned the right to represent their country in the Coupe Mondiale. And during those years I began serving in various positions representing both the Accordionists and Teachers Guild (USA) and the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes.

I thank each one of you, my very dear accordion friends, for this great honor. I love all of you!"

The delegates responded with a standing ovation to thank Joan Sommers for an incredible life of music and so many years of superb service to the accordion community.

The CIA presented Joan Sommers with a book (prepared by Alison Worthington) profiling her life as a contestant from 1955 (picture left) and 1956, through to today. She was a competitor, teacher of competitors, Coupe Mondiale Organiser, Executive Officer, Delegate, Jury Member and more recently founded the World Accordion Orchestra which just celebrated its eighth edition. Joan retired from the Executive Committee at the Salzburg Congress after 60 years of CIA activities.

The Honorary Member Certificate was presented to Joan Sommers at the Saturday night Coupe Mondiale Prize Giving.

Joan Sommers spoke:
"I found out that the delegates had voted this in and I had many tears..... I can tell you, that I accept this with real humility, its a wonderful honor. I am eager to keep my hand in the accordion world, they're the best friends, you can't beat an accordion friend, they are your best friends. I urge all of the young people here to stay with the accordion, there are many ways you can stay in music without being a concert artist. You can do many things with music and it will be the love of your life. Thank you so much."

Heartfelt huge applause followed.
Joan Cochran Sommers presentation
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