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Accordion Department of the Hof Symphony Music School Annual Concert, Hof - Germany

Hof Junior Ensemble 1 (directed by Julian Feulner)
Carolin Jeremias, Julian Feulner, Adrian Stieglitz, Christoph Plass, Johannes Dimmling, Adrian Stieglitz and Simon Zimmerling"Licht Aus, Ton An" (Lights Off, Sound On) was the theme of the annual concert presented by the accordionists from Hof, Germany, which led the audience through a journey of musical history, performing music by Strauss, Pachelbel, Haydn, Schmieder, Möller, Kölz, Quakernack, Rossini, Ruß-Plötz, Würthner, Anderson, Wojtarowicz and Zolotariew. The program included original works and arrangements by Gary Daverne, Julian Feulner, Adrian Stieglitz, Curt Herold, Rudolf Würthner, Werner Niehues and Helmut Quakernack.

Ranging in age from 5 years old through to adults, the accordionists performed in the renowned Akkordeonorchester Hof (dir. Torsten Petzold), Junior Ensembles 1 (dir. Julian Feulner) and 2 (dir. Adrian Stieglitz), The School Accordion Orchestra (dir. Florian Weichert), The Accordion Ensemble (dir. Ursula Götz), The Hobby Accordion Orchestra (dir. Bernd Rosenberger) and Accordion Quintet Nos 1 (dir. Florian Weichert), 2 (dir. Carolin Jeremias) and 3 (dir. Carolin Jeremias).

Torsten Petzold celebrated his debut as conductor of the Akkordeonorchester Hof, which has toured throughout the world. Petzold studied both piano and conducting in Cologne and Würzburg and served as conductor of the Weimar Theater. In addition to the Akkordeonorchester Hof, Petzold also conducts the Police Orchestra of Saxonia.

Members of Accordion Department of the Hof Symphony Music School were also successful at the 10th Annual World Music Festival in Innsbruck, achieving the following results:

Kammermusik Amat. Höchststufe (Open Chamber Music)
1st Place: Adrian Stieglitz & Simon Zimmerling

Kammermusik Amat. Oberstufe (Intermediate Chamber Music)
4th Place: Jugend Akkordeon Quintett
9th Place: Maik & Timo Forster

Schüler-Orchester Mittelstufe (Intermediate Accordion Orchestra)
2nd Place: Schüler Akkordeon Orchester (dir. Florian Weichert)

Ensemble Höchststufe (Open Ensemble)
3rd Place: Akkordeon Ensemble

Ensemble Mittelstufe (Intermediate Ensemble)
3rd Place: Jugend Akkordeon Ensemble (dir. Ursula Götz)

For more information on the Accordion Concert in .pdf format, please select the following link:

Full Concert Program from the Hof Accordion Orchestra Concert
Akkordeonorchester Hof (directed by Torsten Petzold)
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