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Conrad Rojac performing in concert at the University of Graz - Austria

Corrado RojacWithin the Erasmus projects - international concert exchanges, the accordion teacher Corrado Rojac of the Conservatory G. Tartini in Trieste was invited by the music of the Austrian Music Univerisity of Graz to hold a concert in the Florentiner Saal at the Palace Meran. The concert was held on May 11th and was attended by an attentive and well prepared audience, mostly composed of university students, who acclaimed the concertist of Trieste with warm applause.

This is a project of mutual exchange between European universities and conservatories, in fact, on April 7th, the famous Finnish Janne Ratty, accordion teacher of the Austrian Music University of Graz, performed at the Conservatory G. Tartini in Trieste. Conrad Rojac presented himself to the Austrian audience with a program that included, alongside classics such as the ‘Sonata No. 1’, by Anatoli Kusjakov, and Sofia Gubaidulina’s ‘De Profundis’, two Italian authors in Austrian premiere performance: by Milanese composers Alessandro Solbiati Cremonese and Gabrio Taglietti. Both are dedicated to Corrado Rojac two important compositions: Solbiati il Trittico, a piece written in 2006, and Taglietti the Three fantasies for accordion, just completed.

Solbiati – a piece divided into three movements with many different characters which urges highest attention by the accordionist - especially for the flourishing of trills in the first movement, or the attitude of the second oscillatory as for the continuum that characterizes the fast third movement.

‘The Three Fantasies’ by Gabrio Taglietti are also in three movements with special difficulties for the accordion for its relentless rhythm that distinguishes each other.

On May 12th Corrado Rojac presented to all students of Janne Ratty a brief history of Italian literature for accordion after World War II until today, with careful analysis of Luciano Berio's Sequenza XIII.
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