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Festival Accordion Plus in Rostov-On-Don!

Frank Marocco and Art Van Damme
Art Van Damme, Viatcheslav Semionov and Yuri ShishkinFor five years, the International Music Foundation ‘Harmony’ has held in Rostov-on-Don, concerts by world-renowned artists such as Art Van Damme, Frank Marocco, Alain Muzikini, Vladimir Danilin, Viatcheslav Semionov, Yuri Shishkin and others.

The Festival Accordion Plus, 26 to 28 April, near to World Accordion Day, was a sea of emotions, impressions and sunny spring time concerts. Italian jazz exponent Renzo Ruggeri also held concerts in other cities near Rostov from 24 to 30 April.

The festival opened with a press conference where everyone could chat with the guests, ask questions and take part in the discussions.

April 26, was an evening of classical music, with clearly not enough room in the hall of the Rostov State Philharmonic. The first part featured organ works of Bach and the French Klavisinistov, F. Cooper and J. Rameau performed by the winner of many international competitions, Alexander Poeluev.

The second part of the concert featured Russian folk instrumental, vocal and jazz music. This was the first appearance of guests participating in the following concerts: Honored Artist of Russia - the first graduate-professional accordion Gennady Kalmykov (accordion), soloist of the National Orchestra of Folk Instruments named after Ossipov. Next was Visily Pianoff (vocals) and a leading representative of Italian jazz Renzo Ruggeri.

At the end of the second evening concert, on the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War (World War II), Visily Pianoff (baritone) shook the audience when he sang the national anthem ("Victory Day") and paid tribute to the victims of the war.

April 28 was a jazz evening featuring Renzo Ruggeri and the Rostov ensemble "New-Centropezn Jazz Quartet" This was a real furor! The audience was ready to listen to them forever and the concert lasted more than 3 hours!

April 29 featured a master class by Renzo Ruggeri in the Rostov State Conservatory. named after Rachmaninov. This was an easy, relaxed event, where Renzo also spoke about educational activities, working methods with students, hallowed jazz styles and directions.
Alexander Poeluev
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