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‘14 Years Ago’: Malcolm Gee’s ARC legacy

Malcolm GeeThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending March 24th 2000 included details of what was to happen to stocks of the late Malcolm Gee’s ‘Accordion Record Catalogue’. Malcolm Gee (1939-97) was a leading force in the UK accordion scene from the late 1970s until his untimely death in February 1997. A great innovator and motivator of people, he introduced the concept of the non-competitive accordion festival to the UK, founded Club Accord (Birmingham), the Accordion Record Catalogue, the Accordion Monthly News magazine, and did much to bring accordionists together socially. We may never see his like again.

‘The Malcolm Gee Collection’ – UK

Early in 1999 Helen & David Kemp were bequeathed the remaining stock of ‘The Accordion Record Catalogue’, run by the founder and former president of Club Accord, Malcolm Gee, so they have become the custodians of a unique collection of accordion recordings. Helen and David have been asked by the executors of Malcolm's will to administer this collection, known as "The Malcolm Gee Collection" with the following aims:-

1. To create a reference library of accordion recordings available to members of UK accordion clubs, (not available until Late 2000).
2. To sell off the surplus stock, the proceeds of which are to be used to fund the setting up of the library, and to promote further the accordion and its music.

Exact details are yet to be decided, but initial thoughts are to use the funds raised to provide a series of master classes for different levels of ability, from promising youngsters through to virtuosi contestants.

In the short term Helen and David are hoping to visit festivals & clubs commencing with Caister 1999, where stock will be available. A catalogue of remaining stock will soon be released.
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