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Weekly News from Around the World - 21-Jun-2019
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Clase magistral de julio para la alta perfección musical y los conciertos nocturnos - Italia
30º Festival de Música Tradicional y del Mundo de Førde - Noruega
Master Class y Concierto de Acordeón con Iñaki Alberdi en MUK - Austria

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mario Conway New CD Release, Cardiff – UK
Video: Cory Pesaturo at the South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand
Jonathan Dove talks about Concerto “Northern Lights” - UK
Video: Grayson Masefield at the South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand

Future events

Veikko Ahvenainen June Concerts – Finland
President & Vice President’s Evening, Stockport – UK
Docklands Firelight Festival – Australia
“No Words” Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand
Earagail Arts Festival – Ireland
July CNIMA Courses - France
EFFE Awards 2019 - Belgium
Joey Miskulin AAA Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation - USA

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Friedrich Lips New CD Quodlibet - Austria
Schedule Released, Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration – USA
Renzo Ruggieri Releases Song for S.B. for Accordion & Orchestra - Italy

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Clase magistral de julio para la alta perfección musical y los conciertos nocturnos - Italia

Osimo Poster
Friedrich Lips, Mirco PatariniAntonio Spaccarotella, Vojin VasovicDel 9 al 13 de julio, bajo la dirección artística de Dario Flammini y Mirco Patarini, se celebrará en Osimo, Ancona, una clase magistral de acordeón para la alta perfección musical y los conciertos nocturnos.

La clase magistral se divide en cuatro secciones y está abierta a todos los músicos interesados sin límite de edad:

- La sección “Acordeón clásico” incorporará un curso avanzado y un curso de nivel medio. Los instructores son: Friedrich Lips (Rusia), Mirco Patarini (Italia), Dario Flammini (Italia), Vojin Vasovic (Serbia), Germano Scurti (Italia).

- Sección “Jazz / Acordeón Moderno”; Antonio Spaccarotella (Italia).

- Sección “Bandoneón”; Fabio Furia (Italia).

- Sección “Interpretación estilística del tango”. Gianni Iorio (Italia).

9th de julio, Duo Gabriele Mirabassi (clarinet) and Simone Zanchini.
10th de julio, Jef De Haes, Andrea di Giacomo.
11th de julio, Bandoneon, Fernando Gabriele Mangifesta, Walter di Girolamo.
12 de julio, Fuccelli Fisarmony.

Para información completa, detalles de registro y descarga de precios: 2019OsimoMasterclass.pdf


30º Festival de Música Tradicional y del Mundo de Førde - Noruega

Ein haile halve maone
Sarah Savoy TrioEl 30º Festival de música folclórica de Forde se llevará a cabo en hoteles, museos, centros de arte y escenarios al aire libre en Førde, Noruega, del 3 al 7 de julio. El escenario principal del festival es el centro cultural "Førdehuset" con cuatro salas de conciertos con capacidad para 170 a 2500 personas. El tema del evento de este año es "2019: ¡30 años sin fronteras!"

Este festival es uno de los más grandes para la música tradicional y mundial en Escandinavia, presentando aproximadamente 90 actos, 30 lugares y 300 artistas de todo el mundo con 25,000 a 30,000 visitantes cada año.

El programa del festival incluirá una variedad de conciertos, talleres, exposiciones, eventos infantiles y noches de baile.

Los artistas y grupos de acordeón incluyen "Ein haile half maone" (Noruega - imagen en la parte superior) que tocan música de baile tradicional principalmente de su propia región, pero también algunas melodías de otras partes de Noruega; “Floating Sofa Quartet” (Dinamarca, Suecia y Finlandia) que incluye a Leija Lautamaja en Melodeon & Harmonium. Su repertorio es una mezcla emocionante de composiciones propias y piezas tradicionales de sus respectivos países.

Otros intérpretes son "Kroke" (Polonia) que incluye al acordeonista Jerzy Bawol, quien interpreta sus propias improvisaciones de música klezmer y étnica; Samurai Accordion (Italia, Finlandia e Irlanda, imagen de abajo), un grupo de 4 acordeonistas que interpretan una mezcla de música tradicional, folk, liscio, música irlandesa, jazz y partituras de cine; y el Sarah Savoy Trio (EE. UU. - imagen izquierda) que toca una mezcla de Cajun, country y rock’n’roll.

Para más detalles sobre el festival, escribir a: info@fordefestival.no
Samurai Accordion


Master Class y Concierto de Acordeón con Iñaki Alberdi en MUK - Austria

Masterclass students
Iñaki AlberdiCon el amable apoyo de la Embajada de España en Viena, el acordeonista de renombre internacional Iñaki Alberdi fue invitado a una clase magistral en la Universidad de Música y Arte de Viena (MUK) la semana pasada. Junto con el profesor Grzegorz Stopa y los estudiantes de MUK, tocó en el concierto final en el Salón Vivaldi. Su programa incluyó obras de José María Sánchez-Verdú, Jesús Torres, Enrique Granados y Campina, Ernesto Halffter, Manuel de Falla, Tomás Luis de Victoria y Joan Guinjoan.

Iñaki Alberdi primero estudió con Carlos Iturralde en España y luego completó su entrenamiento con Friedrich Lips y Matti Rantanen en la Academia Rusa de Música Gnesin en Moscú y en la Academia Sibelius en Helsinki. Recibió los primeros premios en la Coupe Mondiale (Colmar, 1994), el Concurso Internacional de Acordeonistas y Bayanistas (Moscú, 1995) y el Concurso de Música Juvenil (Valladolid, 1996).

Alberdi ha trabajado estrechamente con varios compositores contemporáneos, estrenando obras de Sofia Gubaidulina, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Luis de Pablo, Joan Guinjoan, Gabriel Erkoreka, Ramón Lazkano, Jesús Torres, Agustín Charles y José María Sánchez-Verdú.

Ha aparecido en numerosas salas de conciertos y en diversos festivales como músico de cámara y con orquesta. Según Sofia Gubaidulina, "Iñaki Alberdi tiene un gran talento y la dedicación total de un artista a su música. Su asombrosa comprensión de la profundidad de la forma y su extraordinario temperamento me han impresionado de la forma más extraordinaria".

El objetivo de la clase magistral era familiarizar a los estudiantes con la literatura contemporánea desconocida sobre el acordeón español y con los nuevos métodos de juego, por ejemplo Para hacer posible lo "impensable y no jugable". Entonces, si un compositor como José María Sánchez-Verdú quiere explorar las posibilidades de tocar el glissando en el lado del bajo en su obra "Horos II", el acordeonista debe estar preparado para renunciar a la posición vertical del acordeón en favor de un Una horizontal, luego pudiendo realizar el glissando suave y delicado deseado con la mano derecha.

Alberdi lo demostró con facilidad en su estreno mundial de "Horos II". Las "Arquitecturas del silencio" de Verdú recorren los límites del instrumento, así como las "Arquitecturas de espejos", no solo por los registros extremos, sino también por la manipulación y la distorsión del sonido. a través de nuevas técnicas instrumentales (sonidos estrangulados, sombras entre el aire, ruido y tono, repetición, sensaciones auditivas complejas, etc.).

Compuesto en 2004, "Arquitecturas del silencio" se estrenó en Cagliari al año siguiente por Esteban Algora, a quien está dedicada la obra.

Joan Guinjoan nació en 1931 en Riudoms en el Baix Camp y es uno de los compositores contemporáneos más importantes de Cataluña. Antes de comenzar su carrera, realizó su primera experiencia musical con el acordeón. A través de este instrumento, descubrió la armonía y la música del mundo a través de los "sonidos de la tierra" (Sonidos de la Tierra), tanto el trabajo de campo como la naturaleza. Este es también el título del trabajo de acordeón de Guinjoan, que Iñaki Alberdi estrenó en 2008, una especie de reunión entre Guinjoan y su primer instrumento, el acordeón.

"Cadencias" de Jesús Torres, de su concierto de acordeón "Concierto para acordeón y orquesta", la conmovedora "Danza de la Pastora" de Ernesto Halffter de su ballet "Sonatina", extractos de Manuel de Falla "Siete populares" Las españolas y los tres bailes de "Danzas españolas" de Enrique Granados y Campiña completaron el programa.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Mario Conway New CD Release, Cardiff – UK

Mario Conway CD coverMario Conway, 5 times All Britain Virtuoso Champion in the 1970s, has long been one of the UK’s country’s finest and best-known classical accordionists. His new CD entitled “Accordion pieces I have enjoyed playing” presents 17 of his favourite concert items, all performed as solo accordion numbers, and with no accompaniment or multi-tracking – just as one would hear when played live in a recital.

The CD has superb sound quality with perfect balance between the treble and bass sides of the accordion. The pieces are all performed with considerable style and authority, and from start to finish you are listening to a master at his craft. This recording is in effect a lifetime perspective of Mario’s lengthy concert career, and is a must for anyone who enjoys solo classical accordion.

The recording opens with Bel Viso, a lively Frosini composition beloved of accordionists, then there is a change of mood with an individual arrangement of Piazzolla’s Libertango. Pietro Deiro’s Pietro’s Return is another item often played by accordionists, as is Monti’s Czardas. My personal favourite track is the Sonata in D, by Scarlatti, which has great interplay between two hands using free bass, and there’s some really tricky stuff going on in there! The CD finishes with yet another accordionists’ favourite, the Carnival of Venice, and this version combines elements of both the Pietro Frosini and Pietro Deiro arrangements - a fireworks display to conclude a splendid and modestly priced (at a mere £5) CD that will be a treat for all those of who delight in excellence.

Tracks: Bel Viso (Pietro Frosini), Libertango (Astor Piazzolla), Liikku (Petri Makonen), Pietro’s Return (Pietro Deiro), Scherzo (John Gart), Britannia (P. Frosini), Gitanarias (Ernesto Lecuona), Finale from the Suite for Bayan (Anatoli Cholminov), Czardas (Vittorio Monti), Sonata in D (Domenico Scarlatti), Sabre Dance (Aram Khachaturian), Toccata (Albin Repnikov), Toccata No 1 (Ole Schmidt), Finale from the Ukranian Suite (Nicolai Tchaikin), 3rd Movement from Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto (P. I. Tchaikovsky), William Tell Overture (G. Rossini), Carnival of Venice (arranged by Pietro Frosini & Pietro Deiro)

For further information email: blueboy111@virginmedia.com


Video: Cory Pesaturo at the South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand

Daily Reports header, South Pacific Accordion Championships
Video 1:

Video 2:

Videos from the recent festival in New Zealand:
Video 1: Guest artist Cory Pesaturo (USA) performing Fly Me To The Moon, Doo Ops
Video 2: Cory Pesaturo performing Klezmer Medley

The 2019 NZAA South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival were held on June 1st and 2nd at the Raye Freedman Arts Centre in Auckland, and celebrated the “10th Anniversary of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale” which the NZAA hosted in Takapuna, New Zealand.

Daily Reports including results, photos and video are online at: 2019SouthPac


Jonathan Dove talks about Concerto “Northern Lights” - UK

Jonathan DoveOwen MurrayJonathan Dove is interviewed by Michael Pearce, Editor Lucy Thraves for "Classical Music", the current affairs magazine for the classical music industry. Jonathan Dove tells Michael Pearce about his new concerto featuring accordion titled “Northern Lights”.

Accordionist Owen Murray (picture right) and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra commissioned an accordion concerto from Sir Peter Maxwell Davies. Sadly, Davies died just before starting the concerto, but Jonathan Dove (picture left) accepted the invitation to bring it to fruition.

Read the interview: 2019DoveInterview.pdf


Video: Grayson Masefield at the South Pacific Accordion Championships - New Zealand

Daily Reports header, South Pacific Accordion Championships
Video 1:

Video 2:

Videos from the recent festival in New Zealand:

Video 1: Grayson Masefield, 3rd movement of Impasse composed by Franck Angelis
Sheet music .pdf format vailable online, Catalog: ang556 - Impasse (Solo)

Video 2: Grayson Masefield, A French melody - sorry about the late starting camera.

Daily Reports including results, photos and video are online at: 2019SouthPac


Future events

Veikko Ahvenainen June Concerts – Finland

Veikko AhvenainenConcert accordionist and composer, Veikko Ahvenainen and his wife Carina Nordlund will combine with local clubs to perform a series of concerts in Finland this month. The duo play a program of works by Shostakovich, Strauss and Sibelius as well as Finnish tangoes and polkas, plus Veikko Ahvenainen’s own compositions.

Concert details are:

June 26th: Leppävirta, Valtuustosali (Council Hall)
June 27th: Kangasniemi, Kangasniemisali Hall
June 28th: Hauho, Hauhotalo, klo 19.00
June 30th: Mäntyharju, Kulttuurisali (Culture Hall)

For further information email: veikko.ahvenainen@nic.fi


President & Vice President’s Evening, Stockport – UK

Stockport Club
On Wednesday 26th June at 7.30pm, Stockport Accordion Club presents a concert – the President & Vice President’s Evening - featuring spots from President Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Vice President Walter Perrie, Helen Rich, Rob Howard, Adrienne Sharpe & John Curvis, John Jones MBE, Ann Parker, Martina Hall, Dorothy Brincat, the club’s Scottish Quartet, Accordion Spice, and the Stockport Accordion Band.

The venue is Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1NF. Admission is £5, and all are welcome.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Docklands Firelight Festival – Australia

Firelight header
Vardos TrioThe Vardos Trio which includes accordionist Sophia Chapman will perform at the Docklands Firelight Festival in Melbourne from June 28th to 30th. Vardos play Gypsy and folk music learnt from Roma (Gypsy) musicians during their travels in Eastern Europe.

The festival is a celebration of the Winter Solstice, a unique and compelling event experience which attracts over 50,000 spectators to celebrate art, fire, entertainment and community.

For further details email: vardos@hotmail.com


“No Words” Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand

AAS Poster
Lionel ReekieThe Auckland Accordion Symphonietta will perform a concert entitled “No Words” at the Rose Centre in Belmont, Auckland on July 7th at 6 pm. The Auckland Accordion Symphonietta is conducted by well known vocalist and accordionist Lionel Reekie (picture right).

Their program will include some fun pieces such as “Two plus One” (Gary Daverne) , and “Trololo Song” as well as works by Rossini, Strauss, Rubinstein and Leroy Anderson.

For further concert details email: heathermasefield@yahoo.com


Earagail Arts Festival – Ireland

Ceol Tapas
The Earagail Arts Festival will be held in Donegal, Ireland from July 10th to 28th. This popular summer festival is a celebration of multidisciplinary arts and includes two weeks of music, theatre, visual arts, film, literature, circus & carnival which takes place each July in the North West of Ireland along the Wild Atlantic Way.

Accordion performers who will entertain at the festival include “Ceol Agus Tapas” (picture above) who will give numerous free performances during the festival and “Lankum” (picture below) which includes Radie Peat (harmonium, accordion & vocals), brothers Ian Lynch (uilleann pipes, tin whistle & vocals), Daragh Lynch (vocals & guitar) alongside Cormac Mac Diarmada (fiddle). They will entertain with a variety of folk music.

For further festival details email: info@eaf.ie


July CNIMA Courses - France

CNIMA logo
CNIMA workshopRegistrations are now open for CNIMA (directed by Nathalie Boucheix) summer Improvement Courses. Five day courses will be held from July 15th to 20th and July 22nd to 27th. Shorter courses of two and a half days will be held from July 15th to 17th and July 22nd to 24th. These courses are for all levels and styles and are open to all ages.

Course content includes the educational system recognized worldwide by Jacques Mornet and will cover individual and group lessons in body positions and use of joints, phrasing, technique and bellows control. Students can also prepare for examinations, regional, national or international competitions during these courses.

For further details email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


EFFE Awards 2019 - Belgium

EFFE logoThe European Festivals Association (EFA) and the EFFE International Jury chaired by Sir Jonathan Mills (former director of the Edinburgh International Festival) is pleased to announce the festivals that are finalists for the 2019-2020 EFFE Awards.

This biennial prize celebrates arts festivals that demonstrate artistic excellence and at the same time have a strong impact on the local and regional development of cultural cooperation. EFFE – Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe is initiated by the European Festivals Association (EFA) and supported by the European Commission.

The winners will be presented during the EFFE Awards Ceremony in Bozar, Center for Fine Arts Brussels on September 26th, 2019.

Many accordionists perform at these festivals and the organisers have announced that the EFFE Audience choice online voting is now open, so people all around the world can cast their vote for their favourite festival.

Music festival finalists include: BBC Proms (UK), Förde Festival (Förde, Norway), Gaida Festival (Vilnius, Lithuania), Festival Deltebre Dansa (Spain), Festival Khamoro (Czech Republic), Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival (Finland), Music Biennale Zagreb (Croatia), Prague Spring Festival (Czech Republic) and Welcome to The Village (Netherlands).

For further information email: naima@efa-aef.eu


Joey Miskulin AAA Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation - USA

AAA Carrozza Dinner flier
Joey MiskulinThe 2019 Carrozza Dinner on Sunday, September 8, will feature the Presentation to Joey Miskulin of the AAA Lifetime Achievement Award. The evening at Famee Furland of NA Club includes Cocktail Hour, Dinner and Dancing, wine with all proceeds going to the Camen Carrozza Scholarship Fund for the advancement of promising young accordionists.

Download the reservation and booking flier: 2019CarrozzaDinner.pdf

This honour is in recognition of the exceptionally prolific contribution Joey Miskulin has made to the recording industry, having played on hundreds of albums with many of country and popular music’s best known names over many years.

Since the 1970s, Joey Miskulin has recorded with the likes of Paul McCartney, U2, John Denver, Ricky Skaggs, Andy Williams, Ricky Van Shelton, Emmylou Harris, Frankie Yankovic, Garth Brooks, to name but some.

Also a singer, arranger, and producer, Joey Miskulin is well known for performing country music as ‘Joey the Cowpolka King’ with the band Riders in the Sky and polkas with Frankie Yankovic, but his versatility extends into jazz, evidenced by his album, ‘The Other Side of the Fence’.

Also in 1990 for his ground breaking ‘Accordion Styles and Techniques’ video/DVD, which was the first video of its kind. Miskulin’s production credits include ‘Toy Story’ for Disney/Pixar, and recently in Shanghai, China, where he spent two weeks working with the Walt Disney Company.


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Friedrich Lips New CD Quodlibet - Austria

Quodlibet header
Quodlibet CDUpdated information about Catalog CD029 Quodlibet CD by Friedrich Lips.

Updated biography at: Lips Biography


Schedule Released, Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration – USA

Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration poster
The detailed schedule has been released for the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) which will take place from June 20th to 23rd in Leavenworth, Washington sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society. Download: 2019Leavenworth.pdf

This is a celebration of the accordion’s versatility and its presence in many cultures. Accordion music is what this event is all about!

For further information view the website at: Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC)


Renzo Ruggieri Releases Song for S.B. for Accordion & Orchestra - Italy

Song for S.B. coverRenzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri has released Song For S.B. for accordion & orchestra or accordion & string orchestra.

Catalog: rrenzo500 - Song for S.B. was composed in 2002 and published in 2003 as a compulsory piece for the jazz section of the international competition "Stefano Bizzarri" of Morro D'Oro (Italy).

The central “only accordion” indication invites the soloist to improvise on the structure of the first theme -B- (by the same author, there is a version for solo accordion that includes a usable transcribed solo).

rrenzo500 - This massive musical digital pdf booklet of 55 pages includes the score and all parts for:

1. accordion & orchestra (full score & individual parts)
for: Accordion, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Bassoon, Horn in F
and Strings (I Violin, II Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass).
(full score & individual parts)
2. accordion & string orchestra (full score & individual parts)
for: Accordion & Strings (I Violin, II Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass).
(full score & individual parts)

Catalog: rrenzo501 - Song for S.B. (solo) was released much earlier and is recorded on
Renzo Ruggieri Collection Album Catalog: rruggieri07


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