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Carmen Carrozza (1921-2013), New York - USA

Carmen CarrozzaUSA classical accordionist Carmen Carrozza passed away on June 17th 2013, at the grand age of 91.

Carmen Carrozza, born in Solano, Calabria, Italy, on July 20th 1921, emigrated to New York, USA, with his family in 1930. Carrozza studied the violin, piano and accordion, specialising in the latter. In 1937 he graduated from the Pietro Deiro Accordion Conservatory in Greenwich Village, New York, and he then continued his education at the New York Academy of Music, majoring in theory, harmony, counterpoint and composition. Carrozza made his professional debut in 1947 at the Philadelphia Academy of Music, launching what was to become an outstanding career as a classically inclined concert accordionist.

Over the years Carrozza performed with great distinction at many of America’s premier concert halls, including Carnegie Hall, New York City Town Hall, Times Hall, Lincoln Center, Kennedy Center, and the Philadelphia Academy of Music. He also performed internationally, visiting the UK, Canada, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, and Finland.

Carrozza performed as featured soloist with many symphony orchestras, such as The Boston Pops Symphony Orchestra, the National Symphony, New York Philharmonic, Cincinnati Orchestra, The Buffalo Symphony Orchestra, The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, and The Philadelphia Pops Orchestra.

On March 17th 2002 Carmen Carrozza was honoured by the American Accordionists' Association, becoming the first recipient of the prestigious ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’.

Carmen Carrozza was a Past President and a governing board member of the American Accordionists' Association (AAA). Also an accomplished composer and arranger, Carrozza did much to promote the accordion his teaching and through educational workshops at schools, universities and private music studios. His most accomplished student was Beverly Roberts, who in 1965 in Malta became the CIA World Champion. In 2002 he set up the ‘The Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund’ - a fund for the advancement of promising young accordionists and the commissioning of new works for the accordion.

Carmen Carrozza passed away a few weeks short of his 92nd birthday. He is survived by his wife Jean, and two grown children, Carmen and Marianne, and two grandchildren.
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