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2009 Roland V-Accordion Festival Finalists, Los Angles - USA‏

Roland headerThe Roland Corporation U.S. is proud to announce the finalists chosen to compete in the Roland U.S. V-Accordion Festival, which will take place at the Doubletree Hotel, Commerce, LA, on Friday, September 25th.

The finalists selected are listed in alphabetical order.

Youth Division
1. Peter Chudolij
2. Micaiah Elliott
3. Kassandra Knoff
4. Wayne Munoz
5. Danielle Renz

Adult Division
1. Kenneth Baert
2. Alicia Baker
3. Michael DeSciscio
4. Lou Fanucchi
5. Svetlana Ivanchenko

In the unlikely event a finalist cannot attend, an alternative selection will be made, listed in order of preference:

Youth Alternates
1. Kassandra Peterson
2. Hannah Jane Robbins
3. Moved to finalist

Adult Alternates
1. Jessica Faltot
2. Mark Kenneth
3. Paul Betken

For further information email: ron.lankford@yahoo.com
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