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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 20-Sep-2019
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每日报道:PIF Castelfidardo音乐节和比赛 - 意大利
Armonica Mente 手风琴音乐剧开幕之夜,Castelfidardo - 意大利
视频:Castelfidardo 高级别 Virtuoso 类别决赛 - 意大利
手风琴与交响乐团合奏表演由 Antonio Spaccarotella 创作的 Tango Revenge - 意大利


新增:“Hermosa”音乐学院 – 西西里
新CD发行 - Cantares Mexicanos - 2019 国际土著语言年
由 Marco Lo Russo 制作的三部音乐视频 - 意大利
手风琴家与室内乐八重奏组合作演出 - 新西兰
Victor Prieto Blu-Ray "Limited Edition" - Live at Berklee College of Music, Boston - USA


Rispon 国际音乐节上的 Kosmos合奏团 - 英国
“Los TexManiacs” at Adams Avenue Street Festival in San Diego, California - USA
Accordionist Fernando Avila Performs with String Quartet - Brazil
5th Accordion Passion Festival – France
Ouibache Music Festival, Indiana – USA
Fifi la Mer at “Oh La La! Midnight in Paris” - England
17th Annual Maclagan Squeezebox Festival – Australia
Brandon McPhee Tours with “The Jimmy Shand Story” - UK
Hank Thunander Concert at AWAM – USA
10th International Accordion Festival - Romania
Northern Ireland Open Marching Accordion Band Championships


Newly Published Gary Daverne Works - New Zealand

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每日报道:PIF Castelfidardo音乐节和比赛 - 意大利

2019 PIF Castelfidardo 音乐节于9月18日开始,将持续至9月22日结束。 每日报告、活动照片、视频及比赛结果现已于线上发布。


Castelfidardo 市政委员会(意大利马尔凯地区)与 Castelfidardo Pro Loco 旅游协会合作,召集并组织了 PIF 国际比赛 “Città di Castelfidardo”。该比赛是专为演奏古典音乐和其他类型音乐的手风琴独奏家和团体而开设的。

Castelfidardo 市政府由市长 Roberto Ascani 领导,Castelfidardo Pro Loco 由 Ruben Cittadini 带领,活动的艺术总监为 Renzo Ruggieri


Armonica Mente 手风琴音乐剧开幕之夜,Castelfidardo - 意大利

Armonica Mente poster2019年 PIF Castelfidardo 音乐节的开幕之夜以 “Armonica Mente” 手风琴音乐剧作为主要亮点,参与其中的有手风琴家 Antonio de Luca,Valentino Lorenzetti 和 Mirco Patarini,以及一支有着专业舞蹈家和歌手的团队。 文化协会(The Association of Culture)的 Gervasio Marcosignori 为本次活动提供了赞助。

上面的视频是音乐剧的开场,这是为了纪念 Castelfidardo 的伟大人物 Gervasio Marcosignori (他于2013年去世)。更多视频和图片点击:2019Castelfidardo


视频:Castelfidardo 高级别 Virtuoso 类别决赛 - 意大利

Video: 1st Radu Ratoi (Moldavia)

Video: 2nd Dantong Wang (China)

Video: 3rd Artem Tretiakov (Russia)
Radu RatoiCastelfidardo 举行的高级别 Virtuoso 类别的第二轮比赛中,三名决赛选手在阿斯特拉剧院(Teatro Astra)进行了演出。 以上是第二轮比赛的视频。 第一轮的比赛视频(包括10位参赛者演奏的优秀音乐)可点击下方链接进行在线观看:

左图:第一名得主 Radu Ratoi


手风琴与交响乐团合奏表演由 Antonio Spaccarotella 创作的 Tango Revenge - 意大利

Antonio Spaccarotella来自意大利 Nocera Terinese 的 Conservatorio di Musica P.I. Tchaikovsky 音乐学院的国际演奏家、作曲家和手风琴老师 Antonio Spaccarotella(右图) 在2018年创作了手风琴独奏 Tango Revenge。

Grayson Masefield (下图)在过去的12个月里分别在中国、欧洲和北美表演了 Tango Revenge 的独奏版本,并于9月15日(星期日)首次与交响乐团合作演奏了该曲目。

Conservatorio di Musica P.I. Tchaikovsky 音乐学院乐团由著名作曲家兼指挥 Volodymyr Runchak (乌克兰)担任指挥。如视频中所见,该作品受到了观众的一致好评。
Grayson Masefield



新增:“Hermosa”音乐学院 – 西西里

Accademy poster
一所以手风琴演奏家 Gorka Hermosa 的名字命名的音乐学院 - “Hermosa” 音乐学院刚刚在西西里岛创立。 从10月的第一周开始,该学院将开设手风琴、钢琴和歌唱课程。

有关详细信息,请致电:320 3186991


新CD发行 - Cantares Mexicanos - 2019 国际土著语言年

CD cover
在2019年联合国教科文组织国际土著语言年之际,一张名为《Cantares Mexicanos》的新CD刚刚以墨西哥标签 Tempus Clasico 完成了发行。

这段录音将纳瓦特尔语的阿兹台克诗歌与墨西哥作曲家的7首手风琴作品进行了对比 - 这7位作曲家包括 Georgina Derbez,Victor Ibarra,Alejandro Romero,Javier Torres Maldonado,Jorge Torres Saenz 和 Itzam Zapata。

在解说员 Astrid Hadad(西班牙语)和 Christian Rojas(纳瓦特尔语)的陪同下,手风琴家 Vincent LHermet 先生将带着这张专辑在四个国家(意大利,法国,墨西哥,德国)举行10场巡回音乐会演出。

“Cantares Mexicanos” 是16世纪西班牙人用拉丁字母抄写的诗集(纳瓦特尔语)。阿兹台克人的语言 - 纳瓦特尔语 -(墨西哥仅次于西班牙语的第二语言),今天大约有150万人使用。

该项目是在法国和墨西哥大使馆以及 Charles Oulmont 基金会的支持下进行。它通过创造提醒人们要去保护他们自己的历史和语言,因为“一个国家若失去了其文化根基就无法茁长成长”。



由 Marco Lo Russo 制作的三部音乐视频 - 意大利

Marco Lo Russo
9月15日,由 Marco Lo Russo 制作的三部音乐视频在意大利拉提纳 Priverno 的 Fossanova 礼堂进行了公开展示。

本次项目由手风琴家、作曲家和制作人 Marco Lo Russo 主持,由 Marco Lo Russo 音乐中心协会策划,由获得2016年拉齐奥信息奖 (Jubilee Award for information) 的记者 Silvia Vecchi 参与指导。


视频中使用的原声都是 Marco Lo Russo 的名曲和原创作品。每个视频都代表了这个国家的某个方面。《Flavors and knowledge》以 Nicola Piovani 对“生命就是美丽”的重新诠释,讲述了工匠们的作品及其典型产品的独特性。短片《Art History Culture》中的历史之美,被 Marco Lo Russo 委托给了弦乐四重奏 Tango Antiguo 来演奏。而在视频《Events and Traditions》中,许多春夏事件都是通过电声歌曲 Danza sull'Aia 和人声曲 Coro 来进行描述的。

在Fossanova拉齐奥的Priverno市举办的 “Made In Lazio Priverno”介绍会是Priverno市政府组织的“Waiting for the Fossanova Tourism expo 2020”活动的一部分,届时将看到有拉美和弗罗西诺内的行政管理人员、购买者和旅行社在现场进行策划举办属于他们自己的旅游博览会,以促进和发展两个省的旅游业。

Making the Lo Russo video


手风琴家与室内乐八重奏组合作演出 - 新西兰

Edward Giffney视频:John Elmsly:Lullaby

新西兰音乐中心(Sounz Centre for NZ Music)最近完成了他们对奥克兰室内乐团(Auckland Chamber Orchestra)的 John Elmsly 在作曲家肖像音乐会(Portrait Concert)上演奏的 “Lullaby” 的电影报道。

这首八重奏原本是为旋律乐器和钢琴而创作的,目的是在音乐上再现 Te Reo Rangatira 出版的合集 “He Waiata Onamata(来自过去的歌曲)” 的 “simplicity and beauty”。

指挥家 Peter Scholes 担任指挥,Eddie Giffney(手风琴),Jenni Seddon-Mori(长笛),Donald Nicholls(黑管),Andrew Uren(低音单簧管),Kevin Kim(录音),Miranda Adams(小提琴),James Yoo(大提琴)和 Sarah Watkins(钢琴)。 这部电影的音频由 Franco Viganoni 录制。 影片由新西兰广播公司资助。


Victor Prieto Blu-Ray "Limited Edition" - Live at Berklee College of Music, Boston - USA

Video: Sample from the Blu-Ray: Victor Prieto performs his original, "Six Note Samba", live as part of The Checkout - Live at Berklee

Victor Prieto has just released his Blu-Ray Special Edition HD "Live at Berklee College of Music". The concert was broadcast live at WBGO Jazz, 88.3 Radio. Victor was accompanied by Carlo De Rosa, Vince Cherico and Chris Cheek.

For details email: info@victorprieto.net
Blu-Ray cover



Rispon 国际音乐节上的 Kosmos合奏团 - 英国

Festival banner
CD coverCD back cover视频:Kosmos 乐团与 Worthing 交响乐团合作的 Astor Piazzolla 的 Libertango。
本曲由 Harriet Mackenzie 为Kosmos合奏团(Harriet Mackenzie - 小提琴,Meg-Rosaleen Hamiton - 中提琴,Milos Milivojevic - 手风琴)和 Worthing 交响乐团编排,John Gibbons 担任指挥

Kosmos 乐团将于9月22日晚上7:30在约克市 Main St 的 Helperby Village Hall 举办的 Ripon 国际音乐节上演出。音乐节于9月1日开始,一直持续到10月6日,由 Susan Goldsbrough 与艺术总监 Janusz Piotrowicz 共同主持,他们都是活动的创始人。

包括手风琴家 Miloš Milivojevic,Harriet Mackenzie(小提琴)和 Meg Hamilton(中提琴)在内的三重奏组,将演奏一个受全球音乐启发的节目。

他们刚刚在雨云唱片公司(如上图)发行了名为“ Pinnacle Ridge”的新专辑。专辑收录了一些他们最喜欢的来自日本,塞尔维亚,瑞典,苏格兰的音乐,以及流行的探戈和吉普赛音乐,这些音乐都是他们从深受喜爱的古典曲目中带回的。

Kosmos Ensemble


“Los TexManiacs” at Adams Avenue Street Festival in San Diego, California - USA

Video: Los TexManiacs - Millennium Stage – Kennedy Centre, USA.
Experience an authentic musical taste of Texas with Grammy Award winners Los TexManiacs. Led by Max Baca, Los TexManiacs have a unique Tex-Mex sound that combines traditional conjunto with elements of blues, country, and Rock 'n' Roll, with accordionist Josh Baca.

Popular group Los Texmaniacs will perform at the Adams Avenue Street Festival in San Diego, California on September 22nd at 4.45pm

The band which includes accordionist Josh Baca play a mix of Tex-Mex, World, Roots, Texas Rock-n-Roll, Conjunto, TX Country and traditional music.

For further details email: info@lostexmaniacs.com
Los TexManiacs


Accordionist Fernando Avila Performs with String Quartet - Brazil

Fernando AvilaAccordionist Fernando Avila (picture left - currently a student of the undergraduate and specialization courses in music at UFSM) will perform a concert entitled “A Lua de Santiago” (The Moon of Santiago) with the Quarteto de Cordas (string quartet) of Sao Paulo, Brazil. This concert will take place on September 26th at 8pm at the Sala do Conservatório of the Arts Square Cultural Complex in São Paulo.

Their program will include Fernando’s own compositions from his CD “A Lua de Santiago”. Although released in 2017, the album was nominated in the Açorians Music Awards 2019 Revelation category, promoted by the city of Porto Alegre.

For further concert details email: fernandoacordeon@gmail.com


5th Accordion Passion Festival – France

Passion poster
The 5th Accordion Passion Festival will be held in Beynat, Central France from September 27th to 30th organised by the Club des Bruyères and the Générations Mouvement.

Festival highlights include a pre festival performance at the EHPAD La Châtaigneraie retirement home at 3pm on September 26th, where residents and their families can take part in the music and dancing.

The following day (September 27th at 3.30pm), students at the Lucioles School will give an accordion concert accompanied by accordionist Denis Salesse, who is also the artistic advisor of the festival.

Later that evening two groups will give a concert at the Gynmasium beginning at 8.30pm. The first part of the concert will be performed by the Correzian band "Los Gojats del Porti". Next “Peiraguda” will entertain. This group is recognized for its poetic richness and the quality of harmonic arrangements around accordion, guitars and vocals.

The following day a visit to the Cabas Museum is planned at 10am with accordionist Jean-Claude Labouchet who will perform some popular songs.

In the afternoon, a large dance gala will take place in the gymnasium from 2pm till midnight, with entertainment from a variety of artists including Denis Salesse, Anaïs Bessières, Sébastien Farge, Stéphanie Rodriguez, Jean-Claude Labouchet, Mathieu Barbier, Lili Wacky, Gilles Saby, Frédéric Buch, Myriam Thiébault and Yves Moulin.

Other activities include a Sunday Mass with music by accordionist Denis Salesse, street entertainment, a parade of accordionists and a final “Tea Dance” with music by Denis Salesse, Yves Moulin and young accordionists.

For reservations and further information email: contact@club-les-bruyères.fr
Passion festival program


Ouibache Music Festival, Indiana – USA

Music fest picThe Ouibache Music Festival will be held at the Tippecanoe County Ampitheatre in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA on September 27th and 28th. This roots festival attracts musicians from all over the world who will gather to play tunes, share stories, and commune with one another. The laid back attitude of the festival allows musicians of all types and skill levels to take time away from the daily routine of life and just enjoy the sweetness of playing a guitar or singing a song.

Popular group “Sam Reider and the Human Hands” (picture below) will give a workshop on “Working Together as a Band” where they will be discussing how they navigate the rigors of the road, creating music and understanding the human element of working together. The workshops are free of charge.

The group, which includes accordionist, composer, pianist and vocalist Sam Reider, Alex Hargreaves (violin), Eddie Barbash (saxophone), Grant Gordy (guitar), Dominick Leslie (mandolin), Roy Williams (guitar) and Dave Speranza (bass) will also entertain on the main stage.

The festival will feature 2 x stages of continuous music with local, regional, national and international acts, from 12 midday till late, the Americana Classic & Custom Car Show, workshops, demonstrations, dancing and jam sessions.

For details email: OuibacheMusicFestival@gmail.com
Sam Reider and the Human Hands


Fifi la Mer at “Oh La La! Midnight in Paris” - England

Fifi La Mer
Accordionist Fifi la Mer and her band will take part in a show entitled “Oh La La! Midnight in Paris - A tribute to French music” at the Brasserie Zedel in London on October 9th at 7pm.

The show mixes Parisian folk music with 60’s French pop, film & impressionist music and unforgettable jazz standards. The band includes Fifi (accordion & vocals) blended with Olly Wilby (clarinet & saxophone), Colin Oxley (guitar) and Julian Bury (double bass).

For details email: info@brasseriezedel.com


17th Annual Maclagan Squeezebox Festival – Australia

Maclagan poster
logoThe 17th Annual Maclagan Squeezebox Festival will be held at the Maclagan Memorial Hall in Maclagan, Toowoomba region, Queensland, Australia on October 12th.

The event is held for those who love and play accordion music and will include a variety of concerts, jam sessions, dancing, accordions on show, market stalls and a final Saturday evening dance with music genres such as Old time, Waltz, Tango, Rumba, Rock ‘n Roll, Jazz, Cha Cha, etc.

Performers include Accordions Alfresco, Arabanoo Bush Band plus members of the U3A accordion band.

For details email: maclagansqueezeboxfest@gmail.com


Brandon McPhee Tours with “The Jimmy Shand Story” - UK

Jimmy Shand Poster
Accordionist Brandon McPhee will tour the UK with “The Jimmy Shand Story” Scottish Show from October 2019. This will be the only time this specific show will be in the areas listed below. The show will conclude in Scotland at the end of the year.

The live narrator is actor Dave Anderson. Tickets are now on sale.

Tour dates as follows:

October 10th: Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre, Windmillhill Street, Motherwell
October 12th: Wick Assembly Rooms, Sinclair Terrace, Wick
October 13th: Webster Memorial Theatre, Arbroath
October 20th: Howden Park Centre, Howden, Livingston
October 25th: Tivoli Theatre, Aberdeen
October 26th: New Auditorium GRCH, Glasgow
October 27th: Rothes Halls, Rothes Square, Glenrothes, Fife
October 28th: Eden Court Theatre and Cinema, Bishops Rd, Inverness
November 1st: The Brunton, Ladywell Way, Musselburgh
November 2nd: The Cairndale Hotel & Leisure Club Dumfries, 132-136 English Street, Dumfries
November 3rd: Caird Hall, Dundee

For further information email: robertcameron29@hotmail.com
Jimmy Shand Story Poster


Hank Thunander Concert at AWAM – USA

AWAM header
Hank ThunanderA World of Accordions Museum will host a concert by popular accordionist Hank Thunander (picture left) on October 27th at 2pm.

Hank Thunander is a favorite entertainer throughout the region and beyond and his personable nature radiates through his music.

While known for his spontaneous interpretations in any “key,” and for his stylistic accuracy in performing 18 types of polkas, Hank can also incorporate other dimensions in his programs. For example, he plans to explain the music demonstrated as a learning experience to benefit accordionists and musicians at this concert.

The concert is sponsored by Barbara and Dennis Vargason of Superior as a special fund-raiser for the museum. Their son Paul Vargason will play a set or two with Hank. Paul studied with Helmi Harrington for decades.

For further concert details email: aworldofaccordions@gmail.com


10th International Accordion Festival - Romania

Romania fest poster
The 10th International Accordion Festival “Nopti Albe de Acordeon” (White Accordion Nights) will be held at the Grand Hall of the Teatrului National Bucuresti in Bucharest, Romania on November 12th, 2019 at 7pm. The festival is hosted by Festivalul International "Nopti Albe de Acordeon"- "Emy Dragoï".

Guest performers from France, Italy, Belgium, Russia, Argentina and Romania will entertain at the event.

For further information phone: +40 21 314 7171


Northern Ireland Open Marching Accordion Band Championships

Clyde JohnstonThe Northern Ireland Open Marching Accordion Band Championships are being held in the Loughshore Hotel, Carrickfegrus on February 22nd, 2020 and are run in conjunction with the Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships. Event organiser is Clyde Johnston (picture left).

The Marching Band Sections are exclusively for Marching Accordion Bands with various Test & Own Choice Sections catering for all levels including Graded Military March Sections, Four Part Harmony, Irish/Scottish traditional & Melody.

In order to reflect the true sound and spirit of the marching accordion band participating bands may only play music & instruments they play on parade with amplification and electronics not being permitted.

Applications for marching accordion bands interested in competing are now open.

For details phone Clyde Johnston: 07882456880
NI form



Newly Published Gary Daverne Works - New Zealand

Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary DaverneA number of works by Gary Daverne are now being published to make them available for performance by competitors in the "2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music Composed by Gary Daverne".

Those wishing to use these works for the 2020 Gary  Daverne music competition with a prize of two airfares, free trip to New Zealand for teacher of winner and student, can email for the music free of charge to: musicforacc.com@yahoo.com

Full information about the competition at: 2020GaryDaverneCompetition

ED0072 - Tango 130 (Solo) Video above performed by Grayson Masefield
ED0073 - Hokianga Hornpipe accordion solo part and piano accompaniment and accordion solo part only
ED0074 - The German Polka (Solo)

ED0076 - Song of the Far North for solo accordion and accordion ensemble
ED0077 - Song of the Far North for solo accordion and chamber orchestra
ED0075 - Song of the Far North for accordion and piano (Duet)

ED0081a - 2nd Rhapsody Score for accordion solo and symphony orchestra
ED0081b - 2nd Rhapsody Parts for accordion solo and symphony orchestra

ED0082a - 2nd Rhapsody Score for accordion solo and accordion orchestra
ED0082b - 2nd Rhapsody Parts for accordion solo and accordion orchestra


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