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Successful Accordion Band Workshop, Stockport – UK

Bert SantillyOn March 14th, the Stockport Accordion Club held an accordion band workshop at Woodley Methodist Church, led by visiting teacher Bert Santilly (picture left). This proved to be a superb and most enjoyable event in which Bert Santilly guided the participants with skill and patience through four contrasting pieces.

He shared his great musical knowledge and expertise, and all present learned a lot during the course of the day. After lunch Bert performed a short concert which included some songs from his wife Helen. The refreshments were plentiful and much enjoyed, including some of Marj Howard's super cakes.

The day finished with a performance of all four pieces for the audience, which included Stockport AC President Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and North Staffs AC President Steve Hughes.

The four workshop pieces were 'A Man and a Woman' (Francis Lai), 'Roses d'Automne' (a French café waltz composed by Jean Peyronnin), 'Tom Hark' (a notable hit record in the late 1950s from South African band Elias and His Zig-Zag Jive Flutes), and 'Tates Freilach' (a klezmer piece composed by Joachim Johow, and played at a frantic pace).

Tony Britton, a participant from the North Staffs AC afterwards aptly commented “The workshop was a perfect balance of tuition, pieces, venue, and hospitality. I'm so glad that a couple of us from North Staffs accepted the invite to join in. Many thanks”.

Bert Santilly, from Cambridge, is well known for his performances and for leading jazz accordion and busking workshops at the Caister, Seacroft and other accordion festivals.
workshop participants
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