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‘14 Years Ago’ – 2012 is the Titanic Centenary Year

Titanic movie posterAfter the huge Costa Concordia cruise ship with over 3,500 people on board ran aground on Italy's Giglio Island this week, there has also been many mentions of the Titanic sinking in the news. The chaos of leaving the ship reminded many of the Titanic tragedy.

The Accordions Worldwide news for January 16th 1998 included an item written by accordionist Phil Parlapiano, who informed us that he played in the 1997 movie ‘Titanic’, starring Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet. 2012 marks the centenary of the launch of the ill-fated Titanic, built in Belfast, Northern Ireland, which sank in the Atlantic on its maiden voyage.

Contributed by Phil Parlapiano

Phil Parlapiano performs in the hit movie ‘The Titanic’ as a Greek accordionist that jams with an Irish band. The scene comes about an hour into the film, taking place in the third class cabin at a big party where the two main characters fall in love.

Phil has travelled the world playing his accordion with well-known stars including:
Rod Stewart - played accordion and mandolin on Rod Stewart's 'Unplugged and Seated' CD as well as the MTV special and toured with him 94-95.
John Prine - played accordion and B-3 organ on John Prine's newest release 'Live on Tour' and have played on his last 4 records.
Bonnie Raitt - toured with Bonnie Raitt and John Prine
Jon Bon Jovi - played on a track ‘Miracle’ from the 'Young Guns' record.
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