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Martynas’ Concert Schedule – Ireland, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, Hungary, France, Lithuania, Turkey

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MartynasVideo above: Martynas Levickis on the recent TV Show Litewskim Mam Talent (Lithuania Has Talent). A slow starting medley that builds to the end.

Lithuanian accordion virtuoso Martynas Levickis has a very busy international concert schedule in the next three months:

February 24th, 7.30pm - Jenisch Haus, Hamburg, Germany
March 4th, 6.30pm - Y. Menuhin Concert Hall, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
March 10th, 6pm - National Academic Operetta theatre, Kiev, Ukraine
March 11th, 5pm - The sound of Europe at the Ministry of Finance, Berlin, Germany
March 12th, 7pm - Budapest, Hungary.
March 17th, 7pm - The Académie Diplomatique Internationale, Paris, France
March 21st - Kaunas Philharmonic society, Lithuania
April 8th, 6 pm - concert with Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Klaipeda Concert Hall, Lithuania
April 11th - performance in TEDx, Vilnius, Lithuania
April 14th - concert with Geneva Camerata, Istanbul, Turkey
April 30th - concert with St. Christopher's Chamber Orchestra - Piazzolla Tango project, St. Catherine's Church, Vilnius

Martynas Levickis, known usually by his forename Martynas, has emerged as an international star of the accordion in recent times. Born in Lithuania, and a graduate of London’s Royal Academy of Music, Martynas has won several awards, including the Coupe Mondiale Piano Accordion category, and in his own country, the popular TV show ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ where he became a primetime television star.

Now recognized as a local hero in Lithuania, Martynas has also been appointed as a tourism ambassador by his country’s government.
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