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New CD ‘Shakey Breaks the Ice’, Cambridge – UK

Shakey Breaks the Ice group‘Shakey Breaks the Ice’ is the title of this new CD from Bert Santilly (piano accordion), Trevor Barlow (clarinet and saxophone), Hugh Boyde (guitar), and Laurence Evans (double bass). This recently formed quartet play as if they have been together for many years.

The music is a mixture of jazz standards, Klezmer dance numbers, Continental-style music, and original compositions written in a jazz style. The CD opens with ‘Songe d’Automne’, a Django Reinhardt 1940s swing composition that moves along briskly, featuring attractive solo breaks from all four players.

This number sets the bar high musically, and is a shop window for what is to come. Other tracks include ‘Under Paris Skies’, which has clarinet and accordion taking turns to lead, in a typically French café jazz arrangement, and ‘Begin the Beguine’, a clarinet led arrangement much in the style of Benny Goodman mode.

This is a CD that works on different levels in that it can be easy listening background music, yet also has much to offer the discerning listener. A special mention should go to the sound engineer, who achieved a perfect balance between instruments and an excellent sound quality.

For further information email bert@santilly.co.uk
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