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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Nov-2021
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Séminaire d’accordéon 2022 & Journées d’accordéon - Suisse
IVe Concours Tout-Russe "Musique Baroque sur Accordéon", Moscou - Russie
Accordéon idées cadeaux de Noël pour les amis et la famille
Free Postage, Super Value Christmas Gifts Books - France
4ème Concours Aris del Puerto - Espagne
NOVAM Orchestra Festival – Pays-Bas
Populaire "Jouez votre accordéon sans douleur" eBook maintenant disponible en langue chinoise

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

1st Online International Competition "Ozornye Harmoniki" – Belarus
Musikmesse 2022 - a restart for next year - Germany
2022 Edinburgh Music Competition Festival - Scotland
New CD “AccoChameleon” by Wiesław Ochwat & Maciej Zimka - Poland
“Manran” Releases New Album “Ùrar” - Scotland
Postponed: Andreas & Naoko Nebl Benefit Concert - Germany

Future events

“Granny’s Attic” Concert and Album Launch – UK
42nd Grand Provincial Fiesta Cayastá - Argentina
John Kirkpatrick “Carolling & Crumpets” Christmas Show – UK
Accordionists Perform at HKB University Concert - Switzerland
Christchurch Accordion Orchestra Guests at Xmas Concert – New Zealand
Ambre Vuillermoz Raffin Performs at St Pierre de Montmartre Church - France
Martynas Levickis “Piazzolla 100” Concert - Lithuania

Childrens Corner

Video: Daniil Dashukevich Performs Winning Program - Belarus

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Séminaire d’accordéon 2022 & Journées d’accordéon - Suisse

Ian WatsonLionel ChapuisLe Séminaire d’accordéon 2022 et les Journées de l’accordéon Suisse se tiendront au Campus Sursee à Sursee, en Suisse, du 21 au 23 janvier 2022.

L’événement comprendra un week-end plein de musique et de travail intensif pour les accordéonistes de tous niveaux, des cours d’orchestre avec des professeurs de Suisse et de l’étranger, des master classes pour les solistes d’accordéon et un cours de direction.

Ian Watson (photo ci-dessus à gauche) tiendra une classe d’orchestre intitulée "Movie Music & 4 Sea Sketches", qui se concentre sur les mélodies des films "Star Wars" et "E.T.".

Les autres thèmes du cours sont : les méthodes de répétition, la consolidation musicale, l’articulation différenciée, le travail sur la dynamique et la performance.

Lionel Chapuis (photo ci-dessus à droite) tiendra un cours d’orchestre intitulé "Rhapsody in Blue - accordéon et orchestre de pianistes" où les participants auront le plaisir de s’adresser à la célèbre œuvre de George Gershwin "Rhapsody in Blue" dans une version pour orchestre d’accordéon et de piano!

Parmi les autres tuteurs figurent Silke D’Inka - "Surprise", Roger Gisler - "Motely", Stefan Hippe - Cours de direction et Anne-Maria Hölscher - Master class.

Pour plus de détails : accordeon.ch


IVe Concours Tout-Russe "Musique Baroque sur Accordéon", Moscou - Russie

Organ Hall
Le IVe Concours Tout-Russe "Musique Baroque sur Bayan & Accordéon" se tiendra dans la Salle d’Orgue (photo ci-dessus) de l’Académie Russe de Musique de Gnessin à Moscou, les 17 et 18 mars 2022.

La compétition se déroulera en deux rondes, comme suit :
Première partie : 1. Prélude et Fugue (Bach), œuvre du XVIIe au VIIIe siècle (Scarlatti, Cimarosa, Couperin, Ramo, Daken, etc.)
Tour II : Cycle polyphonique d’orgue (Prélude et Fugue de Bach, Fantaisie et Fugue, Toccata et Fugue).

Il n’y a pas de restrictions d’âge et de temps et pas de frais pour la compétition.

Le gagnant du concours sera invité à participer à un concert festif dédié à la Journée Russe de l’accordéon, de l’accordéon et de l’harmonica, qui se tiendra le 19 mars 2022 dans la Grande Salle de l’Académie de Musique de Russie de Gnessin à Moscou.

Les inscriptions au concours se terminent le 10 mars 2022.

Pour plus de détails, envoyez un courriel à vlassovamaria@mail.ru


Accordéon idées cadeaux de Noël pour les amis et la famille

MusicForAccordion.com header
Christmas giftsIdées cadeaux de Noël pour les amis et la famille à : 2021 Idées cadeaux de Noël 2021 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Ces idées ont été arrangées pour utiliser votre argent de cadeau de Noël à bon escient pour des artistes accordéonistes, des compositeurs, des arrangeurs et des éditeurs.

Soutenez l’art de l’accordéon et choisissez parmi plus de 2400 pièces de feuilles électroniques, 310 CD/DVD, 2000 supports électroniques, 1000 œuvres imprimées et de nombreux livres (texte) à choisir. Idées-cadeaux de Noël 2021 2021 Xmas Gift Ideas.


Free Postage, Super Value Christmas Gifts Books - France

Benetoux books
Merry Christmas logoFree Postage Special:
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog benetouxen00). A quality book about accordion repairs, tuning etc. that is very popular indeed. In English

In French. Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (catalog benetouxfr00).

Free Postage Special:
Sounding Out The Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog bthierryen). A very quality book that cares of the sounding and tuning up your accordion. In English.

In French. L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (catalog bthierryfr).
Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon, L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore


4ème Concours Aris del Puerto - Espagne

Aris poster
Aris trophyLe IVème Concours d’interprétation pour l’étude de l’accordéon « Aris del Puerto » a eu lieu à Ponferrada, à León, en Espagne, le 13 novembre 2021.
Ce concours est promu par la famille d’Aris del Puerto pour lui rendre hommage et reconnaissance, les valeurs éducatives qu’elle a transmises et son désir d’avoir appris à jouer de l’accordéon.
La famille ainsi que le soutien de l’Institut d’Études Berciennes (IEB) et le soutien de la Mairie de Ponferrada ont initié ce concours en 2018.
Results at : 2021Aris.pdf
La veille du début du concours, une conférence et un concert ont été organisés sous le titre "Accordéon et Jazz" par Jesús Peñaranda.
Toutes ces activités ont été réalisées en collaboration avec l’association musicale des accordéonistes "El Sámbano", située à Ponferrada, et formée par des étudiants, des professeurs et des familles qui aiment l’accordéon.

Téléchargez la liste complète des résultats et des photos à : 2021Aris.pdf


NOVAM Orchestra Festival – Pays-Bas

NOVAM header
NOVAM festivalNOVAM (Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica) tiendra son 4ème Festival de l’Orchestre au Muziekcentrum van de Omroep, à Hilversum. Pays-Bas le 27 novembre 2021 de 9h à 18h.

Le festival est organisé par les orchestres du groupe de travail Novam qui s’occupent de la liste des répertoires et des demandes d’assignation de composition pour les orchestres d’accordéons.

Le groupe de travail est composé de Christa Groeneveld, Tim Fletcher, Leo van Lierop et Evert van Amsterdam.

Le programme de la journée comprendra trois concerts : un le matin, un l’après-midi et un le soir. Dans chaque programme, un nombre limité d’orchestres jouent leur programme de 20 minutes. Un maximum de douze à quinze orchestres peuvent participer (selon la taille).

Le festival est une invitation et un défi pour tous les orchestres qui veulent revenir. Chaque orchestre reçoit un souvenir et un rapport du jury de trois membres indépendants.

Les organisateurs espèrent que de nombreux orchestres s’inscriront à cette édition spéciale 2021.

Pour plus de détails, envoyez un courriel à christa.novam@gmail.com


Populaire "Jouez votre accordéon sans douleur" eBook maintenant disponible en langue chinoise

Chinese Bonica book cover
John BonicaPlay Your Accordion Without PainEn raison de sa popularité, l’eBook de John Bonica intitulé "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" a été traduit en chinois.

Un livre exclusivement pour accordéonistes, écrit par un accordéoniste, sur les problèmes et les blessures liés à l’accordéon, basé sur 50 ans d’expérience clinique professionnelle. La référence définitive pour les joueurs de tous âges, les enseignants et les professionnels.

Il s’agit d’un ebook donc il vous sera envoyé par courriel comme Acrobat pdf et vous l’aurez rapidement, pas d’attente pour la poste ou le messager.

Catalogue anglais : bonica00 Catalogue chinois : bonica-cn

Informations en chinois :


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

1st Online International Competition "Ozornye Harmoniki" – Belarus

Comp logo
The 1st Online International Competition "Ozornye Harmoniki" (Mischievous Accordions) will be held in Grodno, Belarus during March and April 2022.

The competition is organised by the "Association of Belarusian Accordionists and Accordionists of the Belarusian Union of Musical Figures".

The competition aims to support the creativity of young musicians, promoting the development of their creative abilities and increasing the level of performing skills as well as the preservation and development of national traditions of performance on accordion, accordion and harmonica, the exchange of pedagogical and performing experience among teachers and students, the realization of creative potential among amateurs, the popularization of performance on accordion, accordion and harmony in the media and promoting communication between children and young people from different countries.

Competition entries will be accepted from March 1st to 25th, 2022. Competition results will be announced on April 30th, 2022.

Voting will then begin for the "Winner of Audience Sympathy" from May 1 to May 7, 2022.

The announcement of the "Absolute Winner" and "Audience Sympathy Winner" will be announced on May 9th, 2022.

The competition will include age category classes in 10 divisions as follows: Bayan, Accordion, Harmony, Ensembles, Orchestras, Solo, Ensemble , Electronic tool, Master of accompaniment, Amateur.

Download full competition information and rules in English and Russian languages here: 2022BelarusRules.pdf


Musikmesse 2022 - a restart for next year - Germany

MMAfter an enforced absence due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Musikmesse team is raring to go again. The 2022 Musikmesse will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from April 28th to May 1st, 2022.

A number of Musikmesse spin-offs will be taking place at the same time, some forming part of the supporting programme: the Musikmesse Festival (28th April to 1st May), the Musikmesse Congress (28th to 29th April), Musikmesse Education (29th April to 1st May) and the B2C event Musikmesse Plaza (30th April to 1st May).

The schedule will also overlap with that of its sister event Prolight + Sound (26th to 29th April).


2022 Edinburgh Music Competition Festival - Scotland

Edinburgh poster
Fest logoThe 2022 Edinburgh Music Competition Festival will be held at St. Cuthbert’s Church in Edinburgh, Scotland from March 1st to 13th, 2022.

The Festival, which includes classes for accordionists, will be launched with the first round of the Concerto Competition on January 21st and 22nd, 2022. This class is a unique and special part of the Festival, as it provides the opportunity for four finalists to perform a movement from a concerto with a full orchestral accompaniment during the final evening concert.

The Festival is a friendly and supportive annual event, where amateur musicians of all ages can take to the stage alongside performers of a similar ability. It includes a programme of over 100 competitive and non-competitive classes and positively encourages musicians of all abilities to take part.

The closing concert will be held at The Queen’s Hall on March 13th and will feature festival highlights such as the final of the Concerto Competition. Winners of 15-minute recital classes will be invited to perform in St Giles’ on March 27th.

Entries close on November 30th, 2021.

Download full competition information here: 2022EdinburghSyllabus.pdf


New CD “AccoChameleon” by Wiesław Ochwat & Maciej Zimka - Poland

Wiesław Ochwat & Maciej Zimka CD coverVideo: Wieslaw Ochwat & Maciej Zimka interview this week on "Mistrzowie i Uczniowie" (Masters and Students) led by Mateusz Borkowski on Radio Kraków. Video includes information about the new CD “AccoChameleon” as well as performances by the duo.

A new debut CD “AccoChameleon” by accordionists Wieslaw Ochwat & Maciej Zimka (lecturers of the K. Penderecki Academy of Music in Krakow) was released on November 4th, 2021 on the Requiem Records label in Warsaw, Poland.

The event featured a “sneak peek” and photo shoot by photographer Adam Golec.

The CD includes works by Bach (Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 - Allegro, Adagio), Grieg (Suite No. 1 Peer Gynt Op. 46) and Mussorgsky (Pictures at an Exhibition - ver. M. Ravel).


“Manran” Releases New Album “Ùrar” - Scotland

Manran CD coverVideo: Manran performing Track No 1 entitled “Ailean” from their new album “Ùrar”.

Popular Scottish group “Manran”, which includes accordionist Gary Innes, have released their new album “Ùrar”.

The album includes 11 tracks such as “Crow Flies”, “Black Tower”, “The Loop” and “Foghar” etc.

For details email: info@manran.co.uk


Postponed: Andreas & Naoko Nebl Benefit Concert - Germany

postponedAccordionist Andreas Nebl and Naoko Nebl (harmonica) regret to advise that their benefit concert at the St. Theresia Church in Trossingen, Germany on November 21st, 2021 must be postponed due to the current Corona situation.

They plan to reschedule in March 2022.

For details email: AndiNebl@gmx.de


Future events

“Granny’s Attic” Concert and Album Launch – UK

GRanny's Attic
CD coverVideo: “Granny’s Attic” performing "Devil's Arch" from their new album. This piece was written by Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (concertina).

Popular trio “Granny’s Attic” will hold an online “live” album launch at HEART (Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre) in Leeds, England, UK on November 20th at 7.30pm. The event will include a live audience at HEART as well as the online presentation through social media.

The group, which includes Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (Anglo concertina) are currently performing in the UK with their Brickfields concert tour which features pieces from their new album “The Brickfields” (CD cover picture left).

Album tracks include Cruds & Cream Jig, Odd Thoughts, Watt’s Reel and Devil’s Arch etc.

For details email: band@grannysattic.org.uk


42nd Grand Provincial Fiesta Cayastá - Argentina

Fiesta poster
The 42nd Grand Provincial Fiesta Cayastá will be held in Cayastá, Santa Fe, Argentina on November 21st.

The event will showcase a variety of performers including accordionists Antonio Figueroa and his trio and Miguel Figueroa and his Conjunto ensemble.

Monchito Merlo will entertain at 7pm in San Martin de Las Escobas, Santa Fe.

See posters for details.
Monchito Merlo


John Kirkpatrick “Carolling & Crumpets” Christmas Show – UK

John Kirkpatrick, Xmas poster
John Kirkpatrick will begin his “Carolling & Crumpets” solo Christmas show this weekend.

Beginning at the Chew Valley Arts Centre, Baptist Church, in North East Somerset on November 21st, 2021 at 3pm, John will entertain at a variety of venues as follows:

• November 26th: Guildford Folk Club, The Institute, Guildford, Surrey
• December 3rd: Leigh Village Hall, Leigh, Sherborne, Dorset
• December 6th: White Horse Folk Club, Beverley, North Yorkshire
• December 8th: The Phoenix Arts Centre, Exeter, Devon
• December 9th: Halsway Manor, Crowcombe, Taunton, Somerset
• December 10th: The Town Hall, Trowbridge, Wiltshire
• December 11th: Holybourne Theatre, Holybourne, Alton, Hampshire
• December 14th: Tigerfolk, Falcon Inn, Long Whatton, Leicestershire
• December 15th: Harrogate Folk Club, Henshaw's Arts Centre, Harrogate, North Yorkshire

For details email: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk


Accordionists Perform at HKB University Concert - Switzerland

HKB header
Dannong WuFollowing a year of cancellations due to Covid-19, the HKB Musik University of the Arts in Bern, Switzerland will hold a concert in the Kammermusiksaal (Chamber Music Hall) on November 25th at 7.30pm.

Accordion performers include Dannong Wu (China - picture left) who will give a Master specialized performance of Sonata No 38 by Haydn and Inga Piwowarska who will perform Ciaccona a Spirale for accordion and guitar by Harri Suilamo.

For details phone: +41 31 848 39 99


Christchurch Accordion Orchestra Guests at Xmas Concert – New Zealand

CAA xmas posterCAAThe Christchurch Accordion Orchestra (conducted by David Thorne - picture above) have been invited to perform as guest artists at the “Christmas Bells are Ringing” outdoor concert at the St Paul’s Parish Church grounds in Christchurch on November 28th, 2021 at 5pm.

Other performers include the St Alban’s Community Choir directed by accordionist Heather Gladstone QSM and the New Brighton Silver Band.

Their program will include a variety of Christmas Carols from around the world.

Attendees are invited to bring their own chairs, masks and refreshments with them due to Covid-19 regulations in New Zealand.

For further details phone: 021 1038334


Ambre Vuillermoz Raffin Performs at St Pierre de Montmartre Church - France

Ambre Vuillermoz RaffinSt PierreVideo: Ambre Vuillermoz Raffin performing Les Grâces by Jacques Duphly.

Accordionist Ambre Vuillermoz Raffin (picture left) will perform a solo recital at the St Pierre de Montmartre Church in Paris, France (picture above) on December 5th, 2021 at 6pm.

Her program will include Baroque works and original music for accordion (Duphly, Rameau, Aho, Gubaidulina).

For details email: ambrevuillermoz@gmail.com


Martynas Levickis “Piazzolla 100” Concert - Lithuania

Martynas LevickisVideo: Martynas Levickis performing Piazzolla works at a live concert.

Martynas Levickis (picture left) will perform his “Piazzolla 100” Concert with the Chamber Ensemble “Mikroorkestra” at the Compensa Concert Hall in Vilnius, Lithuania on December 10th, 2021 at 7pm.

The event is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of tango innovator Ástor Piazzolla.

For details email: info@martynasmusic.com


Childrens Corner

Video: Daniil Dashukevich Performs Winning Program - Belarus

Video: Daniil Dashukevich from the GUO "Children's Music School of Arts No.17 in Minsk, Belarus (teacher - Lilia Viktorovna) performs his winning program in the 1st degree nomination 8 to 9 year section of the 1st Online International Competition "Ozornye Harmoniki" due to be held in Grodno, Belarus next year.

His program includes:

1. L. Malinovsky - "Merry City"
2. R.N. P. "Kalina moya", mod. G. Shendereva


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