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Aly Bain & phil Cunningham Tour – UK

Phil Cunningham (accordion) and Aly Bain (fiddle)Scotland’s Aly Bain (fiddle) and Phil Cunningham (accordion) are on a tour of England during late March, as follows:

- March 20th, 7.30pm - The Ariel Centre, King Edward IV Community College, Ashburton Rd, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5JX
- March 21st, 7.30pm - Truck Theatre, 50 Ferensway, Hull HU2 8LB
- March 22nd, 8pm – Folk Club, The Village Club, High St, Nettlebed RG9 5DD
- March 24th - Biddulph Town Hall, High St, Staffs ST8 6AR
- March 25th, 8pm - The Holy Cross, Hall Chapel Lane, Lichfield WS14 9DX
- March 26th, 8pm - The Platform, Central Promenade. Morecambe LA4 4DB
- March 27th - Union Chapel, The Vestry, Compton Ave, London N1 2XD
- March 28th - Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA
- March 30th, 8pm - The Stables Theatre, Jim Marshall Auditorium, Stockwell Lane, Wavendon, Milton Keynes MK17 8LU
- March 31st, 8pm - Waterside Arts Centre, Sale, Cheshire M33 7ZF

For further information email: donnamacrae@gmail.com
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