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Nathan Chapeton to Represent the USA at the 2016 Coupe Mondiale in Russia

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 1: Nathan Chapeton performs "Concerto in E" by Pietro Deiro on accordion on May 11, 2015 during "Middletown High School Goes To The Symphony." Accompanied by the New Haven Symphony Orchestra at the Bushnell Center for the Arts in Hartford, CT.

Video 2: "Partita" by Alexander Tcherepnin"
Dinner Award of "Carmen Carroza Scholarship" at Double Tree Hotel, Tarrytown New York. An accordion student of Mary Tokarski, Nathan won the $3,000.00 dollars prize on "the Junior Division" 2015.

A student of Mary Tokarski for seven years, Nathan Chapeton is a young accordionist that performs and competes locally. He was chosen to represent the United States{AAA} this September 2016 in Rostov-Don, Russia, competing with the best players around the world in the Coupe Mondiale. Nathan won the Virtuoso Championship at the Mid-Atlantic Music Teachers Guild for the third time qualifying him to represent the USA.

Nathan Chapeton was inspired to play music at the age of eight after hearing his teacher, AAA President Mary Tokarski, play the accordion. Currently he performs with the jazz ensemble at Middleown High School in Conncecticut. In addition to the accordion he plays the electric bass, piano, and now is studying the upright bass.

He has attended many music festivals such as MAMTG where he won first place in the virtuoso solo division. Not only does he perform as a soloist but he also collaborates with other young musicians and plays contemporary music, tangos and concert compositions.

Recently, Nathan performed for the show "Around the World" with his longtime duet partner, Tor Stumo. He has performed at the AAA with other accordionists and musicians during which his interest in jazz was sparked.

Along with his teacher, Mary Tokarski, Nathan has been a guest performer at many concerts including performances in Long Island, New York, and Connecticut. He has represented the USA in the Coupe Mondiale in Salzburg Austria and regularly competes.

Nathan plans to major in music in college. His plans for the future include introducing the accordion to young people around the United States through performances and workshops on the qualities of the accordion and its music.
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