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Cotati Accordion Festival Report, San Francisco - USA

Cotati Accordion Festival
Shirley Brim, newsletter editor of the San Francisco Accordion Club writes: We are so lucky to have the great annual accordion celebration in Cotati! As a first-time visitor I was impressed by almost everything at the festival, including the organization of the event.

Although space in the pretty little park is limited, the layout was perfect. There were friendly local folk at the gates, a separate parking for handicapped drivers and musicians, and enthusiastic people running everything, everywhere I turned. The event was just the right size and had a great mix of vendors, food, performance and seating. I will be going back!

This festival draws lovers of the accordion from many states and from a number of other countries. There were two main performing stages in La Plaza Park in the center of town, and another in the Polka Tent in the same park. In addition, there was accordion music at all three Oliver’s Markets (Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Cotati), The Redwood Cafe, Friar Tuck’s Pub and the Lagunitas Brewing Company. It was an embarrassment of riches - who could cover all that territory in two-and-a-half days?

The absolutely perfect weather gave us beautiful days for sitting in a lawn chair, eating guilty-pleasure carnival food and drinking a beer while listening to our favorite musical instrument. The charming outdoor venue drew performers and audience together for an intimate shared experience.

The Cotati Festival attracts many excellent accordionists, and this year’s schedule boasted an amazing variety of instruments, musical genres and performing styles - Stas Venglevski, Those Darn Accordions (reunion), Mattias Matke, Steve Albini, Ginny Mac, and more. From Sourdough Slim to the Great Morgani and many stops in between, the accordion inspires musicians to express their most authentic selves - and we love it when they do!
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