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Video: Lionel Reekie Stars at APRA Silver Scrolls - New Zealand

Lionel ReekieNew Zealands premiere popular music awards show, the APRA Silver Scrolls, showcased the accordion on the country’s biggest stage last Tuesday night.

The Vector Arena was the venue for this prestigious ceremony, and popular international accordionist Lionel Reekie was asked to perform the No. 1 hit song, 'Royals' by Lorde. Together with Wellington-based soul singer, Bella Kalolo and beatbox artist, Phillip Fan, their unique rendition of the song that has topped the charts internationally (including the US Billboard Charts) stole the show.

'Royals' written by lla Yelich-O’Conner (Lorde) and Joel Little was announced as this year’s top song, and in his acceptance speech, Joel Little started by saying “I just want to thank that guy on the accordion from before…that guy was the man!!!”

Indeed Lionel’s accordion performance set the world of social media alight with tweets from many high profile entertainment professionals such as NZ Herald entertainment columnist Paul Little “@PCLittle Sending @iamjoelittle’s girls to bed now. Had to promise to buy them both accordions tomorrow.”

The Silver Scrolls are an annual event, attended by the biggest names in the New Zealand music industry, each year attracting a lot of media publicity. As a result the accordion was seen on all the major New Zealand television networks’ news shows, mentioned on radio and posted on numerous internet sites, including live streams on all the major newspaper and television sites across New Zealand.

Lionel recently performed for the 75th AAA Anniversary in New York and vocal solist with the World Accordion Orchestra at the recent Coupe Mondiale in Canada.
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