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Franz Schubert: Winterreise Performed by Bo Skovhus (baritone) and Nikola Djorić (accordion) - Austria

Bo Skovhus (baritone) and Nikola Djorić (accordion)
A year before his death, in the fall of 1827, Schubert completed "Winterreise" as a song cycle based on texts by Wilhelm Muller. "They criticised me more than for any other song" said the composer of his work.

True to the notes, without arrangements, Schubert's scores sound 1:1 on the accordion and enable the listener to experience the work he is familiar with in a completely new timbre, a dynamic spectrum previously unknown. The accordion, with its complexity and ability to "sing" offers an incomparable attraction to accompany Schubert's songs.

In addition to performances at all major opera houses worldwide, Bo Skovhus dedicates a large part of his time to singing lieder. As the top interpreter of his generation, he is regularly invited to all the major festivals and music centers in the world.

Nikola Djoric, accordionist born in Bor (Serbia) and living in Vienna, is considered one of the most talented in his field in Austria. Not least, thanks to his great musical devotion on stage, he has already been described as a “poet of the accordion”. His successful striving is to present new and hitherto unknown tones in works by Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart and Tchaikovsky with the sound spectrum of the accordion.
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