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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 18-Nov-2016
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Aleksandar Nikolic组成,最后的展示,探戈节日巴勒莫 --意大利
Aidar Gainullin精选,电影音乐会,莫斯科--俄罗斯
AAA Valtaro庆祝,Magnanini酿酒厂,纽约州--美国
Gorka Hermosa大师班和音乐学院在弗里堡--瑞士音乐学院
Christel Sautaux,有联盟Instrumentale de Fribourg的 - 瑞士的独奏者


视频:Renzo Ruggieri作品Cinema——意大利
Fanny Vicens的新专辑‘Schrift’,巴黎–-法国
视频:Iryna serotyuk和daniil buchka(吉他)演奏Matteo Falloni “estornino”--乌克兰
Brandon McPhee 目前拥有Will Starr的手风琴, Scotland --英国
视频: Joe Cerrit家庭音乐会,Maryland--美国
Cirque Du Soleil寻找Multi-Instrumentalist--美国


Memorial Concert for Claudio Calista, Collecorvino (PE) - Italy
Grand Bal with Eric Bouvelle, Mendes - France
Adrian Ryan plays for dancing, Tipperary - Irish Republic
Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Turkey, Netherlands
Frédéric Viale and Loco Tango Quintette Concert - France
"Vive la France" @ West Sussex Accordion Club – UK
Andreas Tophøj and Rune Barslund @ The Globe, Glossop, Derbyshire – UK


Renzo Ruggieri发行两部新的爵士乐电子书--意大利
Updated Site: Video of Disco Medley Added to Site - Italy
Updated Site: Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album - China

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Aleksandar Nikolic组成,最后的展示,探戈节日巴勒莫 --意大利

Poster VI Palermo Tango Festival
Ivana and Aleksandar NikolicVI Palermo探戈节于2月23日至27日在意大利南部举行。

新剧场“7 Peccati ... mas uno!”将是Bandoneonist和作曲家Aleksandar Nikolic和著名的五重奏Beltango与Teatro金色和舞蹈公司Alterazioni探戈的第二次合作,由巴勒莫由着名的阿根廷芭蕾舞蹈家Angel Coria导演。

在“圣乔治和龙”的最后一个节日的举办成功后,一个强大的主题为2017年的“7 Peccati ... mas uno! (7 Capital Sins)将为观众带来五重奏Beltango独特的强大和强烈音乐的混合,灵感来自传统的探戈,这将是与古典,现代,爵士和巴尔干的结合互动。

约有60分钟的音乐由Aleksandar和Ivana Nikolic(图片左 - 芬兰音乐会)演奏,由Beltango和阿根廷双低音手鼓Gerardo Scaglione演奏。



这个新音乐将于明年年底在Quinteto Beltango的新CD上播出




Aidar Gainullin精选,电影音乐会,莫斯科--俄罗斯

Aidar Gainullin由Denis Vlasenko主持的新俄罗斯国家交响乐团将于11月24日晚上7点在莫斯科着名的柴可夫斯基音乐厅举办一场名为‘Music Movies and Not Only’ 的电影音乐会。

独奏家包括:Aidar Gainullin(手风琴)Mikhail Ivanov(钢琴),Andrey Ivanov(低音提琴),Dmitry Vlasenko(打击乐),Vadim Eilenkrig(喇叭),Bokalov,Artemiev,Dunaevsky,Legrand,Gershvin,Gainullin,M. Ivanov,A伊万诺夫。

Aidar Gainullin是一位国际知名的音乐家,他赢得2001年伦敦2001年世界杯大赛冠军。



AAA Valtaro庆祝,Magnanini酿酒厂,纽约州--美国

Valtaro Celebration
美国手风琴家协会(AAA)总裁玛丽·托卡斯基写道:“在纽约瓦尔基尔的Magnanini酒庄举办的Valtaro庆祝活动 - 伟大的美食,美妙的音乐,非常有趣,一定要加入我们!


表演者包括:Mario Tacca和Mary Mancini,Giangiacomo Bucella,Ciccone的(Joe,Gia和Reagan),Mary Tokarski,Ray Oreggia和Dominic Karcic,Frank Toscano,Bruce Nielsen,Beverly Roberts Curnow,Fred Schwinger和Emilio Magnotta。

对于$ 73 /人的捐赠,您将获得一个肋骨和鸡的晚餐和娱乐。 现在预订:2016Valtaro.pdf



Gorka Hermosa大师班和音乐学院在弗里堡--瑞士音乐学院

Gorka Hermosa Masterclass & Concert
本周末,作曲家,教师和作家戈尔卡埃尔莫萨(西班牙)被邀请到瑞士,弗里堡音乐学院。 他将在星期五和星期六举办一个大师班。 大师班是满的,但大家都欢迎听!

星期六晚上8点有一场音乐会,在弗里堡的“Chapelle Saint-Justin”。


Christel Sautaux,有联盟Instrumentale de Fribourg的 - 瑞士的独奏者

Christel Sautaux
Olivier Neuhaus这个周末,作曲家,教师和作家戈尔卡埃尔莫萨(西班牙)被邀请到瑞士,到弗里堡音乐学院。 他将在星期五和星期六举办一个大师班。欢迎大家来聆听


As selected by Christel Sautaux
- Sonate en La Maj, Etienne Nicolas Mehul
- Le Vol du Bourdon, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
- Pater Noster, Gorka Hermosa
- Chant folklorique russe, Nikolaj Risol
- Rapide digitale, Geney & Bideau

Union Instrumentale de Fribourg conducted by Olivier Neuhaus
- Trips (Mouvement 1), Óscar Navarro
- Joropo Moises Moleiro, arr. de Meij

Christel Sautaux and the Union Instrumentale de Fribourg
- Gernika, 26/4/1937 G. Hermosa, arr. Beguiristain. This is a premiere of this work with orchestra.
- Jazz Suite #2 D. Chostakovich, arr. de Meij
1) March
2) Lyric Walz
3) Dance I
4) Dance II
5) Waltz #2
6) Finale

星期六晚上8点有一场音乐会,在弗里堡的“Chapelle Saint-Justin”。



视频:Renzo Ruggieri作品Cinema——意大利

Renzo Ruggieri宣传他的作品Cinema。





Fanny Vicens的新专辑‘Schrift’,巴黎–-法国

Fanny Vicens法国手风琴家Fanny Vicens发布了一张专辑‘Schrift’

由Stefano Gervasoni 和 Jean-Etienne Sotty出版,‘Schrift’包括七首手风琴作品Matthias Pinscher, Keiko Harada, Dmitri Kourliandski, Stefano Gervasoni, Januibe Tejera, Bernhard Lang, and Franck Bedrossian.可以从亚马逊和iTunes,或Fanny Vicens处购买。



视频:Iryna serotyuk和daniil buchka(吉他)演奏Matteo Falloni “estornino”--乌克兰

发布于2016年11月10日。此曲由Matteo Falloni所写(为手风琴与吉他)Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi和Luca Lucini,是由Iryna Serotyuk和Daniil Buchka演奏(吉他)在大礼堂,2016年11月7日Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova音乐学院。


Brandon McPhee 目前拥有Will Starr的手风琴, Scotland --英国

Brandon McPhee苏格兰冠军Brandon McPhee最近买了独特的4排霍纳Shand Morino,曾经由传奇人物Will Starr拥有的,著名的北爱尔兰手风琴收藏家Ken Hopkins


Will Starr(1922-76)主要是舞台表演者,长期以来一直是苏格兰最受尊敬的和鼓舞人心的手风琴演奏者。1932年,Will Starr十岁赢得了苏格兰手风琴锦标赛,演奏意大利Franchetti3排–是当时最新推出的手风琴系统。

后来Starr成为了Shand Morino的学员之一,乐器由 Jimmy Shand设计。

在他的最后一年,Will Starr用Shand Morino定制的4排演奏最后3首作品‘Music with a Kick’, ‘In Starr Thyme’ and ‘The Daddy of Them All’ – 1970年录制。
Brandon McPhee打算在他的音乐会上用这架特别的手风琴演奏。


视频: Joe Cerrit家庭音乐会,Maryland--美国

Take a Chance with Dick Smollens (vocals)

Click to play sound file: Theme & Scherzo
Joe Cerrito11月6日(周日),在Frederick, Maryland一个阳光明媚的日子。到了中午,Grauman的家里聚集了朋友和邻居,包括十几个“Joe Cerrito迷”,开车两小时或更久为了听到期待已久的音乐会。欢呼声,笑声,不停的邀请,观众起立鼓掌说这一切。83岁的乔仍然很成功,观众以他惊人的技术和即兴技巧,他的读书能力,吸引观众能力,以及他对音乐的爱弥漫着整个房间。

Joe演奏了各种受欢迎的选集,包括Dizzy Fingers, Flight of the Bumblebee,几个作品由手风琴家/作曲家托尼Tony Dannon,包括阿根廷探戈正常的标准和观众需求。对Joe来说一个惊喜是他的朋友Dick Smolens,他是一个歌手和音乐史学家,他也是80年代。我们给Dick麦克风和他们演奏一些二重奏。二重奏很讨人喜欢,尤其是两个人大约八个月没有见到,没有机会练习更多。

Joe Cerrito是一个多才多艺的音乐家,有丰富技巧的作曲家和编曲家。他最近出版了一个新作品,Theme & Scherzo (Catalog cerrito101).


Cirque Du Soleil寻找Multi-Instrumentalist--美国

Cirque Du SoleilCirque du Soleil团队推动舞台生涯机会的艺术家。我们的团队正在迫切的寻求多种乐器演员,吉他、手风琴的舞台表演,2017年在北美洲演奏。




Memorial Concert for Claudio Calista, Collecorvino (PE) - Italy

Poster: Memorial Concert for Claudio CalistaAccordionists Davide di Filippo and Stefano Chiarelli perform in a concert dedicated to the late Claudio Calista on Saturday November 19th, 9pm, The Salle Consiliare, Collecorvino (PE), Italy. The programme includes works by JS Bach, Scarlatti, Angelis, and others.

For further information email: miripetercol@gmx.de
Accordionists Davide di Filippo and Stefano Chiarelli perform in a concert dedicated to the late Claudio Calista on Saturday November 19th, 9pm, The Salle Consiliare, Collecorvino (PE), Italy. The programme includes works by JS Bach, Scarlatti, Angelis, and others.

For further information email: miripetercol@gmx.de


Grand Bal with Eric Bouvelle, Mendes - France

Poster: Grand Bal with Eric BouvelleAccordionist Eric Bouvelle and his orchestra play for dancing on Sunday November 20th, 2pm, at Salle Pierre, Nogent-le-Rotrou, 74 Rue Gouvernour, Mendes, Acquitaine, France. 380 tickets have already been sold for this dance, which is prefaced by lunch.

Eric Bouvelle, winner of the 1988 CIA Coupe Mondiale in Trossingen, Germany, has toured Canada, Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Germany, USA, Russia, Italy, Martinique, and Guadeloupe He has made more than 300 appearances on French TV, and has made many recordings.


Adrian Ryan plays for dancing, Tipperary - Irish Republic

Poster: Adrian RyanAccordionist and vocalist Adrian Ryan plays for dancing on Sunday November 20th, 3pm until 6pm, at the Aherlow House Hotel, Lisvernane, Aherlow, County Tipperary.

Adrian Ryan was born into a musical family. His father Pat member of popular duo ‘Cupla’ and his brother Derek is a popular singer/guitarist. Adrian was brought up on Country and Irish Music, competing in Fleadh and Scor Competitions from a very early age. At the age of 16 he released his first studio album called ‘Accordion Versatility’.

The proceeds from this album went to The Transplant Unit in Beaumont Hospital Dublin. He has appeared on various TV and radio shows.


Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Turkey, Netherlands

Austrian accordionist Marko Kassl has the following forthcoming dates in November, three with the Black Pencil Ensemble and the other with the Duo Mares:

November 20th, 9.30am-5.30pm, workshop, Black Pencil Ensemble, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
November 21st, 8pm – concert, Black Pencil Ensemble, Bilkent University, Ankara
November 22nd, 8.30pm – concert, Erimtan Muzesi, Kale, Gözcü Sk. No. 10, TR-Ankara  
November 24th, 8pm – Who’s Next Festival – KAF, Esplanade 10, NL-1315 TA Almere, Netherlands

The Ensemble Black Pencil are Jorge Isaac blockflute, Matthijs Koene - panflute, Esra Pehlivanli - viola, Marko Kassl - accordion, and Enric Monfort – percussion. Marko Kassl and Esra Pehlivanli form the Duo Mares. 

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Frédéric Viale and Loco Tango Quintette Concert - France

Frédéric Viale and Loco Tango QuintetteAccordionist Frédéric Viale and the Loco Tango Quintette perform in concert on Sunday November 20th, 6.30pm, at Vence Cathedral, south-eastern France. The programme includes the compositions of Carlos Gardel, Astor Piazzolla, and Frédéric Viale.

Frédéric Viale, from the south of France, has progressed from musette and jazz to tango in the course of his career. He has performed in the USA, China, Brazil, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, and Poland.

For further information email: site.fredericviale@orange.fr


"Vive la France" @ West Sussex Accordion Club – UK

West Sussex Accordion Club’s next meeting is on Saturday November 26th, 1.30pm until 4.30pm, at the St Andrews Youth Centre, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 0LG.
The meeting is French themed - "Vive la France" – and all are welcome.

For further information email: sqzbxs@aol.com


Andreas Tophøj and Rune Barslund @ The Globe, Glossop, Derbyshire – UK

Andreas Tophøj and Rune Barslund, two leading Danish folk musicians of their generation, perform with violin, accordion, viola and piano. On Saturday November 26th, 8.15pm, they perform in concert at The Globe, 144 High Street West, SK13 8 Glossop, Derbyshire. Admission is £8. This accomplished duo are currently touring England, Germany and Sweden.

The duo sets out from traditional Danish music, but they have a contemporary take on it, being influenced by music from various countries and traditions. The duo draws on inspiration gained from residing in Ireland and the USA and from encounters with Celtic and Nordic musicians and musical cultures. This all adds to the musical melting pot on which Andreas and Rune base their original compositions. These guys are skillful and experienced musicians captivating their audience by communicating in the beautiful language of music.

Andreas & Rune have released the EP ‘The Danish Immigrant’, which was awarded ‘Track of the Year’ at the Danish Folk Music Awards in 2012. Recently in 2015 Andreas was nominated as ‘Artist of the Year’.



Renzo Ruggieri发行两部新的爵士乐电子书--意大利

10 Approaches to Jazz Improvisation, eBook coverDieci Approcci All’Improvvisazione (Jazz) eBook著名的爵士手风琴演奏家Renzo Ruggieri发行了两本电子书(.pdf格式),可以通过电子邮件发送给您。

英语:10方法爵士即兴电子书 - 目录:rrenzo401

意大利语:Dieci Approcci All'Improvvisazione(Jazz)电子书 - 目录:rrenzo421

Renzo Ruggieri写道:“源于需要一个实用的即兴创作方法(不仅仅针对爵士乐演奏者),本书专为那些已经掌握基础知识的人设计。


为了执行真正的即兴创作,必须首先知道大量的作品,但也足够好,以便忘记他们 - 在一种头脑风暴中,以避免留下任何残留的诱惑,并创造一个空的空间充满自己的创造力。



英语:10方法爵士即兴电子书 - 目录:rrenzo401

意大利语:Dieci Approcci All'Improvvisazione(Jazz)电子书 - 目录:rrenzo421


Updated Site: Video of Disco Medley Added to Site - Italy

Disco MedleyGrayson MasefieldThis superb arrangement by Renzo Ruggieri is available online, Catalog: rrenzo508
Video of Grayson Masefield performing it has been added to the webpage.

Other Renzo arrangements available are:
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)
rrenzo502 - Volo Degli Angeli (Solo)
rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo)
rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango (Solo)
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo)
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo)
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo)


Updated Site: Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album - China

Zhang Jiahe eTracks Album coverThe website has been updated with more information for the this album in eTracks (MP3) format download by Zhang Jiahe.

The album is titled 'Winter Bilder', catalog: jiahe01
with sound samples.


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