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Video Teaser: In the Harmony of Time - Europe/South America

Paolo Gandolfi"In the Harmony of Time" is a documentary directed by Nicola Nannavecchia about the love of music that tells the experiences of Richard Galliano, perhaps the most famous in the world in the history of accordion, and the story of Paolo Gandolfi, a young man from an Italian rural family who in the fifties was winning international accordion competitions at the age of 21. The documentary is due for release in September.

Travelling through Italy, France, Canada and Brazil, we will discover the history of two great persons, in a film that talks about passion for music, about teaching young people, about determination in achieving goals, about the importance of human relationships.

Richard Galliano, began playing the accordion at the age of four and plays today in theatres all around the world, holding about 100 concerts a year. He has the privilege to become the first accordionist-composer to record on the legendary German label Deutsche Grammophon.

In his career Paolo Gandolfi has played at the Olympia Theatre in Paris and the Carnegie Hall in New York, he has played for Pope John XXIII and for Robert Kennedy, and shared the stage with Edith Piaf, Charles Trenet and Luciano Pavarotti.

It is a film about the importance of human relationships: amongst his great friends, Gervasio Marcosignori, the accordion poet, Frank Marocco, the great American jazz accordionist, Armando Gentilucci, composer and musicologist, one of the founders of the Music/Reality experience in the Seventies.

It is a film about travelling: from the land of the medieval castles of Matilde of Canossa, where Gandolfi comes from, to Aude and Provence regions in France, Canada, Brazil, seeking new frontiers for teaching music to young people, in Conservatoires and elsewhere. Director: Nicola Nannavecchia.
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