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Melodeon Study Week at Halsway Manor, Somerset – UK

Melodeon week
Video: Petit Piment - Belle dans ton jardin - Ronde du Quercy
Lucas Thébaut: accordion
Arnaud Bibonne: vocals
Léo Danais: drums
Florian Huygebaert: percussion

A melodeon study week will be held from October 12th to 16th at Halsway Manor, Halsway Lane, near Crowcombe, Somerset, UK. The event organisers welcome two of Europe’s most exciting exponents of the diatonic button accordion to teach this extended course for advanced, and advanced-intermediate level players. Benjamin Macke (Belgium) and Lucas Thébaut (France) are consummate performers and teachers, and this week offers a rare opportunity to study with them in the UK.

This will be an intensive week of skills-based learning focusing on your development as a musician, discovering new ways to interpret and play, and to make the music your own.

Halsway Manor has deliberately chosen two musicians with a lot in common, but also with quite different backgrounds and repertoire so you’ll benefit from contrasting approaches in their playing and teaching. You need to be open to trying new things, and to be prepared to work hard. It will be intensive but also an enjoyable and rewarding week, with time to relax in the evenings and enjoy informal sessions.

The group, limited to approximately 20 students, will be split in two by the tutors at the start of the course; you’ll spend roughly the same amount of time with each tutor. This will be done according to ability level but there’s plenty of informal time to meet, chat and play with others.

This course is for advanced and advanced-intermediate level players of the DG melodeon (If you also have a box in GC, bring it as well).

For details email: office@halswaymanor.org.uk
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