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Günther Stoll Merit Award, Böblingen District - Germany

Günther Stoll Merit Award
Günther StollOn the 11th June, accordion teacher and accordion orchestra conductor Günther Stoll (on left) received the Merit Award from the Böblingen District in "our appreciation for your commitment".

"Our society needs dedicated people like Günther Stoll who are willing to put their creativity, humanity and kindness in the service of the community," said the District representative Roland Bernard in his speech.

Günther Stoll began, from the 1970s, accordion teaching and conducting in the areas of Ehningen, Deckenpfronn, Nufringen and Böblingen.

"His tireless commitment to teaching and leading accordion orchestras led him often to foreign countries, so that his work could be described as a 'musical ambassador' of the district of Böblingen."

The Merit Award Medal of Böblingen District s awarded rarely, and less often than the Federal Merit Award. So far there are only 21 awards in the last ten years. "The Medal is intended to express our appreciation and encourage others to emulate role models like Günther Stoll."

Picture below: accordion performance at the presentation. Günther Stoll pictured at the front of the audience.
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