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Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival

Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival
Vincent TsaiTaiwanese accordionist and bandoneon player Vincent Tsai organises and performs at the second Taipei Gypsy Jazz Festival, held at the Songyan Eslite Hall, Sappho Live Jazz, and the Wei-Sun International Culture & Arts. The event includes gypsy jazz workshops on March 15th, 16th, and 18th, jam sessions each day, and a concert on Sunday March 18th, 7.30pm.

Vincent Tsai, a graduate of the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in the Department of Industrial Management, studied classical piano then self-learned the piano accordion, and joined the first ever gypsy jazz band in Taiwan, the Dark Eyes Gypsy Jazz Band.

In 2011, during an exchange study in Europe, he studied the piano accordion, chromatic button accordion and the accordina concurrently. He played jazz, and also music from around the world, such as Volkmusik from Germany and Austria, folk songs from Italy, musette from France, and Tango. He has attended master classes with Frederic Deschamps, Klaus Paier, and Richard Galliano.

His playing career includes in 2014 at the National Concert Hall, Taiwan, under the baton of Japanese maestro Joe Hisaishi, performing the world premiere of Hisaishi's new work, ‘The Wind Rises’ Suite No.2 for Balalaika, Bayan, Guitar and Small Orchestra.

For further information email: infoaccordion@gmail.com
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