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Brandon McPhee Concert, Scotland – UK

Brandon McPhee June Tour
Brandon McPhee concertAll Scotland Champion Brandon McPhee and his band perform in concert on Saturday March 17th, 7.30pm, at the Eden Court Theatre, Inverness. Also on the bill is the comedian Eddie Rose.

The poster shows Brandon McPhee’s other concert dates for March through to November, including the dates for his stage show ‘The Jimmy Shand Story’, which is a tribute to the late, great Sir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000). This show premiered in Belfast last week, and was a critical success that played to a full house. Brandon McPhee plays the same kind of accordion as Jimmy Shand – the 3-row diatonic Hohner Shand Morino – and is very much inspired by him.

Sir Jimmy Shand, knighted in 1999, was hugely popular in Scotland and beyond, and had an exceptionally long recording career from the 1930s to the 1990s. He recorded more tracks than the Beatles and Elvis Presley combined, and composed more than 330 dance tunes and other pieces of music. From the 1940s until his retirement in the 1970s he had a punishing life-style later adopted by rock bands, playing lots of consecutive dates around the UK and Ireland that involved a lot of travelling. He was the subject of two biographies, appeared as the subject on the BBC TV show ‘This Is Your Life’, had a locomotive and pub named after him, and was made a freeman of his home town Auchtermuchty in 1974.
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