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Yuri Medianik’s Concert Return, Voronezh – Russia

Yuri MedianikRussian accordionist and violinist Yuri Medianik has begun performing frequently on stage as a conductor. chamber orchestra "Pluri_Art," which he has directed for some 3 years and is also the manager.

Yuri Medianik (former student of Viatcheslav Semionov), 1st prize winner of the International Competition of Moscow 2000 and laureate of international competitions as a violinist and accordionist, hasn’t appeared on stage with the accordion and violin so much lately.

This is due to being the conductor of the chamber orchestra ‘Pluri_Art’, which he has directed for some 3 years and is also the manager.

However,he is returning to the concert stage again with new projects. One of the most recent concerts in Russia was with the famous Glinka String Quartet. Yuri Medianik usually plays the violin and the bayan in his recitals but in this concert he played also the bandoneon. The Glinka String Quartet gives more than 50 concerts in a year, and have recorded more than 10 CDs, and their music is often heard on the radio. Next season, some more joint concerts are planned with the Glinka Quartet.

Another concert (June 14th) took place at the Opera House in the city of Voronezh. Yuri Medianik played 3 instruments: violin, button accordion and bandoneon, and his programme included transcriptions and arrangements of pieces by Vitali, Kreisler, etc. Using the button accordion he played R. Galliano’s ‘Opale Concerto’, and with the bandoneon played some tangos of composers of the Soviet period.
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