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‘Main Squeeze’ Accordion Shop Closure: A Sad Post Script, New York – USA

‘Main Squeeze’ accordion store
Walter KuehrIn last week’s news we reported the closure of the ‘Main Squeeze’, the accordion shop in Manhattan, New York, following the death of its owner, German-born Walter Kuehr, on January 2nd.

Walter Kuehr, who been battling lymphoma for the past seven years, was 59 years old.

He opened the shop in 1996, where he sold new and used accordions, repaired instruments and gave lessons, etc. Kuehr also ran a Latin jazz and lounge act called The Last of the International Playboys and an 18-piece, all-female accordion group called the Main Squeeze Orchestra, which appeared on ‘America’s Got Talent’ in 2010.

Marianne DeMarco, a former student who helped him run the store when he was away, held a closing down sale last weekend to pay for Walter Kuehr’s funeral. Marianne and other friends started selling the store’s stock off piece by piece to friends and strangers alike, and when an older man with a moustache walked in, they gave him Walter's tool chest for free, and a slice of cake.

"He went back there, took his cake, but also took about $650," DeMarco said. The $650 was money to pay for Walter's funeral. "He must have really needed it to do something really cruel to people who were really nice to him," DeMarco said.

Walter Kuehr is remembered by many as a funny, kind and generous man, and the closure of his accordion business as a great loss to the local community.
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