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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 15-Sep-2017
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第42届 “Citta di Castelfidardo”国际手风琴比赛--意大利
Mika Väyrynen 开始了一系列的世界首演-- 芬兰


Arthur Spink (1943-2017)–澳大利亚悉尼
Tony Lovello (1932-2017), Kentucky - USA
John Kirkpatrick的新CD ‘Coat-Tails Flying’, Shropshire – UK
手风琴家Dwight Lamb获得NEA国家遗产奖学金,华盛顿特区 - 美国


Alan Kelly Gang 7th Annual Tour – Irish Republic
Iain MacDonald Ceilidh and Concert, Scotland – UK
The Leonard Brown Show, Northumberland – UK
Ersten Kölner Akkordeon-Orchester 1935 e.V. Concert, Cologne – Germany
Trio NeuKlang ‘Goodbye Astor’ Concert, Sasolburg - South Africa
Accordion Pops Orchestra Concert, Pennsylvania – USA
Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Denmark, Germany
‘The Music of Tony Dannon’, Michigan - USA
Motion Trio Concerts, Seoul, Leipzig, Halle – Germany, South Korea
Festival National D’Accordeon, St Just St Rambert - France
Ezequiel Tatich Concert, Buenos Aires – Argentina
Hanzhi Wang Concerts, New York – USA
Romano Viazzani @ South Hampshire Accordion Club – UK

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第42届 “Citta di Castelfidardo”国际手风琴比赛--意大利

header: 42nd “Citta di Castelfidardo” International Accordion Competitions and Festival
Mayor Castelfidardo Roberto AscaniRuben Cittadini2017第42届 “Citta di Castelfidardo”国际手风琴比赛每日报道:2017Concorso

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Mika Väyrynen 开始了一系列的世界首演-- 芬兰

Paavali Jumppanen, Elina Vähälä, Aulis Sallinen, Jan-Erik Gustafsson, Mika Väyrynen
Aulis Sallinen & Mika VäyrynenMika Väyrynen 在世界首演上用手风琴、小提琴、大提琴、钢琴演奏了 Aulis Sallinen的 'Dance Music Suite Op. 107'。世界首演的作用是献给Mika Väyrynen。在波尔沃教堂,于九月八日作为洛维萨西贝柳斯艺术节的一部分上演作曲家也将出席。

照片从左到右分别是Paavali Jumppanen (钢琴), Elina Vähälä (小提琴), Aulis Sallinen, Jan-Erik Gustafsson (大提琴)和Mika Väyrynen (手风琴)。Mika 在音乐会之前也与 Mr. Sallinen合影。

在这一个月内 Mika Väyrynen 将演出六首新作品的世界首演。这可能是手风琴史上的一座巨大的里程碑。Aulis Sallinen世界首演是第一个首演的作品。其他的五部作品将会在10月11日在Mika的50岁生日音乐会"Finland 100 - Väyrynen 50" 上在赫尔辛基大厅室内乐演出。

在当天晚上Mika Väyrynen将会发布 Jouni Kaipainen´s (1956-2015)的手风琴作品CD。

更多信息,请访问 www.accordions.com/mika.



Arthur Spink (1943-2017)–澳大利亚悉尼

Arthur SpinkArthur SpinkArthur Spink,来自邓迪,是20世纪60年代和70年代最励志和受人尊重的苏格兰手风琴家之一。他通过上世纪50年代的 NAO比赛作为20世纪60年代的职业手风琴独奏艺人开始了职业生涯。他为Beltona (Decca)作了一系列的唱片,这些唱片展示了他高超的演奏技巧和他在苏格兰音乐和其他音乐的创作才华。这些销售记录和他的舞台表演使得Arthur Spink在苏格兰的知名度飙升,尤其是他的‘Flying Scotsman’唱片。

在20世纪60年代 Arthur Spink到加拿大和美国和怀特希瑟团队举办音乐会。他最为自豪的是在纽约卡耐基音乐厅和悉尼歌剧院演出。他经常与二男高音 Carnegie Hall合作,他和他一起合作录制了两张专辑,并且他们也是宗室成员之一,苏格兰聚会团手风琴同胞Will Starr.。在20世纪70年代末,他切换到演奏电子手风琴,并将他应用于苏格兰音乐上。

Arthur Spink, 一个很谦虚的人,1979年移居澳大利亚并且离开音乐事业,但是他会因为好的作品而被铭记,以至于他的CD唱片被重新发行。

Arthur Spink 留下了他的妻子Ray,儿子Arthur Jnr和Steven, 还有他们各自的妻子 Sarah和Karan, 孙子 Jessica, Dylan, Tiffany, Cameron,和 Lachlan, 还有曾孙女Aubree.他的儿子 Arthur Spink Jr是好莱坞电影业的一位特别有些的特效师 。Arthur 在2107年9月7日去世,他的葬礼于9月14日在悉尼新南威尔士州林茵墓园公墓举行。苏格兰也因此而哀悼。


Tony Lovello (1932-2017), Kentucky - USA

Accordionist Tony Lovello, often referred to as ‘The Liberace of the accordion’, who lived in Lexington, Kentucky, was a natural showman and one of the most brilliant players of modern times. His dynamic performances – including his trademark bellows shake - were much anticipated and admired wherever he performed throughout the USA and beyond.

During his long career Tony Lovello worked with many famous names in show business, including Red Skelton, Abbott and Costello, Dinah Shore, Eddie Cantor, Jimmy Durante, Scatman Crothers, Debbie Reynolds, Pat Boone, and Frank Sinatra.

Tony was born in New York in 1932, and began to play accordion in 1937, but initially suffered from the prejudice that the instrument’s players sometimes encounter: "People always made fun of you. Especially in school, when the accordion case looked like an accordion. They would remark 'Here comes the Polka King' and the like. I hated the accordion, but I didn't want to break my father's heart, so I took it up and kept going." He kept at the accordion, and was ‘discovered’ in Los Angeles at the age of 12 by Eddie Cantor. By the time he was called up to serve in the US Army during the Korean War in 1950, Tony Lovello was enjoying a successful career in music, which he resumed after discharge. He performed on the Arthur Godfrey TV Show, then joined the Three Suns, with whom he recorded and toured extensively for several years. By the end of the 1960s, following an illness that left him deaf in the left ear, he opted for a change of career and worked in the hotel business, managing the Campbell House Inn In Kentucky until retiring in 2000.

In 2000 Tony Lovello went back to performing and quickly became a frequent and popular high profile guest at accordion festivals and clubs around the USA, where he gave concerts and led workshops. More recently he also used skype for giving private lessons.

Scottish accordionist commented: “Tony Lovello once took my accordion from Leavenworth to Las Vegas through a monster forest fire with flames on both sides of the road ....he said to me in las Vegas , that had his car broken down , he would have grabbed both his and my accordion and ran through the flames ....I believe he would have!”

Tony Lovello, a family man and grandfather, passed away on September 3rd 2017, and was widely mourned by the accordion fraternity. He is survived by his wife Jo Ellen, four daughters, eight grandchildren, five 5 great grandchildren, and three great-great grandchildren. He is also survived by one brother Joe (Dianne) Lovullo, sister-in law, Grace Lovullo and numerous nieces and nephews.


John Kirkpatrick的新CD ‘Coat-Tails Flying’, Shropshire – UK

‘Coat-Tails Flying’ CD cover著名的手风琴家和民族歌手John Kirkpatrick发行了一张新CD,共12首歌曲和2首乐器曲目。对于这个录音,John Kirkpatrick主要使用他的英国卡萨利3排全音阶彩色手风琴,还在几首曲目上演奏了一个2排的美音和Anglo手风琴。 CD的标题‘Coat-Tails Flying’源自倒数第二首歌“See Me Dance The Polka”,这是19世纪写的一个有弹性和欢乐的音乐大厅的歌曲。该CD可通过John Kirkpatrick的网站获得。

曲目: Come All You Jolly Ploughboys, On The Quarter Deck, The Hi Ho Hare, The Middle Of The World, The Captain With The Whiskers, Bum She Addity, My Soul Is Drowned in Sorrow, Harry Tuffin’s Musical Ride/Golden Greenery, The Green Mossy Banks Of The Lee, The House That Jack Built, Sing A Full Song, Ranging The Woods, See Me Dance The Polka, Blue Moon.。


手风琴家Dwight Lamb获得NEA国家遗产奖学金,华盛顿特区 - 美国

Dwight Lamb
巴扬手风琴家Dwight'Red'Lamb以他左手的小提琴演奏和他对丹麦传统音乐的掌握而闻名。他生于1934年,是第四代丹麦传统文化继承人,他一直沉浸在他祖先的民间音乐中,也是美国民间舞曲。Dwight Lamb在手风琴和小提琴上赢得了许多比赛,并继续成为一名评委。作为一名年轻人,德怀特从1956年至1958年在美军服役。他从Onawa的美国邮政局退休,也担任镇长市长。

Dwight Lamb的国际声誉诞生于生活的晚期,当时他将专辑“Joseph Won A Coated Fiddle”(1999)的旧丹麦手风琴曲调入丹麦,吸引了他对传统音乐的兴趣。在2010-11年度,丹麦手风琴家梅特·凯瑟琳·詹森和克里斯汀·布奇(Kristin Bugge)邀请他来到丹麦,在那里,他们到了售楼厅。在2015年,丹麦国家音乐家专员授予Dwight Lamb最高荣誉的“Rigs Fiddler(Silver Coat)”奖,他的工作是将爱荷华的丹麦音乐送回家乡。

Dwight Lamb荣获NEA国家遗产奖学金。 NEA颁奖典礼于9月14日星期四下午5时30分在华盛顿特区10第一街SE托马斯杰斐逊大厦的国会图书馆柯立芝礼堂举行。仪式结束后,还有一位来自德克萨斯州的艺术家接待了德克萨斯手风琴家Eva Ybarra,这个活动向公众开放。




Alan Kelly Gang 7th Annual Tour – Irish Republic

PosterThe Alan Kelly Gang, led by Irish accordionist Alan Kelly and featuring the popular Scottish singer Eddi Reader, are on tour in Ireland during September, as follows:

September 15th, 8.30pm – Ionad Dara, Goresbridge, County Kilkenny
September 17th, 8pm – Coughlan’s, 7 Douglas St, Cork
September 19th, 9pm – Roscommon Arts Centre
September 20th, 8pm - Linehall Arts Centre, Castlebar, Mayo
September 22nd, 8pm – The Plaza, Buncranna, Donegal
September 23rd, 8pm – The Buncairn, Belfast

Alan Kelly, from Roscommon, is one of Ireland’s leading piano accordion players, and is widely credited with leading a revival of the instrument in traditional music circles. He has a background in traditional Irish music and dance, and his father, Frank Kelly was All-Ireland Champion on piano accordion in 1964. In his early music years, Alan won All-Ireland titles on piano accordion and piano, and has since pursued a career in music with much success.

For further information email: info@blackboxmusic.ie


Iain MacDonald Ceilidh and Concert, Scotland – UK

PosterThe versatile accordion entertainer Iain MacDonald performs at The Whitebridge Hotel, Stratherrick, near Inverness, on Saturday September 16th, 8.30pm.

In the afternoon of September 16th, 2pm until 5pm, Iain MacDonald plays for a ceilidh at Cobs at Nevisport, Fort Wiliam.


The Leonard Brown Show, Northumberland – UK

The Leonard Brown Show, a variety show featuring accordionist Leonard Brown and other entertainers and dancers, takes place at the Whitley Bay Playhouse in Northumberland in the North-East of England on Saturday afternoon September 16th, 2pm until 5pm.

Leonard Brown, an accordion champion and pianist, has become well-known for promoting concerts in Scotland, including lifetime achievement tribute concerts for Tom Alexander and Davie Stewart. He has many CDs and DVDs to his credit, most notably ‘A Toast to Scotland’, a double DVD celebrating the music of some of Scotland’s accordion legends such as Jimmy Shand and Will Starr.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Ersten Kölner Akkordeon-Orchester 1935 e.V. Concert, Cologne – Germany

PosterThe Ersten Kölner Akkordeon-Orchester 1935 e.V. (MD Peter Lohmar) performs in concert on Saturday September 16th, 6pm, at the Evangelische Kirche, Köln Weiden, Cologne. Admission is free.

This orchestra, founded in 1935, has performed in the USA, Canada, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Italy, Austria, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Brazil, South Africa, and Namibia.


Trio NeuKlang ‘Goodbye Astor’ Concert, Sasolburg - South Africa

Trio NeuKlangThe Trio NeuKlang, from Berlin, Germany, performs a ‘Goodbye Astor’ concert on Sunday September 17th, 3pm to 5pm, at the ERT Etienne Rousseau Theatre, John Vorster Drive, Sasolburg, South Africa.

The members of the Trio NeuKlang are Nikolaj Abramson – clarinet, Arthur Hornig – cello, and Jan Jachmann – accordion. Formed in 1998, the Trio NeuKlang has been honoured with numerous awards such as the City of Berlin Music Interpretation Grant, the Brandenburg Chamber Music Award, and the City of Moers Ensemble Prize.

In its two latest concert programmes ‘lost in tango’ and ‘Goodbye Astor’ the Trio NeuKlang have ‘tangoised’ works of classical composers, which have received excellent press reviews and commendation of audiences.

With the two programs, the Trio played concerts at many festivals such as the International Ludwigsburg Castle Festival, the Brandenburg Summer Concert Series, and the Music Festival Schleswig-Holstein.


Accordion Pops Orchestra Concert, Pennsylvania – USA

posterThe Accordion Pops Orchestra (MD Al Terzo) performs in concert on Sunday September 17th, 3pm, at Shannondell at Valley Forge – Auditorium, 10000 Shannondell Drive, Audobon, PA 19403.

This will be the APO’s eighth concert at beautiful Shannondell, a retirement home near historic Valley Forge. The concert is open to the public, and will feature a wide range of music from movie themes to tangos.


Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Denmark, Germany

Marko KasslAustrian accordionist Marko Kassl has the following forthcoming dates in September and October:

September 17th, 2pm – Ensemble Black Pencil, Open Days Festival, Utzon Center, Slotspladsen 4, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark
September 21st, 7.30pm – Sunset Boulevard, Theatre Bonn, Am Boeselagerhof 1, D-53111 Bonn, Germany
September 24th, 6pm – Beethovenfest Bonn, Leoninum, Noeggerathstraße 34, D-53111 Bonn
September 29th, 7.30pm - Musiktheater in revier, Kennedyplatz, D-45881 Gelsenkirchen, Germany
October 7th, 7.30pm - Sunset Boulevard, Theatre Bonn, Am Boeselagerhof 1, D-53111 Bonn
October 8th, 6pm – Auferstehungskirche, Dusseldorf
October 11th, 7.30pm - Sunset Boulevard, Theatre Bonn, Am Boeselagerhof 1, D-53111 Bonn
October 14th, 4.30pm – Munster Monchengladbach, Abteistr 41, D-41061 Mönchengladbach
October 14th, 7.30pm - Musiktheater in revier, Kennedyplatz, D-45881 Gelsenkirchen

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


‘The Music of Tony Dannon’, Michigan - USA

PosterOn Tuesday September 19th the Michigan Accordion Society presents a concert titled ‘Belleau Notte’, featuring the music of Tony Dannon. The venue is Nonna's Kitchen, Shelby Township, Michigan. Doors open at 6.30pm.

Tony Dannon (1924-2011), born in Italy, was one of America’s foremost jazz accordionists, composers and arrangers. "Watching him perform was truly a mesmerizing experience," said his nephew Joe Recchia, the organizer of the September 19th concert. "He had such amazing ability, and he touched the lives of so many people in the accordion industry."

For further information: jrecchia@comcast.net


Motion Trio Concerts, Seoul, Leipzig, Halle – Germany, South Korea

Motion Trio
The Motion Trio perform in concert this month, as follows:

September 20th - master class at the Pianocentrum, Leipzig, Germany
September 21st, 6.30pm – Global Music Festival, University, Halle, Germany
September 23rd - Jeonju Int’l Sori Festival, Seoul, South Korea
September 24th - Jeonju Int’l Sori Festival, Seoul, South Korea

The Motion Trio is an internationally renowned Polish accordion trio. Formed in 1996, the Motion Trio are Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn. Using all the advantages of the accordion in their creations, the Motion Trio continually explore the new possibilities of this instrument, changing the way that it is perceived. Their concerts are musical performances that contain action and drama.

For further information email: annawojtarowicz@akordeonus.com


Festival National D’Accordeon, St Just St Rambert - France

The takes place on Thursday September 21st, 12.30-7.30pm, at the Salle L’Embarcadere, 58 Avenue Des Barques, Saint Just Saint Rambert (42), a commune in the Loire department in central France.

Organised by Mathilde Royet, this one-day dance event features musette accordionists Mathilde Royet, Chris Cortes, Dany Moureaux, Anaïs Besssieres, Angélique Neuville, and the Etienne Denormandie Orchestra.


Ezequiel Tatich Concert, Buenos Aires – Argentina

Ezequiel TatichAccordion entertainer Ezequiel Tatich performs in concert on Saturday September 23rd, 9pm, at Club Juventud, Avenida Santa Maria 2700, Rincon de Milberg, Tigre, Buenos Aires. Free admission.


Hanzhi Wang Concerts, New York – USA

Hanzhi WangHanzhi Wang performs three concerts in New York next week, as follows:

September 23rd, 2pm - Knox Octagon Barn, 588 Middle Road, Delanson, New York
September 24th, 1pm - Troy Public Library, 100 Second Street, Troy, New York
September 24th, 3.15pm - Albany Public Library, 161 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York

Her programme will include transcriptions by Bach, Mozart and Grieg, and original works by Lohse and Moszkowski. She will be joined by accordionist Rocco Anthony Jerry who will perform Gene Pritsker’s ‘Stressor’ and ‘Curves’ and Conrad Kehn’s ‘Maximinimal’.

Hanzhi Wang is one of the rising stars amongst the young upcoming generation of classical accordionists. She tours internationally as a soloist and chamber musician, and has been described in reviews as "Masterfully", "Technically flawless" and "remarkable stage presence", which adds to her innovative musicianship. Her competition successes include winning the Beijing International accordion competition in China and Klingenthal International Accordion Competition in Germany, the Arrasate International Accordion Competition in Spain, and the Premio category of the International Accordion Competition in Castelfidardo, Italy.
For further information email: hanzhi@hanzhiwang.dk


Romano Viazzani @ South Hampshire Accordion Club – UK

Romano ViazzaniRomano Viazzani performs a solo concert on Sunday September 24th, 2pm, for the South Hampshire Accordion Club, organised by Barbara Proud.

The venue is St. Luke’s Church, St Luke’s Close, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2US. The programme is likely to include a wide variety of music from classical, tango, jazz, musette and other musical styles.

Entry is £5 payable on the door.

For further information email: proud1969@msn.com


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