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Anthony Carrozza, Accordionist and Teacher, April 6,1931-May 9, 2015 - USA

Anthony CarrozzaAnthony Carrozza of Chappaqua, NY passed away peacefully surrounded by family.

He was born April 6, 1931 to Joseph and Mary Carrozza and was a lifelong parishioner of St. Mary and St. John Church in Chappaqua. He is survived by his loving and devoted wife of 58 years, Domenica (Mimma) Carrozza nee Raso, brother Patrick Carrozza and loving sister, Jean (Antonio) Ciccone, devoted nephews and nieces: Joseph (Ethel) Ciccone & children; Carmen (Nancy) Ciccone and children; Carmen (Adriana) Carrozza Jr. and children; Marianne (Larry) Carrozza-Smith and Mark (Karen) Carrozza & children. He is predeceased by his brother Carmen Carrozza; an infant sister Giovanna; and sister-in-laws Jean and Connie Carrozza.

Anthony graduated from the Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua, NY in 1951 and pursued his love of cars by working at the Ford dealer in Pleasantville, NY. He then served in the US Army for 2 years and upon his discharge he followed his musical talent with the accordion and piano.

As a professional accordionist he performed at many different functions and went on to open the Carrozza Music Studio in Mamaroneck where he taught music. He was on the Board of the American Accordionists Association.

In the 60’s he formed and conducted the Carrozza Accordion Orchestra made up of young accordion enthusiasts – teenagers and young adults - and they competed in AAA orchestra competitions, were champions many times and gave many concert performances including Carnegie Hall.

Upon his retirement, Anthony Carrozza continued giving private piano and accordion lessons until his Parkinson’s disease put a halt to many things in his life. He deeply loved his family and was very much a family man.

Anthony leaves behind many dear cousins and paisani locally and in Italy. He will be truly missed by all.

The funeral was held Wednesday at the Church of St. John & Mary.
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