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New Friedrich Lips CD Titled Quodlibet Released - Austria/Russia

Quodlibet CD header
Quodlibet CD cover, Friedrich LipsA new CD entitled “Quodlibet” by Friedrich Lips has just been released. This CD contains the music of major Russian composers from the second half of the 20th century to early 21st century.

Catalog: CD029 Quodlibet CD

Tracks list:
1. Mikhail Bronner (*1952) "Katuv“ for bayan, piano and symphony orchestra 37:18 with Symphony Orchestra of the Gnesin Academy RAM conducted by Andrey Lebedev.

2. Suite (1951) Alexander Kholminov (1925-2015) Song 3:44
3. Scherzo 2:49
4. Nocturne 3:37
5. Final

6. Efrem Podgaits (*1949) Odessa-Quodlibet (dedicated to Friedrich Lips) 6:40


Tracks include “Katuv” for bayan, piano and symphony orchestra by Michael Bronner and dedicated to Friedrich Lips and Svyatoslav Lips. The track includes Friedrich Lips (bayan), Svyatoslav Lips (piano) and the Symphony Orchestra of the Gnesin Academy RAM.

The Suite in 4 parts (Song, Scherzo, Nocturne and Finale) by Alexander Kholminov (1925 - 2015) was written in 1951 and immediately became a classic in the repertoire of accordionists. Subsequently, the composer gained great fame as the author of a number of operas, symphonies, choral works, but returned to the bayan only after almost half a century.

“Odessa Quodlibet” is a quartet written by Efrem Podgaits (born in 1949) in 2014 (revised 2018) performed by Friedrich Lips (bayan), Svyatoslav Lips (piano) Kirill Rodin (violoncello) and Vladislav Igolinsky (violin).

Quodlibet is a piece of humorous character, built on a combination of popular melodies. In the annotation to the play, the author writes: “The idea of writing on the themes of Odessa songs belongs to Friedrich Lips. This is a gift from the composer to a friend and favorite performer.”

The city of Odessa is famous for its absolutely distinctive humor and in this work the composer skillfully intertwines popular melodies, to some extent connected with this city, with the mentality of Odessans.

Order online: Catalog: CD029 Quodlibet CD
Friedrich Lips
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