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Polka King Walter Ostanek wins $1M Lottery - Canada

Walter Ostanek"Polka King" and triple Grammy winner Walter Ostanek found out during a break between musical sets at Marineland, Niagara Falls on Tuesday, that he had won the $1-million grand prize in the London Dream Lottery, a fundraiser for local hospitals.

The Polka King now has the riches to suit his royal nickname!

A friend who works the PA system at the amusement park heard the winner’s name on the radio and told Ostanek. ‘Walter, how does it feel to be a millionaire?' Ostanek recalled.

But 81-year-old Walter Ostanek isn’t letting his new found money get in the way of his music at Marineland, where he has entertained visitors for three decades.

In the last 35 years, he’s hosted his own TV and radio shows in Welland, St. Catharines, Hamilton and Kitchener-Waterloo, recorded more than 20 albums and played across Canada, the U.S. and Europe.

Ostanek won three Grammy awards (1992, 1993 and 1994). “He loves what he does, and he won’t change his lifestyle” said his longtime friend and keyboardist in the Ostanek band, Wayne Malton.

His big win gives him comfort knowing he’ll always be able to afford a nursing home for his wife, who is living with dementia. Ostanek plans to continue playing seven days a week at Marineland for as long as he is healthy and the park wants him.
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