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Art Pahl Accordion Festival Tribute by Nephew, Iowa – USA

Sebastian PahlThe 14th annual Art Pahl Accordion Festival was held recently at the Plymouth County Historical Museum in Le Mars, Iowa.

Over a hundred came out for the memorial concert to enjoy a day of accordion music honoring Art Pahl, a locally famous accordionist. Playing music by accordion players throughout the world and showcasing local accordion players, 8 musicians dazzled the audience with polka tunes and classics dating as far back as the roaring 20s.

The late Art Pahl's nephew, Sebastian Pahl (picture left), played in the festival as tribute to his uncle, where he gave some inspiring words for budding accordionists and any amateur musicians.

"I would say go for it, I mean it's fun, it's relaxing and one thing about playing the accordion when you're playing the accordion, or actually any music instrument, is your mind is away. I mean if you have any worries they just disappear", says Sebastian Pahl.

Sebastian said his uncle loved to hear him play and loved to see others enjoying accordion music. Sebastian truly believes the festival is one of the best ways to remember his uncle as the musician he was. Art Pahl passed away in 2003.

“When he was up there I would always listen to him play and then I'd put his accordion on once in a while. He loved to hear me play. That's what he'd really love about this. He'd love to hear me play again. I like to play some of the stuff he played the way he played.

I think I have maybe 25 to 30 accordions because I never know what I'm going to play. So, usually when I'm playing somewhere I take 2 or 3 accordions with me and the button accordion too. But once I start playing, I can keep playing for about 2 to 3 hours straight, steady play. I try to keep my own music but I'll play some of that music but I'll play it my way. That's what keeps it fun!"
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