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Mirco Patarini and Antonio Spaccarotella Leave Shanghai, Concert in Seoul - Korea

Mirco Patarini and Antonio Spaccarotella, were CIA delegates and Italian members of the Coupe Mondiale jury in Shanghai, China. They continued their journey in the East for a concert in Seoul, the capital of South Korea on October 9th, 2011.

For the first time, an accordion concert was held at the new Open Stage Seoul Arts Center. In front of an audience of about 800 people, the two artists thrilled the audience with a repertoire of great variety, ranging from jazz to traditional Italian music, from Baroque transcriptions to original compositions and from the classical to the most important contemporary composers.

Mirco Patarini had already given a concert in Seoul in October 2010, and since then the enthusiasm and interest of accordionists and accordion lovers has continued to grow, forcing the concert organizers to arrange a new concert for 2011. More are planned for the future.
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