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International Music Master Classes, Cividale del Friuli (UD) – Italy

Cividale del FriuliDuring the first wek in August, 1st to 6th, the following courses take place in Cividale del Friuli (UD), Italy:

‘The Metamorphosis of Sound’ workshop, led by accordionist Patrizia Angeloni. Sound involves a network of connections that include hearing, breathing, one's hands and entire body, the voice, sensory organs, brain and psyche: hence a person in his/her entirety. Sound is a functional means in artistic expression and in one's command of a musical instrument.

The workshop centres around practical collective experiences of perception and production of sound, with the intent of refining sensorial impressions and experimenting the relationship between sound and human system, with particular attention paid to musical and instrumental abilities. Moreover, improvisation and listening will experience different sound dimensions in processes and structures of contemporary music. No specific preparation is required and no musical programme is to be presented.

‘Accordion and Improvisation In Balkan Music’, with Aleksander Ipavec - Seminar /Workshop; no specific preparation is required and no musical program is to be

‘Accordion stylistic evolution in Europe from 1950 to 1970’ Seminar/Workshop, led by Sebastiano Zorza; no specific preparation is required and no musical program is to be presented.

Further further information email: Patrizia Angeloni patriziaangeloni@libero.it
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